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Proto:Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Portable, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows)/Feb 24, 2006/Acts 4 & 5

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Portable, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows)/Feb 24, 2006.

Act 5 is mostly unfinished and has only Doomstark levels. Act 4 has much more interesting stuff to do.

Act 4


  • Just like every other hub in the game, this one almost isn't different visually and has many leftovers from XML2.
  • The book on the pedestal in the middle of the first hub area has an X-Men Legends 2 reference. Initially the devs planned to make X-Men Legends games canon for Marvel Ultimate Alliance. However, these games got the official universe numbers from Marvel and X-Men Legends is Earth-7964, when Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2 are Earth-6109. Another fun fact: MUA 3 still didn't get an official universe number, so it might not even be a canon for the previous two games.
  • Cut Inhumans Nahrees, Tonaja and Veritus can be seen here, but they have no models and no actual conversations.
  • You can also see Namor in the throne room, which is cool and sadly he wasn't here in the final game.



The level has almost no differences, it has all cutscenes, textures and animations, the dialogues are fine and even the real music is already here. Looks like the devs might even start the development from Shi'ar levels.


This level has some small changes, but it's really pretty much the same as well.


  • This level is very close to its final version, but the camera has a reversed perspective. You can see secret areas and stuff easier this way. However, even all optional quests are already here.
  • Here you can see the only collectible in this prototype - one simulator disk.


The level is almost 100% the same.


  • Shiar5 map doesn't open, but there's this map in the "Test" folder instead and you can open it if you edit files of the game. Some small parts look similar to the real Shiar5 level, but it's almost entirely different.
  • No mini-map available for this level.
  • This level has some completely cut puzzles. For example, you need to free some Shi'ar soldier and he gives tons of information about the level.
  • You need to destroy some computer in order to disable a force field, push some metal thing and activate a bridge to another room.
  • If you fall down in the place where that bridge must be activated and your character can't fly, then you'll need to complete some wierd platforming section of metal pipes.
  • There's no Lilandra yet and no one to free, so you can simply just go to Skrull1 from the exit level portal.
  • "Domino" QTE from the Atvi_Test level is used here. However, it's pointless and there was no such thing in the final version.
  • Some bridges aren't solid here and you can fall, but at least you won't be softlocked.
  • This level is connected to Shiar4, so it really might be some first test version of the level they decided to cut, but didn't finish the new version yet.



This level is almost completely different and has many unused parts. It's also different visually. And the machines of Galactus can be destroyed only with ranged attacks here.


  • This level is almost entirely different as well! Some of its parts were used, but it's much more complicated in this prototype.
  • There are some ventilators that were cut from the released version of the game.
  • There is many hidden paths teleporting you from one point of the map to another without any logic to it.
  • Ultron Strikers are already here, so it wasn't a last minute decision because they didn't come up with any more unique enemies for this level.
  • There's many destructible walls and it shouldn't be like this, because it allows you to ignore some important triggers.
  • If you get to the final battle room without actually using all the triggers the intended way - Skrull Queen flies through a solid door.


This level is similar to its final version, but it has some funny things showing how unfinished it is:

  • There are some bombs instead of Galactus machines from the final version. Those machines are actually used in Skrull1 in this proto, when in Skrull1 of final game there were different machines.
  • At some point of the level you can see Galactus walking into a bridge. He can't go through it and doesn't even try to destroy it.
  • Some weird flying vessel has a looped animation of landing. It repeats in a way it shouldn't be repeated.
  • Also it has some cool cutscene where Galactus destroys a bridge just in front of heroes. Why couldn't he do the same with the second bridge?


This level is very close to the version in the released game, but it's still kinda unfinished: there's no demons in the Titannus room and Skrull scientist is actually a Loki Troll... There's no Act 2 levels in the prototype, so most likely the demons were made for Mephisto levels first.


The first part of the level looks almost the same as in the final game, but the camera locks after the Surfer conversation and you can't progress further. To actually complete this level you need to use debug free camera mode and skip that Surfer conversation. This can be seen in the "debug" video on the main prototype page. The Galactus boss battle isn't finished and completely different, plus there's some cut room before the battle where you need to kill Galactus Punishers appearing from some teleporters just like on Mandarin's levels from the final game. Also Surfer could be controlled normally instead of a QTE.

Act 5

These levels can be played only with the help of file editing.



  • It's super unfinished and has lots of placeholder characters, but there's Namor!
  • The quest requiring you to use all consoles on the map is already here. After that you need to use that elevator and it's even working! However, it softlocks the game and level can't be really completed.


It's the same as Doomstark1a, but instead of that story quest it's just a normal hub (pretty unfinished, though).


The idea of the level is the same: there are evil Iron Mans and a timer, but new enemies don't arrive and you can't win or lose here. The exit leads to Doomstark1a.