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Prerelease:Rygar (NES)

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Rygar (NES).

To do:
There's one more shot on the Unseen64 page, but the screencaps are ant-sized and way, WAY too small to identify anything.
Box Shot Final
Rygarnes box shot.png Rygarnes box shot final.png

The back of the Japanese box shows this shot from the very first area. Nearly everything is different, from the design of the trees to the background mountains. The background seems to resemble the background of the first stage in the arcade original. The tortoise enemies appear to have a long tail or extended back leg. The ground is also a completely different design.

Prerelease Final
Rygarnes prerelease garloz.png Rygarnes prerelease garloz final.png

This place in the Garloz Valley does not quite exist in the final game. The temple entrance does not resemble the ones in the final game and is situated in an inaccessible way; perhaps it is decoration?

Prerelease Final
Rygarnes prerelease mountain.png Rygarnes prerelease mountain final.png

The foreground mountain graphics are very different. The poles are thinner. Despite all this, the rope alcoves are very close to the final game's.

Rygarnes prerelease ad.PNG

An ad with many more prerelease shots.

(Source: Unseen64; Japanese Box Art scan taken from GameFAQs)