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Proto:Pocket Jiman

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Pocket Jiman.

Made a few months before the final game's release, a trial version was included with Pocket Zanmai. This was a compilation of upcoming demos related to PlayStation games heavily utilizing the PocketStation.

Developer Message

Hidden inside EMU.EXE at 0x520D4:

Original Translation
1999.08.10  ha- yareyare.
korede taikenban yakinaosu no nankai me da?
mo- tukaretayo
ma koremo game tukuri no
1 purosesu dasi sikatanai no dakedo.
Chikahiro Yoshida
10 August, 1999
Ack, what a pain. How many times have I
re-burned the trial version? I'm already tired.
Well, this is just one process in making a game,
so I can't do much about it.
Chikahiro Yoshida

(Source: Ronto_255)