Proto:Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals/Elcid
This is a sub-page of Proto:Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals.
Prototype | Retail JP |
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Outside map changes:
- Red roof tiles were redone.
- The stone walls had an overhaul.
- Wood edges on buildings are slightly different.
- New brick patterns were added to the courtyards in the retail version.
- The face of the church has significant differences.
- One of the trees next to Tia's shop was removed in the retail version.
- Sidewalks were widened in the retail version, resulting in less flowers next to the church and Tia's shop.
- The retail version has improved shadow detail behind the inn and Tia's shop (which was missing its shadow entirely).
- The position of the bench shifted.
- Trees and grass have a lighter green palette in the retail version.
Text changes:
- Boy with red hair
Note: This child refers to Maxim as 「マキシムお兄ちゃん」(makishimu oniichan). While oniichan is an affectionate term used to address one's older brother, it can also be used to address non-blood-relatives when there is a close relationship among them.
Prototype | English | Retail JP | Retail NA |
マキシムお兄ちゃん。 僕が大きくなったら、 剣を教えてね。 |
Hey Maxim? When I grow up, teach me how to use a sword, OK? |
ゆうべ、北の海へ赤い光の玉が 飛んで行ったのを見たんだ。 あれは、一体何だったのかなぁ……。 |
I saw a red ball of light shoot into the northern sea last night. I wonder what it was... |
n/a | n/a | (if EVF $96 set - Cave to Sundletan full of monsters) 北の洞窟にモンスターが出たんだって? あの赤い光の玉といい、最近、変わった 事が多いね。 |
(if EVF $96 set - Cave to Sundletan full of monsters) That red ball of light, and now monsters in the North Cave! So many weird things these days... (It's worth noting the kid refers to the Cave to Sundletan by its prototype name.) |
n/a | n/a | (if EVF $17 set - Defeated Lizard Man boss, met Iris) サンデルタンって、最近地震が多い んだって。 地震って地面がゆれるんでしょ? 面白そうだなぁ。 |
(if EVF $17 set - Defeated Lizard Man boss, met Iris) I heard Sundletan is riddled with earthquakes. That's when the earth moves, right? That sounds really cool! |
(if EVF $18 set - Rescued Tia in Lake Cave) 旅から帰ってきたら、剣を教えてね。 やくそくだよ。 |
(if EVF $18 set - Rescued Tia in Lake Cave) When you come back from your trip, you'll teach me how to use a sword, right? It's a promise! |
(if EVF $18 set - Rescued Tia in Lake Cave) マキシム兄ちゃん、旅に 出るんだって? |
(if EVF $18 set - Rescued Tia in Lake Cave) Maxim, are you going somewhere? |
Prototype | Retail JP |
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Interior map changes:
- Shadows inside the church were corrected in the retail version.
- Torch flames are slightly different - in the prototype they aren't animated.
- Changes to the shading at the top edge of bedsheets.
Text changes:
- Girl in Magic shop
Prototype | Prototype translation | Retail JP | Retail NA |
ねぇマキシム。魔法の使い方って ちょっと変わってるのよ。知りたい? |
(same as retail) | ねぇマキシム。魔法の使い方って ちょっと変わってるのよ。知りたい? |
Listen Maxim. There's a somewhat unusual way to use spells. Would you like to know about it? |
(first option)知りたい (second option)知りたくない |
(same as retail) | (first option)知りたい (second option)知りたくない |
(first option)Yes. (second option)No. |
(selected first option) 魔法にはね、全体魔法とか、こべつ魔法 とかの種別がなくなったのよ。 つまり、どんな魔法でも、好きなように 敵を選んでかけられるの。 |
(same as retail) | (selected first option) 魔法にはね、全体魔法とか、こべつ魔法 とかの種別がなくなったのよ。 つまり、どんな魔法でも、好きなように 敵を選んでかけられるの。 |
(selected first option) There's no such thing as a one-enemy or all-enemy spell anymore. They can be cast on any or all enemies now. |
たとえば、ジェリーが3匹いたとすると 3匹全部に魔法をかける事もできるし、 1匹だけに魔法をかける事も出来るの よ。もちろん2匹でも大丈夫よ。 |
(same as retail, but retail version replaces some kana with kanji) |
たとえば、ジェリーが3匹いたとすると 3匹全部に魔法をかける事も出来るし、 1匹だけに魔法をかける事も出来るの よ。もちろん2匹でも大丈夫よ。 |
If there are three jellies, you can cast a spell on any or all of them. |
