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Proto:BFDI: Branches

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This page details one or more prototype versions of BFDI: Branches.

Download.png Download Prototype PCK
File: Prototype_BFDI-_Branches.zip (8.87 MB) (info)


This game has a prototype from 4 days after the game started proper development, only containing a title screen and level editor.

The title screen has remained mostly unchanged since this build. It had a background and the game logo along with a non-functioning selection menu that had the story mode, online levels, level editor, and settings; pressing space would boot you into the level editor.

The title screen shown in the prototype

The level editor enabled you to pick between 10 objects, and you could only play as Firey.

(Source: [1])

How to use

Simply replace the bfdibranches.pck file with the PCK in the zip file. Then run the game. (Make sure to back up your original PCK!)