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Prerelease:Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis)/GPSGSG Build

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This is a sub-page of Prerelease:Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis).

To do:
See if you can find anymore differences in the GHZ2, GHZ3, MZ, and SLZ pictures.

Game Player's SEGA Genesis Strategy Guide Vol. 2 No. 3

The most notable feature of this build is the combination of the "RING" HUD and the green-centered sunflower, matching the one used in the final game. This build also appears to be from an unknown VHS tape.

Title Screen

The title screen does not have a trademark, like the rest of the prototypes.

Green Hill Zone Act 1

Additionally, in the lower section of Act 1, we see that the Motobug is still in the same position as it was in earlier prototypes. The Invincibility monitor used here in the final is still an Extra Life monitor. The background also utilizes its prototype layout, and the spike set by the spring is now removed.

Green Hill Zone Act 2

The rings in the waterfall before the player gets to the Speed Shoes monitor still have the same layout.

Green Hill Zone Act 3

Act 3 also doesn't look much different from earlier prototypes other than the fight with Dr. Robotnik still using the prototype background placement.

Marble Zone Act 1

Marble Zone seems unchanged in this build.

Star Light Zone Act 1

Star Light Zone looks pretty similar to earlier prototype builds, although the rings at the start are now a little higher than in earlier prototypes. The set of platforms seen in the second screenshot also seem to be different from the earlier builds as well. The chunks are getting finalized as some of the chunks used in this build don't match the chunks from said prototypes.

Star Light Zone Act 2

Star Light Zone Act 3

The area with the yellow springs in Act 3 has now been added in albeit with springs on the ceiling in this build too, which suggests the layout may have changed to a near final one in this build.

(Source: GPSG Vol. 2 No. 3)