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This page details one or more prototype versions of FireStriker.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

A localization prototype of FireStriker originally surfaced via the scene group Premiere on May 15, 1994. An EPROM cartridge containing an identical build was later found and dumped.

Title Screen

Japan US Proto US Final
HolyStriker Title.png FireStrikerProto Title.png FireStriker Title.png

The title screen still has the Japanese layout and does not yet have its unique logo.


The script is in a very rough state and the text is formatted differently throughout.


Proto Final
FireStrikerProto Intro1.png FireStriker Intro1.png
FireStrikerProto Intro2.png FireStriker Intro2.png
FireStrikerProto Intro3.png FireStriker Intro3.png
FireStrikerProto Intro4.png FireStriker Intro4.png
FireStrikerProto Intro5.png FireStriker Intro5.png
FireStrikerProto Intro6.png FireStriker Intro6.png
FireStrikerProto Intro7.png FireStriker Intro7.png
FireStrikerProto Intro8.png FireStriker Intro8.png
FireStrikerProto Intro9.png FireStriker Intro9.png
FireStriker Intro10.png
FireStrikerProto Intro10.png FireStriker Intro11.png
FireStrikerProto Intro11.png FireStriker Intro12.png
FireStrikerProto Intro12.png FireStriker Intro13.png
FireStrikerProto Intro13.png FireStriker Intro14.png
FireStrikerProto Intro14.png FireStriker Intro15.png
FireStrikerProto Intro15.png FireStriker Intro16.png