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Proto:Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Portable, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows)/Feb 24, 2006/Act 3

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Portable, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows)/Feb 24, 2006.

The act has lots of differences from the final version!


  • Just like Stark Tower, this hub is almost 100% the same, but with XML2 leftovers.
  • Old Lady Sif model with a coat can be seen here.
  • The titles of all these interesting landmark objects in Valhalla are shown in a way like you can somehow use them. It might be just a temporary solution to show the names of these objects before the devs came up with those yellow tooltips.
  • The hall of Valhalla2 is different. Plus this part of the hub is especially empty.



  • The map is almost finished, but the bonfires are lit by default.
  • The sound of moving stone columns is glitched and it gets louder every time you move a column.
  • One puzzle seem to be unfinished and there's some big crystal you can make fly if you sacrifice one of your characters. What is the original idea behind this is unclear...


  • The VFXs of fireballs weren't finished and they look awful.
  • You can fight Wrecking Crew on your path to them already, but in the end they'll still be there and you'll need to fight them again. So there is more, than one of every Wrecking Crew member, you can even see a few bodies of the same villain at once.
  • There are some floating boats and stones, and you can even walk on them.
  • Exit level portal isn't working.



The level is almost the same as its final version, but with some small changes. Also, it may be tricky to make the Executioner/Enchantress boss battle begin, but it's in the prototype and fully playable.


  • Fenris wolves are red and also you can grab attack them just like everyone else (which looks really funny).
  • Clay guardians and Super Soldiers are already here, so this decision was made on earliest stages of development, which is cool to know it wasn't some last moment change, because they didn't have time to come up with more unique Asgard enemies.
  • However, the size of Super Soldiers needed some fixing, so they could fit in the doorways...
  • The puzzle with two levers is already here, but it isn't finished and you can easily break the door without even solving it. Judging by the cutscene, the devs planned to use them not on that big door, but on a smaller door in the corridor before the room with that big door.


  • The level isn't super different, but it has a lot of bugs. Tyr, for example, flies farther from the rope with each second. Also if someone hits you when you do the water cauldron QTE - this cauldron will be pushed back with you and you won't be able to help Tyr anymore. Even more - sometimes your hero can become "ghost" after this QTE. You can see it in the end of Asgard4 video on the page.
  • Unlike Dragonman and Ultimo in Mandarin1, Lizard and Scorpion were separated initially and only later the devs decided to make you fight them both at once. Very weird.
  • Lizard is still the same as in the final version, no "Classic" Lizard sadly. Even if Classic Lizard was a thing, they already threw this idea away at this point of development.
  • Scorpion is already Ultra, but he uses the same skin as was used on Heli1 level.
  • You can already forge a Godlike weapon, but sadly it won't appear in your inventory.
  • The game softlocks when you return to Asgard1 after this level.


  • The music is really glitched. Ice powers bug that drops FPS adds up to it...
  • The puzzle with those 3 metal blocks is a bit different, it's much harder and you need to literally guess for which pressure plate which block was.
  • Rhino and Shocker aren't Ultra. There are files suggesting that they have their Ultra versions in this prototype, but looks like they weren't used yet. And they simply didn't make it to the final release...
  • Balder reacts to your attacks just like Namor in Atlantis.
  • The Balder's sidequest room is different and you need a bridge builder or a flying character in order to get the horn. Bridge building was cut in the final version.



  • This map isn't really different, but it's super empty and there's no wooden house near the next level trigger.
  • Kurse has a very weird glitched texture, but his model looks finished.
  • Niffleheim2 level is broken and freezes the game, so you can't go there from here or load it any other way.


  • This level is really different, but it has many copy-pasted sections, which makes it boring and significantly worse, than its final version.
  • In order to cross some pits after enemies destroyed the bridges, you need to complete some really long climbing sections. There are 3 similar climbing sections and the level is a pain if you have no flying characters on your team. There's actually forth similar section, but the bridge isn't broken and you don't need to climb it.
  • You can't go back to Niffleheim2 from this level as well, the game will softlock.


  • All snowy areas are completely untextured and the platform on which the Destroyer armor stands looks different too.
  • No invisible walls (and ceilings) in Valhalla, so you can fly to practically any point of the map. Even actual walls sometimes aren't that solid.
  • Some famous sound from Metal Gear Solid plays randomly from time to time... It's unclear what triggers it.
  • There's still 4 puzzles, but they are either same, but unpolished, or completely different.
  • You need to carry weapons you get after solving the puzzles. If you drop a weapon - it will be respawned and you'll need to replay the puzzle. So you must complete each puzzle with a different character on your team.
  • The puzzle where you need to get to the end of a corridor and not fall into pits under some destructible plates is the same, but no fall animation is played for these plates, they just disappear. Plus you can see the out of bounds areas of the map through these pits.
  • Weapons do have models, but they have no textures. Also all the weapons are different, when in the final game we got 4 swords instead.
  • The puzzle where you need to catch a running sword choosing a correct path is the same, but it's in some weird previously unseen cave instead of Valhalla.
  • The puzzle where three heroes must stand on pressure plates and the last one gets the weapon is similar, but it's a corridor instead of a wider room, so each hero must go further, than a previous one, unlocking a door to another pressure plate or weapon.
  • That puzzle where you needed to get to the top of some snowy mountain avoiding holes emitting frost wind is completely different and unfinished. Looks like the initial idea was the same, but it was rather a climbing section. There are even some similar unfinished things that make you fall just like those wind holes from the released version.
  • The Destroyer boss fight may seem to be tricky to begin, however, it's actually working. You need to place all 4 heroes in the correct spots and attack the frozen Destroyer. The boss battle is pretty much the same, but it takes place in the beginning of the level, not in Valhalla. Some 4 new areas can be accessed in that location. One of the areas is where Loki is hidden. Just like in the final version of the game, you need to trick Destroyer into attacking Loki.