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Proto:Pikmin 2/Cutscene Text

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Pikmin 2.

Crash Landing

Demo Final
...Alert! Danger! Louie is missing.
He must have somehow fallen out
of his cockpit.

...He is not responding via his
communicator, either. He is either
flouting protocol...or in danger.

Olimar! You must find Louie
before he freezes to death
in the cold of this planet!
Alert! Danger! Louie is missing.
He must have somehow fallen out
of his cockpit.

...He is not responding via his
communicator. He is either
flouting protocol...or in danger!

Olimar! You must find Louie
before he freezes to death
in the cold of this planet!

Along with some minor rewording to get the text to fit, Olimar and Louie's names are now color-coded.

Louie's Link

Demo Final
Attention! Captain Olimar! I have
just now reestablished my
communications link with Louie.

Louie! Allow me to assess your
condition per our safety
protocols. Are you at all injured?
Attention! Captain Olimar! I have
just reestablished my
communications link with Louie.

Louie! Allow me to assess your
condition, as per our safety
protocols. Are you at all injured?

Saving some space by eliminating unneeded words, and fixing some grammar.

Demo Final
communicate with me and obtain
information about the terrain.
contact me and obtain
information about the terrain.

Same thing here. Plus, you can't actually talk to the ship. Though that would be pretty great.

Meet Red Pikmin

Demo Final
You can use (C) to issue
to and change the
direction of your Pikmin squad.
You can use (C) to issue
to your Pikmin squad
and even direct their movement.

Some odd sentence structuring was fixed.

Demo Final
Louie... My sensors have detected
some drool in the corner of
your mouth. Are you all right?
Louie... My sensors have
detected drool in the corner of
your mouth. Are you all right?

Reformatted to fit in the message box.

Onion Mechanics

Demo Final
The Onion ejected more seeds!
The pellet from that flower must
hold nutrients that grow Pikmin.
The Onion ejected more seeds!
The pellet from that flower must
hold nutrients that breed Pikmin.

Text is colored to emphasize important points for the confused and lazy.

Demo Final
The Onion is a Pikmin
mother ship!
The Onion is a Pikmin
mother ship!

Here too.

The First Treasure

Demo Final
Perhaps this object is one of the
pieces of treasure that we are
searching for!

The only reason we found it here
is because this is where you
crash-landed. How fortunate.
Perhaps this object is one of the
treasures that we are searching

The only reason we found it here
is because this is where you
crash-landed. How fortunate!

The Ship sounds more excited about its fortune in the final script.

Day 1 Ends

Demo Final
I took the liberty of naming it
when I appraised it. The name
reflects my current "thinking".
I took the liberty of naming it
when I appraised it. The name
reflects my current "thinking."

Extremely minor grammar fix.

Day 2 Starts

Demo Final
Good morning! Ready for another
day of working hard for your
company, boss, and families?
Good morning, workers! Ready
for another day of toiling for
the profit of your company?

This text is more cynical in the final script.

Damaged Suit

Demo Final
Your spacesuit has sustained
damage! Excessive damage to the
suit could be life-threatening.

If you sustain too much damage,
I am sorry, but the day's
operations will end immediately.

I have no suit-repair facilities,
so you must repair your suit
yourself at the end of each day.

Your spacesuit power meter is
the round gauge on the bottom-
left. Pay close attention to it.
Your space suit has sustained
damage! Excessive damage to the
suit could be life threatening.

If you sustain too much damage,
I'm afraid to say the day's
operations will end immediately.

I have no suit-repair facilities,
so you must repair your suit
yourself at the end of each day.

Your space suit power meter is
the round gauge on the bottom-
left. Pay close attention to it.

The main change here is altering "spacesuit" to be two words.

The Gate

Demo Final
The Pikmin should be able to
destroy this earthen wall. Tear it
down and proceed onward!

Command them as you would in a
battle with a hostile creature.

Tilt (C) to drive the group into
the wall or throw them onto it. It
may take some time to fall.

While they work, you can kick
back and relax. Then you'll know
what it feels like to be a
corporate executive!
How could Pikmin destroy such a
massive wall? When massed,
their might is ferocious!

Louie! Did Olimar instruct
you on proper Pikmin-
commanding protocol?

Apparently not. Olimar!
You are failing in your duty as
a superior! Allow me to explain...

Press (A) to grab Pikmin
and release to throw them. Call
them into a group with (B).

