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Proto:Half-Life: Blue Shift (PC)/September 10th 2000 Prototype

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Half-Life: Blue Shift (PC).

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
  • Fill in this page with information from Marphy's stream and the documentation website. (Make sure to leave out stuff pertaining to the base Dreamcast port, such as the earlier Barney and Scientist models, as that belongs on the Dreamcast page)
Blueshift Sep10 Proto MainMenu.png

This build was compiled on September 10th, 2000 for the Dreamcast and is build 1417. It is an early build of what would become Blue-Shift. The Half-Life Dreamcast Port disc contains two folders, one labelled VALVE which contains a port of the original game, and one labelled BARNEY which contains the early Blue-Shift build featured here.

This build contains significant major differences from the final product.


Blue-Shift Flashlight.png
Unused Models
The fabled Guard-Duty Flashlight, as well as...Player models?!
Blue-Shift Proto AGRUNT.png
Graphical Differences
Some models and textures have changed.
Blue-Shift Gmanteaser.png
Map Differences

Sound differences

To do:
Add Cut Otis lines and other misc sound differences