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Prerelease:Street Fighter III: New Generation

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Street Fighter III: New Generation.

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Street Fighter III: New Generation was in development during a March 27, 1996 meeting in Tokyo, and development took more than two years to finish.

Development Timeline


  • Unknown - Development on the game begins.


  • September - Game is announced at the Japan Amusement Machine and Marketing Association show.


  • February 4 - Game is released.
  • March - Game is released in the US.

Pre-Release Differences

Player Select

Pre-release Final
SFIIINGPrereleasePlayerSelect.png SFIIINGFinalPlayerSelect.png

The Player Select screen had a different design in the pre-release builds. The text and timer at the top is different and certain characters (such as Ryu and Necro) have different portraits than their final ones here.

In-Game HUD

Pre-release Build 1 Pre-release Build 2 Pre-release Build 3 Final
SFIIINGArcPrototypeHud.png SFIIINGArcPrototypeHud2.png SFIIINGArcPrototypeHud3.png SFIIINGArcFinalHud.png

The in-game HUD is much different than the final's in the early pre-release builds. The first one is the oldest design, but the differences here are that there's different life bars, and the stun gauge is located directly above each character's portrait. The final version has the stun gauge moved a lot closer to the timer. Also P1's character icon is always facing left here, in the final game, it faces right. Another difference is that some characters (such as Yun) that are close to being finished yet don't receive a HUD icon and Super Art number icon. There are also debug co-ordinates shown on the HUD, at the bottom left and right corners of the screen.

The second one is more artistic, and the third one is closer to the final's, but with some minor color differences.

Pre-Fight Introductions

Before the start of battles, the camera has to move down to show the characters. Pre-release build 1 does not have this.

Super Art Background

Capcom Friendly Club vol.3 Final
SFIII EarlySuper.jpg SFIII FinalSuper.png

Pre-release build 1 (which was featured in the Capcom Friendly Club vol.3 VHS) had a different, flaming background for the Super Arts. The final game opts for a cloudy vortex instead.

(Source: Rage Quitter 87)

Win Screen and "Here Comes A New Challenger!" Text

In early footage, the "Here Comes A New Challenger!" text is pink, rather than the final's red and yellow.

Also, there are no win quotes, plus you can't see as much at the top and bottom of the character art than you can in the final game.