ただ、3匹に魔法をかければ、1匹だけ にかけた時の、1/3のダメージしか、 あたえられないわよ。 これは、あたり前の話しよね。 |
However, if you attack all three, the spell can only do 1/3 of the damage had you attacked only one. That's pretty obvious though, isn't it? |
ただし、3匹に魔法をかければ、1匹 だけに魔法をかけた時より、それぞれ のモンスターに与えるダメージは、 少なくなるわよ。 |
Of course, if you attack all of them, the damage is less compared to attacking just one. |
強い敵1匹に集中して、魔法をかけるも 良し、弱い敵をまとめてやっつけるも 良し。後はあなたしだいねマキシム。 |
(same as retail) | 強い敵1匹に集中して、魔法をかけるも よし、弱い敵をまとめてやっつけるも よし。後はあなたしだいねマキシム。 |
You can concentrate your spell against one enemy or spread it out to attack weak enemies all at once |
あっ、それと、敵全部に魔法をかけたい 時に、いちいち1匹づつ敵を選んでいく のは、めんどうよね。 |
(same as retail) | あっ、それと、敵全部に魔法をかけたい 時に、いちいち1匹ずつ敵を選んでいく のは、めんどうよね。 |
Also, it can be too difficult selecting enemies one at a time when casting a spell on them. |
そんな時は、Rボタンを押すといいわ。 そうすれば、全部の敵を一度に選ぶわ。 これは、覚えておくと便利よ。 |
(same as retail) | そんな時は、Rボタンを押すといいわ。 そうすれば、全部の敵を一度に選ぶわ。 これは、覚えておくと便利よ。 |
In that case, use the R button to select all the enemies at once. Remember this and use it! |
……でもRボタンって何なのかしらね。 それだけは、あたしも知らないのよ。 マキシム、あなた知ってる? |
(same as retail) | ……でもRボタンって何なのかしらね。 それだけは、あたしも知らないのよ。 マキシム、あなた知ってる? |
But what is an R button anyway? I don't know. Do you know, Maxim? |
(selected second option) もしかして、もう知ってたの? |
(same as retail) | (selected second option) もしかして、もう知ってたの? |
(selected second option) Oh, did you know about it already? |
Elcid South Cave
The training dungeon (Secret Skills Cave) is called Elcid South Cave in the prototype.
Prototype | Retail JP |
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Note: the above prototype map has been padded with blank space for easier comparison to the final version. View/download the unmodified map here. (File:Estpolis Denki II prototype 05 DANJ001A.png)
The retail version is a larger map with two new rooms: the first contains the jelly battle, and the second is where you learn to stun enemies with your skill arrows. The third room (which was the entrance/jelly battle in the prototype) is where you learn to use the skill arrows to activate far-away switches.
Prototype | Retail JP |
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Pillar and Switch Tutorial
In the prototype, once you've moved the pillar at least one tile, and talk to the old man again, he has a unique message (instead of repeating the last sentence as in the final game):
Japanese | English |
それでは、上の部屋へ行くがよい。 | Well then, it would be nice if we could go to the next room. |
Also, the old man yells at you the moment you accidentally push the pillar against a wall in the retail version, unlike the prototype where you have to approach the door before you can receive the Reset spell.
Prototype | Retail JP |
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When you learn Reset in the final game, Maxim is shown lifting an hourglass and the "item received" sound effect plays.
Completed the Dungeon
Text shown when you've finished the tutorial and end back up at the dungeon entrance:
Japanese | English |
Old man: おっと、最初に入った部屋に戻ったよう じゃの。おや、倒したはずのジェリーが 復活しておる。 |
Oops, it looks like we returned to the first room. Oh, as expected, the jelly you beat has revived itself. |
よいか、その部屋のモンスターを 倒しても、違う部屋に入って、 また戻って来た時には、モンスターが 復活しているのじゃ。 |
Even if you beat all the monsters in a room, if you leave and come back, they'll have been revived. |
まぁ何度も戦いたい時には便利じゃが、 それ以外では、あまりうれしくない事 じゃのぅ。 |
Well... if you want to fight them over and over again it's convenient, but other than that, it's not a very good thing, is it? |
どれ、あのジェリーは、わしが倒して やろう。なに、心配はいらぬ。 こう見えても、若い頃は、ならした もんじゃ!さがっておれ、マキシム。 |
Now then, shall I defeat that jelly? What? Don't worry. Even though I may seem old, I'm still a fighter! Step aside, Maxim. |
Maxim stands by and watches as the old man gets a running start and defeats the jelly!
