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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Wii.

To do:
* Show off the early remote designs from the July 20, 2021 Nintendo leaks. Also show off the early names from same leak.


Some of the earliest documents in the ATI Tako/Vegas tree leaked as part of the Nintendo leaks mention "GC2", or GameCube 2. This appears to have only been used in very early hardware development, circa 2003.

According to the "Wii Terminology" document included with the SDK, before the abbreviation "RVL" was settled on (for "Revolution"), developers used "NNGC" instead.[1]

In an interview with Steven L. Kent, it was stated that

Nintendo is working on its next-generation system. Allow me to call it GCNext or GCN. The abilities of GCNext will be different from what you have seen from consoles in the past. What Nintendo is currently discussing is not about state-of-the-art technology for enhancing processing power. But what I, Miyamoto, and Mr. Takeda [engineering leader Genyo Takeda] are discussing is what should be done to entertain people in a new way; and in order to achieve this, what functionality must be added to our current technology.

— Satoru Iwata (April 11, 2004)[2]

E3 2005


Debuting as the Revolution, Nintendo only showed the console. In the press release, Nintendo mentions specifications that are identical to the final release (512MB internal flash memory, 2 USB 2.0 ports, etc.). However, it mentions one feature that seems to have been dropped from here onwards: an accessory for the playing of movies and other DVD content.[3]

Another lost feature was the availability of multiple colors at launch. Although Nintendo focused mainly on the black-colored Revolution, green, red, silver, and white versions were shown with allegedly a platinum color announced.[4] [5]

Tokyo Game Show 2005

Wii-RevolutionRemote.jpg Wii-RevolutionNunchuk.jpg

Revealed at TGS 2005 was the controller for the Revolution. Differences to the final controller include "START" and "SELECT" instead of + and -, much like previous Nintendo controllers; lowercase "a" and "b" buttons (later used on the Classic Controller) instead of 1 and 2, possibly changed as to avoid confusion with the A and B buttons; and the Power button is rectangular, rather than circular. The player indicator lights are indicated by numbers, rather than bumps, and the Nunchuk port is thinner. This early Wii Remote also has no speaker yet. Finally, the HOME button has a blue dot on it, rather than a house icon.


  1. "NNGC (development abbreviation before RVL was settled on)" Wii Terminology (v3.0, 2007/04/24)
  2. Nintendo's New Direction, Gamespy, April 11, 2004
  3. "Owners will have the option of equipping a small, self-contained attachment to play movies and other DVD content." NEWS RELEASE
  4. レボリューション
  5. [1]


(bound to be more, include patents)
