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Proto:Half-Life (Windows)/Build 725 (Oct 19, 1998)/Bugs Bugs Bugs

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Half-Life (Windows)/Build 725 (Oct 19, 1998).

Bugs Bugs Bugs.doc

Bugs, Bugs, Bugs

  1. Write down any bugs that you observed during your game testing. From beginning to end, what areas did you notice issues in? Try to be as detailed as possible. Include all the steps you took in order to get the bug you found. Please try to follow this format when writing up your bugs.

Problem Summary: A brief summary of the bug.

Detailed Description: A thorough explanation of what you did to find the bug and what result you received.

Version: Build number. It's displayed in the top right of your screen when you pull down the console. You can access the console by hitting the tilda '~' key.

Reproducible: Was your bug reproducible? Could you get it to happen again?

Levels: What level where you playing on? To find out, bring down the console and type 'status'. This will give you the level name, along with some other info.

System Config: What OS are you running? How much system RAM do you have? What video & sound cards are you running with?

**Additional Info**
Contact Information: Please include your contact information with the bugs you send. Your name, e-mail and phone number. This will help us keep track of who 's writing up bugs and what systems it's having issues with.

Send all of these bugs to bugs@valvesoftware.com