Proto:Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals/Alunze part 1
This is a sub-page of Proto:Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals.
Nikoru / Koniru
To do: Under construction. Add shop inventory, etc. |
An unused village!
The outside map displays Nikoru (ニコル), while the interior map displays Koniru (コニル). The developers made a byteswap typo (a similar mistake was made in another area), and as these are the only two references to the village name, the correct one is unknown.
It appears this town is a very old leftover; considering the explanations of how skills work. Even in this prototype, skills don't work this way! Additionally, the Dōjo Master's advice that there are other Skill Dōjos around the world with other skills available, and to seek them out, would seem to reinforce this fact since while there are other Skill Dōjos in other towns, they all carry the exact same list of items (which happen to actually be skill ring tools). Presumably the developers were going to have players buy something similar to IP Skills in shops and equip them, but then hot-swapped this slot over to tools, and then removed the slot completely in preference to something similar to the original idea, with skills being tied to equipment instead.
When you first enter, Foomy Woods is added to the Warp list. Visiting Foomy Woods itself doesn't do this. Foomy Woods occupies location index $0E in the retail version which is used by Nikoru (outside map) in the prototype - further possible evidence that this village was in the process of being deleted.
Villager dialogue:
- Old man at entrance
Japanese | English |
Old man: お若いの。見たところ剣士の ようじゃが、『スキル』を 知っておるかな? |
Old man: Young man, from only just looking at you it seems like you're a swordsman. Do you know what skills are, I wonder? |
<option 1> 知らない <option 2> 知ってる |
<option 1> I don't know <option 2> I know |
(selected first option) Maxim: いえ、はじめて聞きましたが……。 |
(selected first option) Maxim: No, this is the first time I've heard of them. |
Old man: 戦う者ならば、スキルを 身につける事は大切じゃ。 この村の奥にスキル道場がある。 一度行ってみなされ。 |
Old man: If you're a warrior, skills are important. There's a skill Dōjo in the middle of this village. Please visit there at least once. |
(selected second option) そうか、知っておったか。 さすがじゃな……。 |
(selected second option) So you've already heard. As would be expected... |
- Boy with pink hair
Japanese | English |
俺は、『バーサーク』のスキルを この村で身につけたぜ。 これを使えば、戦闘力が一気に 2倍だぜ! |
I learned the "Berserk" skill in this village! If I use it, my fighting strength doubles in one fell swoop! |
もっとも、敵味方関係なく、 あばれまくるのが、こまり もんだけどな。 |
Although I end up attacking friend and foe alike, that's a bit of a problem, isn't it? |
- Woman in green dress
Japanese | English |
あーあ。もっとモテるようになれる スキルがあればなぁ……。 |
Ahh. To become more popular... If I only had some skills... |
- Girl with green hair
Japanese | English |
あたしもスキルをもってるの。 それはね、『おねだりのスキル』 でも、これは子供ならだれでも 持ってるんだって。 |
I also know some skills. That is, the "begging skill", but that's only because it's a skill that all children have. |
- Boy with red hair
Japanese | English |
早くおとなになれるスキルって ないのかなぁ。 |
I wonder why they don't they have a skill that'll make me grow up faster... |
- Priest
Japanese | English |
教会は、ありませんが、 神はどこにでも、いるのです。 さて、きょうはどんなご用ですか? (open SAVE CURE LIFT menu) |
We may not have a church, but the Gods are everywhere. Now then, what would you like me to do today? (open SAVE CURE LIFT menu) |
Interior rooms:
- Innkeeper
Japanese | English |
いらっしゃいませ。 一泊15GOLDです。 |
Welcome! One night is 15 gold. |
<option 1>泊まる <option 2>泊まらない |
<option 1>Stay <option 2>Don't stay |
(selected first option, rest at inn for 15 Gold) (selected second option, end) |
(selected first option, rest at inn for 15 Gold) (selected second option, end) |
- Shopkeeper
Japanese | English |
良く来たね。この村に来たなら、武器 もいいけど、スキルを身につける事を おすすめするよ。 ところで何にします? (open shop ID $06) |
Thank you for coming. While the weapons in this village are good, I'd recommend you learn some skills too. What would you like? (open shop ID $06) |
- Man in skills shop with blue hair
Japanese | English |
ここは、スキル道場です。 よろしければ、スキルについての くわしい説明をいたしますが? |
This is the skill Dōjo. Does sir desire a detailed explanation of them? |
<1st option>説明を聞く <2nd option>説明を聞かない |
<1st option>Explain <2nd option>Don't explain |
(selected first option) スキルは、スキル道場のしはんが、 あなたの体に直接送りこむ、 ふしぎな力なのです。 |
(selected first option) I am the skill Dōjo master, I can implant them directly into your body. They are mysterious powers. |
スキルを身につけると、その能力が 使えるようになります。 |
Once you learn a skill, you'll be able to use it. |
たとえば、ここのでは『バーサーク』 のスキルを教えています。 これを身につけると戦闘の攻撃力が 2倍になります。 |
For example, if I teach you the "Berserk" skill, your offensive power will double in battle. |
あと、ここでは、教えていませんが、 ダンジョンの落とし穴を見つけるスキル とか、モンスターの弱点を見ぬくスキル などもあります。 |
Others available are the "Dungeon Trap Revealing" skill, and the "Monster Weak-point Revealing" skill. |
最初に説明しましたが、スキルとは、 スキル道場のしはんが、あなたの体 に直接送りこむ、ふしぎな力です。 |
But first, the explanation; I am the skill Dōjo master, I can implant them directly into your body. |
ですから、スキルは一人が2つまでしか 身につける事が出来ません。 |
Because of that, each person in your party can learn a maximum of only two skills each. |
もし、すでに2つのスキルを身につけて いて、さらに違うスキルを身につけたい 時は、今までのスキルをすてる事になり ます。 |
If you've already learned two skills, and want to change them, you can unlearn the skills you've already learned up until now. |
武器や防具のように、はずしてとって おく事はできません。 一度すてたスキルは、また道場に行か なくては身につかないのです。 |
Unlike weapons and armor, you can't equip and unequip them. Once you unlearn them, you must come back to a Dōjo to learn them again. |
スキル道場は世界中にあり、いろいろな 種類のスキルを教えています。 旅先で道場を見かけたら、一度は行って みるといいですよ。 |
There are skill Dōjos all over the world, with various kinds of skills they can teach you. If you happen to see one in your travels, you should see what skills they have to offer. |
(selected 2nd option) 説明が必要でしたら、 いつでも言ってください。 |
(selected 2nd option) If you desire an explanation, you may speak to me at any time. |
- Skills shop owner
Japanese | English |
よくぞまいられた。 それぞれのスキルについての説明は カーソルをあわせて青いボタンを押 すとわかるぞ。 (open shop ID $07) |
How nice that you've come to my humble shop. For an explanation of each of these skills, if you place the cursor over them and press the blue button, you'll come to understand. (open shop ID $07) |
- Unknown NPC speaker, likely to be the skills shop owner, unused text? The event script commands suggest this text is supposed to appear after exiting the skills shop menu. But exiting a shop ends the current script(?)
