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Proto:Friday Night Funkin'/October 28th build

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Friday Night Funkin'.

A prototype build of Friday Night Funkin' dated October 28, 2020 was compiled from old source code on the game's Github page. Despite being dated only a few days before the Week 2 update came out, it has a lot of differences from the final release, and is also very buggy and incomplete.

General Differences

  • The application icon is the default icon for HaxeFlixel games. The Ludum Dare icon is present in the source code, but not the compiled build.
  • The intro sequence has been implemented, though the title screen is still the Ludum Dare version.
  • The IN ASSOCIATION WITH NEWGROUNDS part of the intro doesn't show the Newgrounds logo.
  • There's only one boot message: shoutouts tom fulp--lmao
  • The title screen music is now the same as the final version.
Proto Current
FNF-ProtoFreeplayMenu.png That's quite the difference.
  • Pressing Enter takes you to an early version of the Freeplay menu that has a checkerboard background and uses the old title screen music. You have to press Space to select a song.
  • Four more songs have been implemented: Dadbattle, Tutorial, Spookeez, and South.
  • Boyfriend and Girlfriend's sprites have been finalized.
  • The game over screen has been finalized.
  • The scoring system is now present, replacing the combo system from the Ludum Dare prototype.
  • Boyfriend still does the V-pose in every song, even though there's no purpose for it anymore.
  • The pause screen has been implemented, though there are no options yet.
Proto Current
  • Pressing Esc during a song brings you to the chart editor, which has a few differences.
    • The character icons at the top of the chart are missing, as well as the line dividing the two parts of the chart.
    • The text in the top right corner shows the song's BPM instead of what part of the song is selected.
    • The options in the 'Sections' tab are arranged differently, and the Change BPM, Clear, Swap Section, and Alt Animation options are all absent.
    • The Load Autosave and Mute Instrumental options in the Song tab are absent.


  • Pressing 8 during a song brings you to an early version of the animation debug menu. It seems to only have Boyfriend.
  • There's a bug where if you miss a note, the vocals become muted until you hit another note.
  • Characters go back to their idle animations very quickly after hitting a note.


  • Pressing \, F2, or ` anywhere causes the default HaxeFlixel debug menu to appear. This does not happen in builds made before or after this.


  • There are a few notes that are on the wrong side.
  • The extra-long notes have been changed to right notes.
  • The infamous left note is now present, though it's on Boyfriend's side instead of Daddy Dearest's.
  • The last set of notes is no longer missing.
  • At the end of the song, the game acts like it's going to go to Fresh, but it just restarts the song from the beginning instead.


  • A couple of notes in the chorus have been changed.
  • The last note has been removed.


  • The charting is different in a few places.
  • Daddy Dearest sings Boyfriend's part at one point. Later on, Boyfriend and Daddy Dearest sing each other's parts.
  • The last set of notes is missing, much like how Bopeebo was in the Ludum Dare prototype.
  • At the end of the song, Boyfriend and Girlfriend freeze and the song repeats itself.


Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Why does it crash though?

This song is broken. When you attempt to play it, the game throws up an error saying that tutorial.json doesn't exist and crashes, even though it does exist.


  • The song uses the Week 1 background, due to the Week 2 background not being implemented yet. This also applies to South.
  • Like in Dadbattle, Boyfriend sings Skid and Pump's part at one point.
  • Just like Dadbattle, the last part of the chart is missing, though in this case, the entire last section of the chart is missing rather than just the last two turns.
  • At the end of the song, everyone freezes and the song restarts itself.



  • Everything is transparent for some reason.
  • There are a few missing notes.
  • After the song ends, the same thing happens as with Spookeez.


This test song is present in the build. Unfortunately, it's broken like in the final version. The music files aren't present in the compiled build, but can be found in the source code. The song still doesn't work even if you add them in, though.