Press (X) to disband the group.
Use (C) to issue orders and
objectives to the group.

(C) is useful for swarming Pikmin
around treasure and enemies, or
making them march in a line!

The script for this cutscene in the early text suggests it would have appeared before the gate was destroyed, not after.
The early script uses this cutscene to teach the player how to destroy gates, while the final text, at this point, reiterates everything the player learned on Day 1.

Finding the First Cave

Demo Final
Interesting... Warm air is welling
up from the hole in the ground
that opens before you.

What could lie underground?
...What is wrong? You both show
expressions of unease.
Interesting... Warm air is welling
up from the hole in the ground
before you.

What could lie underground?
...What is wrong? You both
show expressions of unease.

More rewording and reformatting for space reasons.

First Cave Intro

Demo Final
Intriguing... My heat sensors
indicate that inside this hole it is
warmer than out on the surface.
Intriguing... My heat sensors
indicate that this hole's interior
is warmer than on the surface.

The final sentence flows a bit better.

Enemies != Treasure

Demo Final
How can you possibly consider
beasts treasure?!?
How can you possibly consider
this beast a treasure?!?

This was depluralized. Which is not a word, but it should be.

Deeper Into the Cave

Demo Final
This hole appears to be quite
deep. My sensors indicate more
complicated terrain ahead.
This hole appears to be quite
deep. My sensors indicate more
treacherous terrain ahead.

Slight changed for the ominous.

Violet Candypop Bud

Demo Final
This...appears to be a variety of
candypop bud, but ship logs
show no record of a purple one.

Data indicates tossing a Pikmin
into a candypop bud will change
it into the color of the bud

But no theories suggest the
existence of Pikmin matching the
color of this bud.

Perhaps you should experiment
by tossing a Pikmin in...
Astounding! A flower blooms
in a cave deep beneath the
snowy landscape!

Clearly it is warmer down here
than above. Look. The Pikmin
are restless...

They look as if they yearn to be
tossed into the flower


The early script pretty much spoils what's about to happen, so it was changed.

Meet Purple Pikmin

Demo Final
Amazing! This is a purple Pikmin!
It has hair...and is quite stocky. It
seems very heavy and powerful.
Amazing! A purple Pikmin! It has
hair...and is quite stocky. It
seems very heavy and strong.

Reworded to fit in the message box.

Demo Final
Transforming Pikmin by tossing
them into flowers is intriguing.
Perhaps there are other types...
Transforming Pikmin by tossing
them into flowers? Intriguing...
Perhaps there are others...?

Yet another set of minor punctuation changes.

Return to the Surface

Demo Final
You have successfully returned
to the planet's surface!
Processing... How interesting.

The clock indicates the same
time that it did when you went

A geomagnetic radiation field
underground must have warped
the space-time continuum.

Even my record of the terrain
has been erased.
You have successfully returned
to the planet's surface! Excellent
decision making, gentlemen!

We must celebrate your first
successful spelunking expedition!

You've gathered a large amount
of data that needs in-depth

I shall send a report back to the
president tonight detailing your

The early script gives an explanation as to why time doesn't pass inside caves, as well as why the layout is randomly generated. For whatever reason, this explanation was limited to the manual of the final version.

Day 2 Ends

Demo Final
...What? You still want to work?!?
Unacceptable! You do not realize
it, but you both are exhausted!
...What? You still want to work?!
Unacceptable! You may not
realize it, but you are exhausted!

The Ship addresses both Olimar and Louie in the original script, while the final is more ambiguous.

Extinction Averted

Demo Final
Disaster averted! All your Pikmin
were wiped out yesterday, but
their onion just released a seed!
Disaster averted! All your Pikmin
were wiped out yesterday, but
their Onion just released a seed!

Onion is properly capitalized in the final game.

Eating Nectar

Demo Final
It appears to have enhanced
motor skills
. What a wondrous
nectar that must be.

How intriguing! Like plants,
Pikmin mature from leaf, to bud,
to flower.

Captain Olimar! You must share
the information you have with
subordinates like Louie!
It appears to have enhanced
motor skills
. What a wondrous

How intriguing... Like plants,
Pikmin mature from leaf, to bud,
to flower.

Captain Olimar! You must share
the information you have with
your subordinate, Louie!

Olimar wishes he had more than one subordinate.