Japanese | English |
よし。それでは、スキルを送りこむ。 目をとじて、精神を集中しておれ。 よいか、ゆくぞ……きぇぇ〜〜ぃ! |
Alright. Now then, to implant the skill properly. Close your eyes and concentrate. Good? Here we go...Kyeee〜〜i! |
よーし。おわりじゃ。これで『』のスキルを 身につける事ができたはずだ。 |
Alright! We're finished. From that, you should be able to do the "" skill now. |
- Traveler at inn
Note that "Mūsu" is the Japanese name for the capsule monster who became "Jelze" in the English translation, who resides in "Foomy's Woods" instead of "Mūsu's Forest".
Japanese | English |
Traveler: 俺は、『ムースの森』と呼ばれる場所 を探して旅をしているんだ。 どうやら、この村の近くにあるらしい だけど、知らないかい? |
Traveler: I'm searching for a place called "Mūsu's Forest". It seems like it's near this village, do you know where it is? |
Maxim: いえ、知りませんが……ところで、 その『ムースの森』と言うのは、 何なんです? |
Maxim: No, I don't. By the way, what exactly is "Mūsu's Forest"? |
Traveler: 『ムース』って言うのは、その森に 住む精霊の名前なのさ。 |
Traveler: "Mūsu" is the name of the spirit that lives there. |
そのムースを仲間にできれば、戦闘の 時に一緒に戦ってくれるんだ。 でも、ムースがふしぎなのは戦いの 後なんだよ。 |
If you befriend him, he'll fight together with you in battle. But because he's a bit odd, he'll always fight from the rear. |
倒したモンスターが、たまにアイテム を落とすだろう。 その中には、ムースに使うと、彼らが 変身する物もあるんだ。 |
A beaten monster will occasionally drop an item. If you use those items on Mūsu, his body will transform. |
いろんなアイテムを使うと、どんどん 変身をくりかえして強くなるらしいよ。 それが、ムースのふしぎな所なんだ。 |
If you use various items over-and-over, he'll transform rapidly and become strong. That's what Mūsu's mysterious power is. |
そのムースを仲間にしたいんだけど、 ……どこにいるのかなぁ。 |
That's why I want to become Mūsu's friend...I wonder where he lives? |
- Man in skills shop with pink hair
Japanese | English |
『ヒロイズム』のスキルは、パーティに 女の子がいる時は、身につけておきたい よなぁ。 |
I want to learn the "Heroism" skill for when I'm in a party with girls. |
- Village elder
Japanese | English |
この村の北にあるアルンゼ王国では まもなく国王のたい冠式があるそう じゃ。ぜひとも、見たいものじゃのう。 |
In the Alunze Kingdom to the north of this village, I've heard that there's a going to be coronation ceremony soon. It's something one simply must want to see, right? |
Here's where you end up when you leave:
Another screenshot while paused and Maxim's sprite removed, this single small patch of forest in the middle of the desert marks the previous(?) location of the village:
Shop Inventory
In addition to a Skills shop, this village has a shop with the following inventory:
ID Name Cost 0001 Potion 8 Gold 0006 Antidote 6 Gold 0007 Awake 10 Gold 0008 Shriek 5 Gold 0009 Mystery pin 30 Gold 000A Warp 150 Gold 000B Escape 200 Gold 00FD Battle knife 250 Gold 00FE Dagger 500 Gold 00FF Mace 700 Gold 0101 Long knife 900 Gold 0102 Wire 1000 Gold 003B Cloth 140 Gold 003C Hide armor 250 Gold 003E Frock 400 Gold 003F Robe 450 Gold 0073 Cap 240 Gold 0074 Cloth helmet 400 Gold 00C6 Chop board 30 Gold 00C7 Small shield 100 Gold 00C8 Hide shield 400 Gold
This list is a mixture of what's sold in Sundletan and Alunze Kingdom - exactly what you would expect for a village located between the two. There's no unique items; everything here can be found at the two aforementioned locations combined.