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Proto:Pokémon Black and White/January 30, 2009 Build

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Pokémon Black and White.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
  • Find more screenshots featuring the build and the final to compare.
  • Test crashes and download play test on real hardware.
  • Add images.
January 30, 2009 Final (JPN)
PkmnBW Proto 30092009titlescreen.png Pokemon black-final titlescreen.png
  • Background of title screen consists of flat colors instead of a checkerboard pattern.
  • Early Japanese logo; lacks the white background of the final version.
  • No Reshiram on the bottom screen.
  • Debug functions on the bottom left corner of the upper screen.
  • No "Developed by GAMEFREAK inc." text.
  • "Push Start Button" is on the bottom screen instead of the top, along with the same instructions in Japanese, and is written in a taller and thinner font.
    • Interestingly, in the Japanese text, there appears to be a missing character - a question mark in the place of お in the word おして (which means “push”).

Main Menu

PkmnBW Proto Mainmenu30092009.png

Press Start for the main menu.

Japanese English
さいしょからはじめる New Game
ふしぎなおくりもの Mystery Gift
Wi-Fiせってい Wi-Fi Settings
eメールせってい Email Settings

New Game

Attempting to start a new game will crash, after you type your trainer's name.

Mystery Gift

Boots an early mystery gift menu.

Japanese English
おくりものをうけとる Receive the gift
やめる Cancel
ふぎなおくりものへようこそ! Welcome to the mystery gift!

Wi-Fi Settings

Opens Wi-Fi settings.

Email Settings

Starts the game normally, which results in a crash.

Title Debug Menu

PkmnBW Proto Titledebugmenu30092009.png

Press Select at the title screen. At the bottom of the top screen, the ROM build date (January 30 2009 22:22:30) and current RTC time is shown.

The options in the debug menu are as follows:

Japanese English
デバッグ開始 Start Debugging
続きから Continue
名前を選んで開始 Select a name and start
RTC調整 RTC Adjustment
セーブ破かい Save Corruption (Break save)
SOUND (Sound test)
わたなべ てつや Tetsuya Watanabe
たまだ そうすけ Sosuke Tamada
そがべひさし Hisashi Sogabe
おおのかつみ Katsumi Ohno
たまさお Sao Tamada
Sample1 Sample1
まつだよしのり Yoshinori Matsuda
かがやけいた Keita Kagawa
あらいずみのぶひこ Nobuhiko Araisumi
DlPlaySample Download Play Sample

NOTE: Pressing L + R + Select + Start once you've pressed any of these will return you to the title screen.

Start Debugging

Starts the game normally. This skips the trainer naming, so the game crashes.


The game hangs. (If you don't have a save file) You can press L + R + Select + Start to go back to the title screen.

Select a name and start

PkmnBW Proto Names30092009.png

Opens another menu with a bunch of Japanese names. Pressing any of them will start the game with what you chose as the trainer name, but the game crashes.

RTC adjustment

Opens another menu with options like "Decrease months, Increase days, Decrease days..." and a "back" (もどる) option.

Save Corruption

PkmnBW Proto Savecorrupt30092009.png

Opens a menu on the bottom screen with 32 options.

Japanese English
0 A面エラー 0 A Face Error
1 A面エラー 1 A Face Error
2 A面エラー 2 A Face Error
3 A面エラー 3 A Face Error
4 A面エラー 4 A Face Error
5 A面エラー 5 A Face Error
6 A面エラー 6 A Face Error
7 A面エラー 7 A Face Error
8 A面エラー 8 A Face Error
9 A面エラー 9 A Face Error
10 A面エラー 10 A Face Error
11 A面エラー 11 A Face Error
12 A面エラー 12 A Face Error
13 A面エラー 13 A Face Error
14 A面エラー 14 A Face Error
15 A面エラー 15 A Face Error
16 A面エラー 16 A Face Error
17 A面エラー 17 A Face Error
18 A面エラー 18 A Face Error
19 A面エラー 19 A Face Error
20 A面エラー 20 A Face Error
21 A面エラー 21 A Face Error
22 A面エラー 22 A Face Error
23 A面エラー 23 A Face Error
24 A面エラー 24 A Face Error
25 A面エラー 25 A Face Error
26 A面エラー 26 A Face Error
27 A面エラー 27 A Face Error
28 A面エラー 28 A Face Error
29 A面エラー 29 A Face Error
FOOTER A面エラー FOOTER A Face Error
セーブクリア Save Clear
Aボタンで With the A button
A面はかい A Face Release
Rボタンをおしながら While pressing the R button
Aボタンで With the A button
B面はかい B Face Release

Sound test

PkmnBW Proto Soundtest20092009.png

Opens a sound test.

Controls are:

A - Play

B - Stop

X - Go back to the title screen

Y - Go back to track 1000

Tetsuya Watanabe

Spawns the player in one of two 3D maps, with NPCs walking around. The player can walk anywhere, through walls. NPCs also do this, and they walk randomly.

There's only one map, and more NPCs spawn in comparison to the November 28, 2008 build.

