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Prerelease:Super Mario World (SNES)

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Super Mario World (SNES).

To do:
More scans from unknown magazine(s):

Super Mario World had an interesting development, starting out in 1988 with a very different overworld and closer connections to Super Mario Bros. 3. The game was built off of a port of Super Mario Bros. 3 that was created to test the Super Famicom's hardware capabilities.

(Source: Nintendo Super Mario World Official Guidebook)

Development Timeline

  • October 1988 - Development for Super Mario World begins after the release of Super Mario Bros. 3 in Japan.
  • July 28, 1989 - The game is revealed at the Shoshinkai private press event in Japan.
  • January 1990 - The game is said to have reset development around this time.
  • November 21, 1990 - The game is released in Japan.
  • August 13, 1991 - The game is released in North America.
  • April 11, 1992 - The game is released in Europe.



SMWProto Racoon.jpg
Earlier Build
Red shoes, no gloves
SMWProto GoombaCircleCloud.jpg
Later Build
Hat colored brim


SMW EarlyBulletBill.jpg
1990 Earlier
Pretty close to the final
SMW EarlyBulletBill2.jpg
1990 Later
Closer to the final