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Proto:Gods (Amiga)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Gods (Amiga).

Gods Demo AmigaTitle.png

Gods: The 4 A.M. Mix is a pre-release demo of Gods that was released for Atari ST, Amiga, and DOS via magazine coverdisks. It features a unique level largely based on the layout of the first level of the final game, but there are many changes and graphical differences compared to the released game.

Level Differences

There are differences between all three demos, but broadly speaking the ST and DOS versions seem to be based on the same original map file (the older version of the first level visible in the final game's "B" map), while the Amiga version seems to be based on a newer version of the map.

  • The player is told to gather three items and bring them to the new crypt room.
  • There are five new rooms to enter compared to the final level.
  • The ST and DOS versions have flaming torches lining the walls. The map files for the final game show these were once in the exact same place in the first level of the final game, suggesting these demo versions are based on an older map file.

Gods Demo AtariTorch.gif

  • Unused areas of the original level one map have been completely deleted. Strangely, trapdoor objects have been missed during this cleanup work, and still exist floating in the void at the same places they are in the final game map.
  • Most enemies appear in the same places and patterns as the final level. However, the ape-type enemies spawn throughout rather than the alien-esque ones used here in the final. Enemies are also generally tougher and take more hits to kill than in the final.
  • The moving platform that allows access to the secret switch at the end of the first world is missing.
  • The "cow head" wall-mounted enemies are found in several places in the level with alcoves created in walls to accommodate them. They do not appear this early in the final game.
  • Switches that affect parts of the final game that are now cut off are repurposed for different behavior. F,or example the hidden switches in world two now open a sliding wall to the right of the demo.
  • Shop item inventory seems to be different between demo versions.

Amiga Demo Map

Gods Demo AmigaMap.png

(Source: Jotd (map))

Audio Differences

  • The main character does not have his death scream yet.
  • The flying enemies do not have their scream when killed.
  • Collecting bonus items has a different, more synthetic sound effect.
  • Different teleport sound
  • Different shop purchase/bonus points tallying sound.
  • Switch activation sound is slightly different.

Graphical Differences

  • The top of the level features a futuristic-looking metallic platform graphic that is not used at all in the final game.
Demo Final
Gods Demo Platform.png Gods (Amiga) Platform.png
  • As mentioned above, the ST and DOS versions include the flaming torch graphic that is unused in the final game.
  • In the ST version only, an earlier graphic for the hint message collectable is used. Gods Demo AtariHint.png
  • The ST version has "balls" on the top of ladders. This is odd as they are missing in the final ST version, and were a new addition only for the Amiga and DOS versions.
Amiga Atari ST
Gods Demo AmigaStart.png Gods Demo AtariStart.png

The start of the Amiga and Atari demos. Note the addition of the flaming torch graphic in the ST version, the different hint icon graphic and the fact the ST version has the newer ladder graphic missing from the final ST game.

Presentation Differences

  • Amiga - begins with the picture of the hero's helmet as used in the final game as the background for the title screens, and "Into the Wonderful" plays. However, there is no title or credits. Pressing the mouse button advances the game to the next stage, which oddly is the title sequence and credits with the same background like in the final game, but now silent without the music playing. Finally, the demo proper loads.
  • Atari ST - the title and credits show on a black background, and then the demo itself loads. There is no music.
  • DOS - Simply shows the demo title with the helmet background, and then the demo itself loads. There are no credits or music. Has the large permanent HUD at the bottom of the screen as per the final DOS version.