Prerelease:Street Racing Syndicate
This page details pre-release information and/or media for Street Racing Syndicate.
3DO Publisher
Originally, 3DO was meant to publish the game at one point. After they were shut down, Namco acquired SRS instead. Some of the screenshots and the game's early boxart can be seen with their logo.
Semi Trucks
Appears in trailers, but not in the game.
Kazuo's Supra
In the trailers, Kazuo's Toyota Supra (JZA80) used a VeilSide Fortune 03 widebody kit, but in the game, it's using a stock kit. It is unknown why it was changed. Also Kazuo's Supra with widebody can be played in quick race.
Cut Car
A Honda S2000 (AP1) was originally planned to be in this game but was cut. Note the lack of Honda badges, suggesting that the developers was in process of getting the Honda license, only for that to fell through.
E3 2003 Trailer
- At 0:16 and 0:32 you can see an early build of this game and a different license plate.
- At 0:47 is an early HUD and a cut roadblock in the race. However, the LA map was different.
- At 0:56, Miami was different.
2004 Trailer
- At 0:30, the showroom was different.
- At 0:43, the garage was different, it doesn't have dyno.
- At 0:57, respect points in freeroam.
- At 1:17, win pink slips online? Cut feature or replaced money bet? It would be mentioned again in PS2 demo for online but this feature wasn't in final game.
E3 2004
There are two videos showing a beta at E3 2004 and is a bit different.
- At 0:02, the showroom and cars icon was different.
- At 0:57, the HUD looks closer than final version. It had respect points in freeroam.
- At 1:07, the garage looks more dark. This time dyno was added.
- At 0:45, the race meeting was different, you must press a button to enter instead of automatically entering when reached.
- At 0:55, the flag girl looks different.
G4 TV Preview
This build looks very different and looks like an alpha.
- 0:00, alpha Miami map.
- 0:15, unknown city, it's probably the Philippines.
IGN Beta Footage
- At 0:05, nitro can be refilled but in the final it can be refilled by earning respect points.
- Street challenge had a different icon.
- LA is always set at night.
- Garage door is closed. It is unknown why it was changed.
To do: There is a lot of screenshots. |