The controls are the following:

D-Pad - Move
A - Zoom out
B - Zoom in
X - Move camera down
Y - Move camera up
L - Rotate camera to the right
R - Rotate camera to the left
Select - Reloads the map
Start - Opens a keyboard on the bottom screen and a textbox which shows what you've written on top of the bottom screen. It appears to have no function once you press enter.

Sosuke Tamada

PkmnBW Proto Earlysettings30092009.png

Opens an early settings menu.

Japanese English
せっていをかえる Change Settings
サウンド Sound
おせい Easy
はやい Fast
ステレオ Stereo
モノラル Mono
せんとラアニメ Battle Scene (Battle Animation)
みない Don't Watch
しあいのルール Match Rules
いれかえ Swap
かちぬき Knockout
ボタンモード Button Mode
ノーマル Normal
ウインドウ Window
タイプ1 Type 1
とじる Close

Hisashi Sogabe

When pressing this option, Giratina's 3D model for Platinum's title screen is visible for a split second.

Boots a Pokémon battle test. There's no background music, and an early animation of the move Fire Blast is used.

The battle can be interacted with using the controls:

A - Makes the player's team attack the enemy team with the move Water Gun
B - Makes the enemy team attack the player's team with the move Water Gun
Y - Makes the enemy team attack the player's team with the move Fire Blast
X - Makes the player's team attack the enemy team with the move Fire Blast
D-Pad - Moves the camera
L + D-Pad - Rotates the camera
Start - Crashes the game.
Select - Allows you to change the Pokémon displayed.
A - (When Select is pressed) Changes the Pokémon according to the pokédex order (+1)
B - (When Select is pressed) Changes the Pokémon according to the pokédex order (-1)
Y - (When Select is pressed) Changes the Pokémon according to the pokédex order (-10)
X - (When Select is pressed) Changes the Pokémon according to the pokédex order (+10)
D-Pad Left and Right - Changes the Pokémon's position
D-Pad Up and Down - Changes the number below the Pokédex number

Katsumi Ohno

To do:
  • Check if this is an infrared communication test.

Adds the debug numbers (if they were not yet present) and a communication icon on the top right of the top screen.

This appears to be a wireless communication test, but it does not work.

The game hangs.

Attempting to go back to the title screen with L + R + Select + Start will crash the game.

Masao Taya

New Battle System

Opens a menu on the top screen, with both screens having a white background. The options are:

Japanese English
新しいバトルシステム New Battle System
漢字モード切りかえ Switch to Kanji Mode
通信バトル Communication Battle
通信しながら漢字テスト Kanji Test While Communicating
BlendMagic 動作テスト BlendMagic Operation Test
スタンドアロン漢字テスト Standalone Kanji Test

  • あたらしいバトルシステム

Boots a very early Pokémon battle test. It's been improved since the November 28, 2008 build.

If you lose or win the battle, you'll go back to the menu automatically.

  • かんじモードきりかえ

Switches the text with kanji instead of hiragana and viceversa.

  • 通信バトル
Communication Battle

Behaves like the Katsumi Ohno option. Adds the debug numbers (if they were not yet present) and a communication icon on the top right of the top screen.

The game will hang while looking for another DS in wireless communication. Once it is found, they will automatically connect and begin a communication battle.

  • つうしんしながらかんじテスト

Performs a communication test. A text is shown on the top of the screen which reads "つうしんしながらかんじテスト" (please wait a moment).

  • BlendMagic どうさテスト

Plays an animation on the bottom screen.

  • スタンドアロンかんじテスト

Shows text when the A button is pressed. Here's some of the text:

Aボタンをおすとメッセージおくりです - Press the A button to send a message.

ポケモンのテキストがうまれかわります! - The Pokémon text will be reborn!

やせいのピカチュウがとびだした!! - A wild Pikachu has appeared!!

かがくのちからってすげー! - The power of science is amazing!

このほかにも・・・ - Besides this...


Crashes the game.

Yoshinori Matsuda

Opens a menu on the bottom screen with several test options.

PkmnBW Proto Yoshinorimatsuda30092009.png
Japanese English
?大ビーコン送受信 アイテム ? Large Beacon Send/Receive Item
赤外線複数マッチング Infrared Multiple Matching
ワイヤレス通信テスト Wireless Communication Test
セーブテスト Save Test
ポケモンリスト Pokémon List
ポケモンこうかん Pokémon Exchange
セーブはかい Save Release
バレス Bares (may refer to a specific term)
バレス手動 Manual Bares (may refer to a specific term)

Keita Kagawa

Attempts to start the game normally, which crashes.

Nobuhiko Araisumi

PkmnBW Proto Trainercard30092009.png

Opens an early version of HGSS's trainer card.

Pressing B will return you to the title screen normally.

DownloadPlay Sample

To do:
  • Test this on real hardware.
  • Test on this build.

Starts a download play distribution.

On the top screen, there's a textbox with text that reads "通信相手を探しています" (Searching for a communication partner.)

If a guest DS downloads the image, it'll fail to boot and it'll be stuck on the Nintendo logo. (Emulator)