Prerelease:Secret of Mana (SNES)
This page details pre-release information and/or media for Secret of Mana (SNES).
EGM Preview
The April 1993 Issue of EGM has a preview of Secret of Mana under the title of "Final Fantasy Adventure 2". The original Seiken Densetsu was localized under the title of Final Fantasy Adventure, but it is unknown if this was an actually considered title at one point or a made-up name given by EGM's staff, as the magazine had a habit of making up English names for untranslated Japanese titles.
The article features two screenshots each showing an area that was not in the final game. Note the unused NPC on the top screenshot.
Additional Image
The following details suggests that this image scanned from an unknown magazine is a mockup, rather than an actual screenshot:
- The sprite has the "fire bloom" spell effect around him while he's casting the lightning spell.
- There's a cloud overlay present, which normally disappears when the spell-casting effects occur.
- All characters are charging their weapons at the same time as doing actions that would normally reset the meter.
The reason this appears to be a mockup is because a normal SNES would not be able to handle all the spell effects on-screen simultaneously; if layering wasn't a problem, then there would be unreasonably heavy slowdown.
Early Maps
Booklet Map
This is a earlier map that was found in a booklet about Square games.
To do: Get an actual source. |
Japanese | Translation |
これが「聖剣2」の世界だ! | This is the world of Seiken 2! |
中央の部分が以前に 2号で紹介したマップ だ。全体ではあれの10 倍以上の広さなわけ。 |
A map of just the middle portion was previously included in issue #2. The entire world is ten times larger. |
こんな場所もある | It's got these areas, too. |
ダンジョン | Dungeon |
仕掛けがいっぱいだ。 | Full of obstacles. |
南国 | Southern Country |
落ちてる骨が不気味 | Creepy bones on the ground. |
雪国 | Snow Country |
ステンドグラスがきれい。 | The stained glass is beautiful. |
Scoop Guide Map
This early map is in the Seiken Densetsu 2 Scoop Guide. Most of the continents look the same, but a lot of the locations and towns are different. Also the desert area is larger and the Tree Palace is missing.
Japanese | Translation |
『聖剣2』ワールドマップ | Seiken 2 World Map |
This is the text that's written above the map.
Japanese | Translation |
各マップごとにストーリーが進行 | The Story Unfolds on Each Map |
マップ上の様々な場所に謎が隠されている。例えば空中にも何かが隠れているかもね。 | There are puzzles hidden all over the map. For example, some things might even be hidden in the air. |
下に紹介してあるのが『聖剣伝説2』のワールドマップとなる。前に本誌の方で紹介したマップとは少し形が違うのにお気付きだろうか。前に紹介したマップよりも陸地が増え、何やら謎めいた場所が増えているのだ。 | Below, you'll find the world map of Seiken Densetsu 2. Did you notice that it differed slightly from the map we'd previously shown off in this publication? There are more continents than before, and it seems there are more mysterious locations. |