This is a sub-page of Proto:Angry Birds Star Wars.
In the latest prototype build (and the debug patch with the manuals), the provided executables are debug enabled, granting access to features removed from the final game.
A debug menu can be accessed, granting a variety of options to tweak the game or progress. Text in the menu will be offscreen if containing more than 33 characters which would be the case on PS3 since the game only supports a max resolution of 720p.
Left Bumper + Right Bumper: Open Debug Menu
D-Pad Up/Down: Move option
D-Pad Left/Right: Toggle option
Accept: Execute option
Back: Returns back
Option |
Stats |
Rendering stats. With all enabled, the format of the display is ordered like this:
%s: %dK / %dK
VRAM: %dK / %dK
TObjectWorld count: %d (peak %d max %d)
RenderObjectData count: %d (peak %d max %d)
%.1f FPS
%.3fs Async Load Time
%.3f saves per minute
%d voices %dms last stream time
%dch %s %s: %s %.2fs
Option |
Description |
Framerate |
Enables the framerate display on the debug HUD |
Draws an FPS display.
Memory Stats |
Enables memory stats on the debug HUD |
Draws a display for the memory stats.
Render Safe Zone |
Enables the rendering for platform safe zones |
Renders the safe zone of the platform (?).
Sound stats |
Sound stats! |
Draws a display for the sound stats.
Async Load Times |
Displays the timing for async loads |
Draws a display for the Async load timing.
Save Frequency |
Displays the save frequency (saves per minute) |
Draws a display for save data writes per minute.
Gameplay |
Gameplay toggles.
Option |
Description |
Switch Language |
Switch the language. Note that some strings are cached, and may not refresh
Changes the game language for displaying text. the following can be used:
No Override
Spanish (US)
Portuguese (Brazil)
String IDs
No override enforces the console localization while String IDs show the string IDs of text, this one is bugged as changing from No Override to English makes the game consider No Override String IDs. Arabic and Russian notably renders incorrectly.
Unlock All |
Unlock all episodes and levels |
Flag to unlock all episodes and levels for the session.
Hide HUD |
Hide the HUD. Useful for screenshots, etc |
Flag to hide the in-game HUD, the retry button is still visible however.
Hide Debug Cursor |
Hide the Debug Cursor |
Hides the debug cursor, a small square texture for highlighting a button.
Score Attack Test |
Start a score attack game |
Coop Test |
Start a coop game |
Show Speedup Av |
Displays whether speedup is available |
Draws a display to show if fast forwarding a player's session is possible.
Show Quickstart |
Shows which quickstart level is teed up
Draws a display for the level to continue to in this format:
QuickStart Current : %s. Saved : %s
The string after Current is the level ID, while Saved is unknown.
Audio |
Audio tests.
Option |
Description |
Surround Test |
Test surround sound |
Plays the SurroundTest audio file.
Sound Test |
Test sound |
First unmutes the game volume then between Low and High volume per use.
Achievements |
Achievement unlock flags for the profile.
Option |
Description |
Achievement to Unlock |
Selects achievement to unlock. |
Chooses the achievement ID for the below, Accept increases the value by 1.
Unlock selected achievement |
Unlocks achievement selected above |
Unlocks the achievement ID from the above value.
Unlock all achievements |
Unlock all achievement |
Mock achievement values |
Switches between mock and actual achievement limits |
Display Achievement Stats |
Displays the progress towards a number of achievements
Draws a display for the below achievement stats.
Number of blocks smashed by saber: %d
Number of blocks smashed using the Force: %d
Number of blocks smashed with the blaster: %d
Number of blocks smashed with the pilots: %d
Number of blocks smashed by Chewy: %d
Number of blocks smashed by Leia: %d
Total time played: %.2f hours
Number of Millennium Falcon uses: %d
Number of birds launched: %d
Number of stormtroopers popped: %d
Total Number of restarts: %d
Total Score (%s): %d
4999 Birds Fired |
Set the number of birds fired to 4999 |
Does the following, despite being treated as a flag, performs a save write.
Bonus Content |
Only has one option.
Option |
Description |
Unlock All Content |
Unlocks all bonus content |
Unlocks all extras for the save file, trailers, artwork and concept art.
Cheats |
Bet you'll know what these do.
Option |
Description |
Get 3 stars for all |
Get 3 stars for all levels except the last one in the episode |
Unlocks almost every level with a 3-star rating and also gives levels a golden Millennium Falcon medal.
Unlock Sticker |
Unlock random sticker |
Unlocks a random sticker for the sticker collection.
Give mighty falcons |
Give 10 mighty falcons |
Select debug episode |
Select the episode that the below options will operate on
Selects the episode the below options will be used on. The below can be used.
Death Star
Cloud City
Bobba Fett
Path of the Jedi
Exclusive Levels
Bonus Levels
Complete all except last |
Complete all levels of the above episode except the last |
Completes almost all levels with 1-star scores.
Get 3 stars for all except last |
Get 3 stars for all levels in the above episode except the last |
Completes almost all levels with 3-star scores.
Falcon all except last |
Get a falcon score for all levels in the above episode except the last |
Completes almost all levels with a golden Millennium Falcon medal.
Give 10,000 points |
give the current player 10,000 points |
Only has effect in-game.
Smoke testing. It's probably a bad idea to execute this during licensor logos or when accessing locked levels. Displays the below string when started:
Smoke Test %s
The string is the level ID, none is displayed when no level was loaded.
Option |
Description |
Singleplayer Start |
Returns to main menu and starts smoke test |
Continues from the current level in progress and executes (?), choosing this when not having a last level played will crash the game upon entering the level pack.
Multiplayer Start |
Returns to main menu and starts multiplayer ST |
Mighty Falcon Start |
Returns to main menu and starts Falcon SmokeTest |
Bug 3412 Start |
Automated repro attempt on bug #3412 |
Loads level 3-40, executes some kind of Mighty Falcon bug?
Stop |
Stops smoke test |
Stops the current smoke test.
Extra Fast |
Speeds up test. Sometimes causes false bugs (particularly audio). |
Speeds up the current smoke test.
Physics |
Game physics.
Option |
Description |
Show sleeping objects |
Highlight sleeping physics objects |
Draws hitboxes of untouched objects, like the original game.
Save physics state |
Save physics state to disc |
Saves a DAT file with the physics state to levels/, a subfolder is used in a level pack. If a folder or subfolder does not exist on the disc, the game will crash.
Load physics state |
Reload physics state from disc |
Loads the DAT file with the physics state in levels/ if present, a subfolder is used in a level pack.
- Licensor movies can be skipped.