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Prerelease:Street Fighter 6/Early Portraits

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This is a sub-page of Prerelease:Street Fighter 6.

In creating the characters' key portraits in Street Fighter 6, the team used their actual in-game models, and added their own graffiti effects onto them, but they also used a lighting technique called three-point lighting, which is the most basic method for character lighting that uses three types of lights: key light, fill light, and rim light (backlight) in combination. Key light serves as the main light source that illuminates the character and is often lit on the part of it that they want to show the most. Fill light has the role of illuminating dark areas that are not illuminated by key lights so it needs to be illuminated with a weaker light. Lastly, rim light is used to highlight the character's outline, as it is mainly used to strengthen the presence and three-dimensionality of it, and to add contrast so that it does not blend into the background in cutscenes.

When the game was announced, it's official website went live. In June 2023, after the PlayStation State of Play broadcast trailer was shown, the site was updated with new info, including what turned out to be early versions of several characters' key portraits.


Pre-release Final
SF6LukePortraitArtworkPrerelease.png SF6LukePortraitArtworkFinal.png

The graffiti is slightly identical, and there are some outlines (which would have made the art more artistic) that were removed for the finalized version.


Pre-release Final
SF6RyuPortraitArtworkPre-release.png SF6RyuPortraitArtworkFinalized.png

A total of 11 lights were used in making Ryu's artwork, though there are also some notable differences on it, as his hair, beard, kasaya and the position of the paint are all slightly identical. Plus, there are outlines that are absent in the final version.


Pre-release Final
SF6JamiePortraitArtworkPrerelease.png SF6JamiePortraitArtworkFinal.png

Again, there are outlines that are not on the final version.