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Prerelease:Net de Get: Minigame @100

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Net de Get: Minigame @100.

Spaceworld 2000

Net de Get: Minigame @100 was shown off under the title "Minigame Hajimemashita" (ミニゲームはじめました), literally "Glad To Meet You Minigame".

On Nintendo's official Spaceworld 2000 mini-site, under non-Nintendo games shown at the event, two screenshots of the game are present.

The first image is of Guruguru Heart Mogura, one of the 15 minigames present by default in the final release. The second is even more interesting...

NSW2000 Minigame Hajimemashita underwater.gif

...as it depicts an unidentified minigame which is not in the final's default lineup. It is set underwater with a submarine, various sea creatures, and collectible hearts.