Japanese | English |
Old man: どうじゃ、マキシム。少しは、 みなおしたかな? |
How was that, Maxim? Did that change your opinion of me at all? |
Map Changes
- More grass patches on the lower level of the jump-down room in the retail version.
- Changes to the scattered rocks on the left half of the defeat-all-enemies room.
- Light shadows in the hallways were corrected in the retail version.
Elcid North Cave
The dungeon leading to Sundletan is called Elcid North Cave in the prototype.
To do: List treasure chest contents. |
Elcid North Cave B1
Prototype | Retail JP |
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Prototype | Retail JP |
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The blocked staircase "puzzle" was changed. In the prototype, a set of footprints hints at the correct block to push. This was changed to a series of battles as you push blocks out of the way in the retail version.
Other map changes:
- Two treasure chests were added in the retail version, and the rooms leading to them were slightly changed.
- The dungeon entrance in the prototype has a message box on the wall that does nothing, and an extra bush.
- Small rocks were added to the Eastern rooms in the retail version.
- The prototype overuses the drop-down arrows.
Elcid North Cave B2
Prototype | Retail JP |
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Map changes:
- In the retail version, a secret path leads to a treasure room.
- More rocks and small craters were added in the retail version.
- The retail version adds a border platform to the staircase leading to the boss room.
- A large vine is present on the wall in the prototype.
- The edges of the carpet surrounding the rest point before the boss battle is slightly different.
- In the prototype, a treasure chest is present on the boss platform. Maxim has to open it to obtain the key after talking to Iris, while in the final version you receive it directly from the boss after the battle.
- The prototype overuses the drop-down arrows on this level, too.
Meeting Iris
Prototype | Prototype translation | Retail JP | Retail NA |
(Iris enters) Iris: ……強いですね。 マキシムさん。 Maxim: あなたは……誰です? なぜ俺の名前を……。 Iris: あなたの名前を知ってる事など 重要ではないのです。 それよりも―― Maxim: ――何が言いたいんですか? Iris: あなたは、どうして自分に 戦う力があるのかを考えた 事がありますか? Maxim: ……どういう意味ですか? それに、その答えを、 あなたが知っているとでも? Iris: ……私には、わかりません。 ですが、旅に出れば、その答えが 見つかるかもしれません。 Maxim: 旅……しかし、どこへ行くんですか? それに、目的は? Iris: 旅をつづけるうちにわかります。 ……ですが、それは戦いの旅に なる事だけは、確かです。 Maxim: 戦いの旅……。 Iris: あなたは戦いから逃げる事は できません。 それが、あなたの宿命なのです。 Maxim: 戦う事が俺の宿命……。 (Iris walks towards the stairs) Maxim:ま、待ってくれ! (Maxim follows) Iris:……私の名はアイリス。 あなたの未来を見とどける者です。<delay82> また会いましょう……。 |
(Iris enters) Iris: ……You're quite strong, aren't you Maxim. Maxim: Who……are you? How do you know my name? Iris: It's not important how I know your name. There are more important matters―― Maxim: ――What is it that you want to say? Iris: Have you ever thought about why you have this inner fighting strength? Maxim: ……What does that mean? And why even ask me if I've ever thought about something like that? Iris: I don't know, myself. However, if you're going to head out on your journey, you may discover the answer to that question. Maxim: Journey……but, where is it I should go? More importantly, what would I be trying to achieve? Iris: You won't understand while you're on your journey. ……However, it will become a journey of only battle and conflict. Of that, I am certain. Maxim: A journey of conflict…… Iris: You cannot free yourself from the strife to come. It is your destiny. Maxim: The strife to come...whose destiny is it really…… (Iris walks towards the stairs) Maxim: Hey, wait a minute! (Maxim follows) Iris: ……My name is Iris. I'm the one who ascertains your future.<delay82> I will see you again…… |
