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Proto:Kingsley's Adventure

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Kingsley's Adventure.

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

A prototype of Kingsley's Adventure dated May 2, 1999 was released as part of Project Deluge by Hidden Palace on April 17, 2021.

To do:
Take a closer look at the rest of the game.


  • The game has dongle protection and requires a patch to be playable.
  • There is no title screen and you are taken to the main menu after the splash screen.
  • The splash screen is smaller, uses a different logo and has several other alterations when compared to the final version.
Proto Final
Kingsley Splash Proto.png Kingsley Splash Final.png
  • The Game Over and Ending FMVs are missing (DIED.STR and EXTRO.STR).
  • Included on the disc is "OUTRO.STR", the ending for Blast Radius, another game by Psygnosis.
  • The Startup and Credits music tracks are also missing. Additionally most tracks were edited to loop once before fading for the final game.
  • After beating the final boss, the game hangs on a black screen.

Debug Features

To do:
Figure out how exactly the debug options work, if at all.
  • After selecting "Start Game" from the main menu, pressing Down on the following screen brings up a level select.
Kingsley LevelSelect Proto.png
Sea Town - Gallagher Start
Poorluck - Snuff Start
Beermonks - Clarence Start
Aphasia - Reggie Start
Sea Town - All sub bosses defeated
Carrot Castle Grounds
Cutlass Isle
Skull Island
  • Selecting "Load Game" and pressing Down twice on the following screen brings up a "Test Save Code" option.
Kingsley TestSaveCode Proto.png
  • The pause screen displays the name of the current room.
Kingsley PauseArea Proto.png
  • A cheat/debug menu can be accessed in the inventory by pressing Down.
Kingsley CheatMenu Proto.png
Option Effect
Cheat Gives access to all 4 weapons.
Invulnerable Self explanatory. Since falling into pits won't kill you, the option must be toggled off to get back out.
Player Debug
GFX Debug


  • The coins have a plain design in the prototype.
Proto Final
Kingsley Coins Proto.png Kingsley Coins Final.png