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Proto:Gods (SNES)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Gods (SNES).

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: This is probably just scraping the surface. Someone more familiar with the game should probably investigate further.

A prototype of Gods dated September 10, 1992.

(Source: SNES Central)

General Differences

  • The palette differs throughout. For example, the intro:
Proto Final
Gods SNES Proto Intro.png Gods SNES Intro.png
  • The password screen includes vowels, resulting in eight columns of five characters instead of the 7×5 of the final:
Proto Final
Gods SNES Proto Password.png Gods SNES Password.png
  • A hidden credit is present at 0x7FC0. It was removed from the final ROM:
Gods (c) '92 Renegade

Visual Differences

Proto Final
Gods SNES Proto Licensed.png Gods SNES Licensed.png

The "Licensed by Nintendo" text is positioned differently.

Proto Final
Gods SNES Proto Title.png Gods SNES Title.png

The text on the title screen is also positioned differently and the prototype has an additional copyright string: "Licensed to Nintendo by Mindscape Inc." This string , which still remains in the final version, but goes unused.

Proto Final
Gods SNES Proto Paused.png Gods SNES Paused.png

As mentioned before, the palette greatly differs from the final game. Additionally, the "Paused" text is positioned differently and some graphics were changed.