Using Spicy Spray

Demo Final
Astounding! The Pikmin's heads
are glowing, and they seem
extremely agitated.
Astounding! The heads of the
Pikmin are glowing, and they
seem extremely agitated.

Reworded to fit in the message box.

95 Pikmin

Demo Final
...But I currently observe only 95
on the surface. Could there be
wild Pikmin somewhere?
...But I currently observe only
95 on the surface. Could there
be wild Pikmin somewhere?

Message box limits are tricky.

Intro - White Flower Garden

Demo Final
Astounding! My metal detectors
are reacting violently. What could
be down below?
Astounding! My metal detectors
are reacting violently.
What could be down below?

is a formatting change.

Demo Final
The exploration pod will drop its
treasure to make room to carry
you, Louie, and the Pikmin above.
The exploration pod will drop its
loot to make room to carry you,
Louie, and the Pikmin to safety.

Slight rewording. Loot is a cool word.

Ivory Candypop Bud

Demo Final
What an interesting development:
the Pikmin look as if they long to
be tossed into the flower...
What an interesting development:
the Pikmin look as if they long to
be tossed into the flower

Identical text, but it's colored to give the player a bit of an extra push.

White Pikmin Eaten

Demo Final
Intriguing. The creature displayed
symptoms of severe poisoning
upon consuming the white Pikmin.
Intriguing! The creature showed
symptoms of poisoning after
consuming the white Pikmin.

Rewording + punctuation changes.

Burgeoning Spiderwort Mold

Demo Final
This place was once green and
lush. This odd growth seems to
be the cause of all the withering.

What is this? A strange,
moldlike botanical entity has
spread across the ground here.

Interesting. I am detecting other
plant life suffocating beneath it.

Intro - Citadel of Spiders

Demo Final
Krzzt! My sensors are giving out
foreboding signals. These signals
could very well mean...

...that this hole is filled with
wretched, nasty bugs. Dangerous,
life-threatening bugs.
Krzzt! My sensors are giving out
foreboding signals. These
signals could very well mean...

...that this hole is filled with
wretched, nasty bugs! Vicious,
program-terminating bugs!

Changing "life-threatening" to "program-terminating" changes the ship's message from concern for the captains to cowardly self-interest. Also, it's a pun.

Yellow Pikmin Spotted

Demo Final
It would be most helpful if they
remember you, as did the red
ones. Yes, most helpful.
It would be most helpful if they
remember you, like the red
ones did. Yes, most helpful.

This got polished.

Meet Yellow Pikmin

Demo Final
The yellow Pikmin have climbed
down the tree and approached!
They are staring in this direction.
The yellow Pikmin have climbed
down the tree and are staring
in this direction!

Reworded to (wait for it) fit in the message box.

Intro - Glutton's Kitchen

Demo Final
...Interesting. My odor detectors
are reacting... The scent wafts
from the hole before you.
Interesting! My odor detectors
are reacting... A strong scent
wafts from that hole!

The ship's text was made less ponderous.

Meet Blue Pikmin

Demo Final
These are surely blue Pikmin!
Like the other types, they appear
to be staring directly at you.
They must be blue Pikmin!
Like the other types, they look
to you for direction.

Reworded to make sense.

Intro - Frontier Cavern

Demo Final
Yet another cave discovered!
Venturing to the farthest
reaches has rewarded you!
Yet another cave discovered!
Venturing to the farthest
reaches has proven rewarding!

Intro - Subterranean Complex

Demo Final
Interesting... My metal detectors
are reacting quite violently!

I can only conclude that there
may be some sort of machine
below, but that seems illogical.
Interesting... My metal detectors
are reacting violently!

I can only conclude that there
may be some sort of machine
below, but that seems illogical...

This game loves ellipses...

Intro - Bulblax Kingdom

Demo Final
What could be happening in the
depths of the earth?
What force is at work in the
depths of the planet?

Intro - Snagret Hole

Demo Final
Intriguing! My audio sensors are
picking up a high-pitched wail.
Intriguing! My acoustic sensors
are picking up a high-pitched

Acoustic sounds better than audio.

Intro - Shower Room

Demo Final
A strange rock sits in the water.
Sensors indicate this piece of
matter blocks a cavern entrance.

Perhaps something sits in wait
beneath. I shall attempt a stone
reading to predict what is below!

Just as creases in a palm can be
read, so can creases on a stone.
They speak of the rock's past...

...Astounding! Results indicate
that an enticing encounter
awaits you below!
A large rock sits in a reservoir
of water. May I interject here?