(Maxim thought bubble on) ……おかしい。 リザードマンごときに、カギを盗む 知能があるなんて……。 それに、リザードマンがドアのカギを 盗んで何の得になるんだ?<delay83> 人間の生活を、ぼうがいしても、 ヤツラには、何の得もないはずだ。 ……わからない……今までに、 こんな事はなかった。 (Maxim thought bubble off) (Music changes) (Iris enters) Iris: 知りたいですか……マキシムさん。 (Maxim walks down from boss platform) Maxim: だ、誰だ、君は? なぜ、俺の名を知っている! Iris: 私には、未来が見えるのです。 あなたの名前も、あなたがここに来る 事もわかっていました。 Maxim: な、何者なんだ……君は? Iris: 私の事より、なぜ、モンスターが 高い知能を身につけ、人間に対して 好戦的になったかを知りたくは ありませんか? Maxim: その原因を知っているのか? Iris: 数日前、赤い光の玉が空に現れたのを 知っていますか? Maxim: ああ。 Iris: すべては、あの光の玉の影響です。 Maxim: なんだって?<delay83> しかし、あの光の玉にそんな力が あるなんて、とても信じられない。 Iris: 信じられないのは、わかります。 ですが、時は動きだしたのです。 今は、まだ小さな波ですが、やがて 大きなうねりとなって、全人類を おそう事になるでしょう……。 Maxim: そんなバカな……。<delay82> でも、なぜ俺にそんな話をする? Iris: それは……<delay83>あなたが、その波に 対抗する力を持った人だからです。 Maxim: 俺が? Iris: そうです。 Maxim: ま、待ってくれ。 確かに、俺は戦う事を仕事にしている が、そんな大それた力を持っている とは、思っていない。 Iris: …………。 Maxim: それに、光の玉の正体は何なんだ? モンスターなのか? それとも人間なのか? Iris: …………。 Maxim: 戦う相手の事が何もわからないんじゃ 戦いようがないじゃないか……。 それに、全人類をまきこむような巨大な 敵に、俺一人でどうしろというんだ。 Iris: あなた一人では、ありません。<delay83> 邪悪な力に対抗できる人たちが、 この世界のどこかにいます。 あなたは、その人たちを見つける ために……そして、邪悪な敵と戦う ために、旅に出る運命なのです。 Maxim: 戦いの……<delay82>旅に……。 Iris: そうです。あの光の玉が現れた時、 あなたの運命は決まったのです。 (Maxim thought bubble on) 本当に、あの光の玉がそんな、 わざわいをもたらすというのか?<delay82> そして、それに対抗できる力を 俺が持ってるなんて……。 (Maxim thought bubble off) Iris: あなたに伝えねばならない事は、 これだけです。 私の話を信じるも信じないも、<delay83> ……そして、旅に出るも出ないも、 後は、あなたしだいです。 (Iris walks towards the stairs) Maxim:ま、待ってくれ! (Maxim follows) Iris:……私の名はアイリス。 あなたの未来を見とどける者です。<delay83> あなたが旅に出るならば、また、 どこかで会う事になるかもしれません。 |
(Maxim thought bubble on) I don't get it! How could the lizard men be smart enough to steal the key!? Besides, why should the lizard men steal the key? They gain nothing by disrupting human life. I just don't get it. This has never happend before! (Maxim thought bubble off) (Music changes) (Iris enters) Iris: Do you wish to know why, Maxim? (Maxim walks down from boss platform) Maxim: Who...who are you? How did you know my name?! Iris: I can see the future. I know your name and why you come here. Maxim: Who are you? Iris: Never mind. Don't you want to know why monsters are smarter and attacking humans? Maxim: Do you know why? Iris: Are you aware of the ball of red light that appeared a couple of days ago? Maxim: Yes. Iris: Everything that's happend has been because of that light. Maxim: What!? I can't believe that a ball of light has that kind of power. Iris: I understand your doubt. It is incredible, but true. But time has begun to change. Now a mere wave, later a gigantic swell of an attack on humanity. Maxim: That's ridiculous! Why are you telling me this? Iris: have the power, the power to confront that swell. Maxim: Me? Iris: Yes, you. Maxim: Wait a minute. It's true that fighting is my job, I know. But I don't have such great power. Iris: ...... Maxim: What is this ball of light anyway? Is it monster or human? Iris: ...... Maxim: I need to know! What can I do against this humongous enemy of all humanity? Iris: It's not just you. There are others in this world who can confront this evil power. You're destined to go on a journey to meet those people and fight against evil. Maxim: A fight? Iris: That's right. When that ball of light appeared, your destiny was sealed. (Maxim thought bubble on) Will that ball of light really bring misfortune? And I have the power to handle that? (Maxim thought bubble off) Iris: This is all I can tell you. Whether or not you believe me and go on your journey is totally up to you. (Iris walks towards the stairs) Maxim: Wa...wait! (Maxim follows) Iris: My name is Iris. I am here to ascertain your future. If you go, we may meet again. |