Proto:Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals/Alunze part 2
This is a sub-page of Proto:Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals.
Alunze Castle Basement
Alunze Castle B2
Prototype | Retail JP |
Map changes:
- The Southwest treasure chest is where you receive the bomb skill in the retail version, and the room is slightly larger to include the message box. Different carpet design and treasure chest palette, too.
- A breakable wall leading to the Eastern section exists in the retail version to act as a test of your newly obtained skill.
- In the Eastern room, several walls had a minor adjustment.
- The Northeast treasure chest isn't obtainable on the first visit in the retail version. You need the Hook skill to reach it.
- The retail version fixes the shadows behind doors.
- Blank space between areas is dark grey in the prototype, changed to black in the retail version.
Alunze Castle B3
Prototype | Retail JP |
Prototype | Retail JP |
The puzzle for the Northeast room is unfinished in the prototype. None of the required raised spike tiles exist anywhere on the map, and it's not possible to interact with the pot or switch in the subroom. Assuming the spikes would raise by weighing down the switch, Maxim would be trapped inside the subroom.
In the retail version, the monster battles are replaced with a color matching puzzle, and the subroom is converted into a treasure chamber that's accessible when the puzzle is solved.
Other map changes:
- In the prototype you must weigh down the switch with the pot to gain access to the recovery room.
- A non-functioning message box exists in the recovery room in the prototype.
- The West room has an alternate section of map containing a pit that blocks your passage, but it's unused, both in the prototype and retail version.
- Red carpet surrounding the two switch platform was removed in the retail version.
- Most torches have shifted slightly.
Alunze Castle B4
Prototype | Retail JP |
Prototype | Retail JP |
When you place the pot on the Northeast switch and use the teleporter in the prototype, you're warped to a treasure room that requires you to find the pot weighing down the spike barrier switch (it's the middle pot in the upper-left corner). The retail version changes this room to a spike maze, and also adds a hidden second treasure (walk down from the teleporter tile and around the edge of the spike maze, then use the bomb skill on the gap in the wall).
Other map changes:
- Overall size of the map increased in the retail version to fit the spike maze puzzle.
- The Southeast room doesn't have a treasure chest in the prototype, just two non-functioning message boxes.
Alunze Castle B5
Prototype | Retail JP |
Map changes:
- Overall size of the map decreased in the retail version as unnecessary copies of the floor were deleted.
- Different graphics for the water.