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Proto:Mega Man: Powered Up/PlayStation Spot Sen'you UMD Vol. 1 Demo

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Mega Man: Powered Up.

A simple demo included on the Sen'you UMD Vol. 1 demo disc and originally only available through PlayStation Spot game sharing. Includes just one stage: Fireman's Stage in New Style.

A gameplay video can be viewed here while the standalone EBOOT for this demo can be found here.

Screens and Menus Differences

Various differences of different varieties.

Note: All Final screenshots in all sections are taken from the Japanese version of the game.

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final
MegaManPU-J-SenyouDemo TitleScreen.png Rockman-Rockman-titlejp.png

The title screen uses a different background which is gold instead of purple, and it has the words "Share edition" on it. Mega Man is a part of the background image. In the final, the character graphics change based on whatever character last entered a level.

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final
MegaManPU-J-SenyouDemo DifficultyMenu.png MegaManPU-J DifficultyMenu.png

The difficulty selection is on the main menu instead of the style or stage select menus. (Those don't exist in the demo.)

MegaManPU-J-SenyouDemo EndScreen.png

After beating Fire Man or getting a game over, the game shows a unique screen advertising the game. Stills from Construction Mode are displayed on the background. These are stills from the on-disc promotional video.

More Screen Differences

  • There is no Capcom logo, introduction video, or gameplay demo. The title screen shows up after the warning screen.
  • The title screen music restarts after a short pause. It also plays the "Rokkuman Rokkuman" sound every time it restarts.
  • After selecting a difficulty, the game goes right to Fire Man's Stage (New Style) without a boss introduction.

Gameplay Differences

Not quite "there" yet, but pretty close to the final.

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final
MegaManPU-J-SenyouDemo PauseScreen.png MegaManPU-J PauseScreen.png

Pressing Start opens a screen displaying the controls. In the final, it opens the weapon select menu.

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final
MegaManPU-J-SenyouDemo ScrewBomber.gif MegaManPU-J ScrewBomber.gif

Screw Bombers can't shoot through the middle of ladders.

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final
MegaManPU-J-SenyouDemo ScreenScrollJump.gif MegaManPU-J ScreenScrollJump.gif

Jumping into the top of a screen that has a screen above it activates the vertical screen transition, just like climbing a ladder – a big "no-no" for Mega Man games!

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final
MegaManPU-J-SenyouDemo Fireman-BossCutscene.png MegaManPU-J Fireman-BossCutscene.png
  • During cutscenes, the camera doesn't move or zoom and characters don't pose or change their faces at all. Additionally, cutscene dialogue boxes use a lighter background and some letter characters are spaced slightly farther apart.

Other Gameplay Differences

  • Pressing Select immediately sends the player back to the title screen. In the final, it opens the configuration menu.
  • Mega Man doesn't brace himself when standing next to a wall. (Shown below.)
  • Mega Man doesn't show fatigue when his health gets low.
  • The score counter is missing. (Shown below.) Just as well; enemies don't drop Score Balls, either.
  • Fire Man's fire wave attack seems to have a slightly different hit box, making it hard to dodge in the demo.
  • There doesn't appear to be any Old Style data in this build. Unlike in the final, setting the Difficulty to 03 just results in most enemies using their Normal Mode (01) behavior, including Fire Man.

Fire Man Stage

Lots of missing objects and things.

In the first horizontal area, there is no Stock Heart (1-up) on the high platform before the ladder. (See the "vertical screen scroll" screens above.)

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final
MegaManPU-J-SenyouDemo Fireman-A3R1.png MegaManPU-J Fireman-A3R1.png

The Enemy Pack item high at the start of the second horizontal area is missing.

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final
MegaManPU-J-SenyouDemo Fireman-A3R2.png MegaManPU-J Fireman-A3R2.png

In the second horizontal area, the platform and ceiling before the alternate Oil Slider path are three blocks longer in the demo.

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final
MegaManPU-J-SenyouDemo Fireman-A3R4.png MegaManPU-J Fireman-A3R4.png

Also in the second horizontal area, there is no Stock Heart or Oil Block in the ceiling.

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final
MegaManPU-J-SenyouDemo Fireman-A4R1.png MegaManPU-J Fireman-A4R1.png

The Block Generator in the second vertical area drop pairs of Break Containers instead of Time Containers. The Stage Pack item is also missing.

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final
MegaManPU-J-SenyouDemo Fireman-A5R4.png MegaManPU-J Fireman-A5R4.png

At the end of the third horizontal area, the Small Life Energy and Enemy Pack are missing.

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final
MegaManPU-J-SenyouDemo Fireman-A6R1.png MegaManPU-J Fireman-A6R1.png

The Large Life Energy is missing in the Lava Shooter room.

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final
MegaManPU-J-SenyouDemo Fireman-A7R1.png MegaManPU-J Fireman-A7R1.png

Six floor blocks were removed from the staircase at the start of the fourth horizontal area. The exit of the Oil Slider path was also moved up by one block in the final game.

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final
MegaManPU-J-SenyouDemo Fireman-A7R4.png MegaManPU-J Fireman-A7R4.png

The Enemy Pack at the end of the fourth horizontal area is missing.

Audio Differences

Some oddball differences, here.

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final

The sound effect for when Mega Man fires the Mega Buster is different. In the final version, it is a bit shorter and lower pitched.

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final

The sound effect when shooting an indestructible object is different. In the final version, it uses a metal sound.

Sen'you Vol. 1 Demo Final

A unique sound effect plays when going back to the menu. However, it still uses the final version sfx, only when backing out from pause screen. The final version plays the latter in both cases.