I have been observing the two of
you working together. You have
been cooperating well.

Yet, to face the dangers ahead,
you must be free of the shackles
of a boss-worker relationship!

Learn to use (X) to separate and
(Y) to change leaders.

If you can master teamwork,
you can overcome any

The Ship's amazing rock reading dialogue was replaced with the game telling the player how to separate and change leaders, a bit of foreshadowing on how to defeat the Ranging Bloyster in the cave.

Intro - Submerged Castle

Demo Final
Interesting! Deeper sections of
this crevice seem to be
submerged in liquid...

Sadly, I am a delicate piece of
machinery that cannot touch
water. You two must go alone.
Interesting! Deeper sections of
this hole seem to be submerged
in liquid...

Sadly, I am a delicate piece of
machinery that is sensitive to
water. You two must go alone.

Waterwraith Appears

Demo Final
What is this?!? I can see it
with my optical receptors, but my
sensors do not react to it at all!
What is this?!? I can see it
with my optical receptors, but
my sensors cannot detect it!

Message fitting rejiggery.

Meet Bulbmin

Demo Final
The confused Bulborb has
fallen in with the Pikmin. They
appear to coexist peacefully.

Strange...this Bulborb has a leaf
sprouting from its spine, much
like the leaf on a Pikmin's head...
The confused bulborb has
fallen in with the Pikmin. They
appear to coexist peacefully.

Strange...this bulborb has a leaf
sprouting from its spine, much
like the leaf on a Pikmin's head.

Because bulborb is a species, it was decapitalized, which is also not a word but should be.

Return to The Planet

Demo Final
Mr. President! You've arrived! This
planet is so laden with treasure,
it is like a dream come true.

We shall make Hocotate freight
the shining, golden king of
deep-space, long-haul freight!

Then everyone will be gaudily
covered in gold, like me! ...No.
I am unique. And beautiful. Yes...
Mr. President! You've arrived!
My scans indicate this planet is
still heavily laden with treasure.

We shall make Hocotate Freight
the golden, indisputable king of
deep-space, long-haul freight!

Then everyone will be gaudily
clad in gold, like me! ...No.
I am unique. And beautiful. Yes.

Intro - Cavern of Chaos

Demo Final
... Well, if you still wish to enter,
keep wits and courage in check,
and just focus on surviving.
Well, if you still wish to enter,
keep your daring in check
and just focus on surviving.

The early script doesn't seem to know what "keep in check" means.

Intro - Dream Den

Demo Final
Perhaps you will find Louie in
here! ...And yet, my CPU is edgy.
Surely ludicrous dangers await.

It is the bottom of the bottom of
the deepest, darkest, most foul,
sinister, horribly vile depths.

Do you still wish to enter?
Of course you do. It is that
courage that is our true treasure.
Perhaps you will find Louie in
here! ...And yet, my CPU is on
edge. Ludicrous dangers await!

Beasts lurk at the bottom of the
deepest, darkest, most foul,
sinister, horribly vile pit.

Do you still wish to enter?
Of course you do. Courage is
our true treasure!

More rewriting to improve how the text reads.

Louie is Found

Demo Final
Is that Louie?!? Mr. President!
I have located Louie buried
in a vast mound of treasure!
Is that Louie?!? Mr. President!
I have located Louie resting
on a vast mound of treasure!

Corrected in the final script, since Louie isn't actually buried in the treasure.

Demo Final
We may still be in time. Quickly!
To Louie's aid!
There may yet be time.
Quickly! To Louie's aid!

Standard space-saving change.

Louie Rescued

Demo Final
Is your life fading?

No! He appears only to have
fainted! He is always running
into trouble and fainting.
Are your life functions fading?

No! He appears only to have
fainted! He is always running
into trouble...

Very slight censorship and tightening.

Demo Final
We will have to keep him in the
cargo hold with the treasure.
We will have to keep him in the
cargo hold with the treasure

And again.

Challenge Mode Intro

Demo Final
Try to earn as many points as
you can to earn fortune and
glory as a treasure hunter.
Earn as many points as you can
to achieve fame, fortune,
and glory!

Challenge Mode - Next Floor

Demo Final
A hole that continues deeper
underground has opened! On to
the next treasures!
A hole that continues deeper
underground has opened! Journey
deeper for more treasures!

Aesthetic rewording? Yep.