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Prerelease:The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind/Art and Textures

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Textures from Hugh Riley's Website

One of the people that helped develop Morrowind early on, Hugh Riley is responsible for many of the very early pre-release mock ups. A few textures from the Pre-release mock ups can still be found on his website....albeit, aside from the Trader's shirtk,

A texture of a "Trader Shirt" made by Hugh Riley.

Red Templar Armor

To do:
  • Describe the final texture that replaced the cuirass in more detail, and what the moth texture was replaced with.

The cut Red Templar's armor, revised into the final game's Imperial Templar armor, has older texture work done for it, including a lot more red in the skirt and a prominent symbol of a Moth as the centerpiece of the cuirass. The moth was replaced by a different texture in the final game. These textures were posted to Hugh Riley's online portfolio around the time of Morrowind's release.

Unused HUD Icons

To do:
  • Better formatting
  • Find the other icons

Morrowind's UI went several revisions through the course of the game's development, including the icons used for skills, attributes, spells, and other elements of the UI. While most of these icons haven't been archived yet (fingers crossed), Bethesda published a collection of the early skill icons on the Morrowind website before release.

Early Skill Icons
Armorer Athletics Axe Block Blunt Heavy Armor Long Blade Medium Armor Spear
Armorer Athletics Axe Block Blunt Heavy Armor Long Blade Medium Armor Spear
Alchemy Alteration Conjuration Destruction Enchant Illusion Mysticism Restoration Unarmored
Alchemy Alteration Conjuration Destruction Enchant Illusion Mysticism Restoration Unarmored
Acrobatics Hand to Hand Light Armor Marksman Mercantile Security Short Blade Sneak Speechcraft
Acrobatics Hand to Hand Light Armor Marksman Mercantile Security Short Blade Sneak Speechcraft