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Proto:Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness/paladin.7z Leaks/Debug ROMs/Script Debugger

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness/paladin.7z Leaks/Debug ROMs.

A script debugger for the game is turned on by default alongside the other debug features. This is also present and currently accessible in Explorers of Sky as well, but a method for accessing it in the final Time/Darkness releases hasn't been documented yet.

New Save File


The first thing you may notice is that a debug dialogue appears when starting a new save file.

Japanese Translation
メモ:せいかくしんだんを おこないますか? Memo: Conduct the Personality Test?

The first three options are as follows.

Japanese Translation Function
はい Yes This will load the Personality test as normal. When you complete it, the game will send you to the next menu in the debugger.
いいえ No This skips the Personality Test, moving directly onto the next menu in the debugger. Selecting this option will provide you with the "default" save file mentioned previously when you eventually go in-game.
メイン1からはじめる Start from Main 1 Selecting this effectively skips the entire debug sequence. You are dropped into the Personality Test, and when you complete it, you will move on to the opening cutscene like normal.

Selecting "Yes" or "No" will eventually bring you to another menu, which allows you to select which part of the story you will drop into.

Japanese Translation
メモ:どのシナリオから はじめますか? Memo: Start from which Scenario?

There are quite a few options here, so a few of them will be combined into one. Note that the words "つぎヘ"(Next) and "まえへ"(Prev.) appear at the beginning and end of most of the pages here, and they always switch which page of the menu you're on.

PMDTimeDarkness-LeakScriptDebugMainGame1.png PMDTimeDarkness-LeakScriptDebugMainGame2.png PMDTimeDarkness-LeakScriptDebugPostGame.png

Japanese Translation Function
デバッグ Debug This option crashes the game with this error:
!!!!! Assert !!!!!
file = 'ground_main.c' line =  1306
scenario  0 number check error 39[  0]-> 29[  1]

In Explorers of Sky's script debugger, this actually takes you to a menu with a few different test cutscenes to select from; it's possible that this menu also did the same thing at one point, but the debug cutscenes were later removed from the menu or deleted entirely.

そのた Others This opens another sub-menu, filled with miscellaneous parts of the story that a tester may want to have quick access to. There are a lot of options here, so they won't all be listed, but they can be found fully-translated in the English text, and are usually pretty self-explanatory based on the name. [a dump of the debug text should hopefully be eventually added to this game's page, so you'll be able to use that for reference when it happens.]
すべてがおわったせかい World with everything ended this very-directly-translated option drops you into a save file where every part of the scenario, including the post-game, has been completed. Your dungeon list is filled with most of the dungeons unlocked, and Cresselia is waiting for you at Sharpedo Bluff to be recruited.
メイン1~26 Main 1-26 These are all separate options in the menu, which take up several pages, so they've all been shortened to one option here. The word "Main" is the common internal name for the pre-ending Chapters in the game, and as you'd probably guess, selecting one of these will bring you to the beginning of that corresponding chapter.
エンディングご Post Ending Selecting this will bring you to another menu which has the various chapters of the post-game present. Since this is basically just a glorified "Next" option, the options here are listed below.
やっぱりエンディングまえ Before the Ending Basically a glorified "Prev." button, this one simply takes you back to the first page of the previous menu.
サブ01~04, 20~23 Sub 01-04, 20-23 These are also all separate options in the menu, and take up two pages total. Very similar to the "Main" option above, this warps you to various parts of the post-game. The "chapters" of the Post-game are internally referred to as "Sub", which is strange as the post-game doesn't have clearly defined chapters, at least from the player's perspective. Also strange is that the numbers assigned to them skip from 4 to 20. This doesn't seem to skip any important parts of the post-game, however.

The "New Game" sequence is probably the most drastic change that the Script Debugger enables, but there are also plenty of smaller strings that appear as the game is played.

Wonder Egg


If you are in the part of the Post-Game where you obtain Manaphy, and you either have Surrounded Sea unlocked or have the Wonder Egg in your Sharpedo Bluff, this message will appear before the beginning of each day. Strangely, this is not in the standard debug yellow.

Japanese Translation
デバッグ:ふしぎなタマゴを Debug: Wonder Egg:

This also pops a menu with 3 options:

Japanese Translation Function
もっていることにする Is in possession. The Wonder Egg will be forced into Sharpedo Bluff, regardless of whether you've actually obtained it or not.
もっていないことにする Is not in possession. The Wonder Egg will be removed from your Sharpedo Bluff if you currently have it.
チェックする Check. The game will do nothing, so you will still have the Wonder Egg if you already had it previously, and you will not have it if you didn't obtain it yet.

Marowak Dojo

Clearing any training maze in the Dojo will show the following message, and offer the following options.

PMDTimeDarkness-LeakScriptDebugDojo1.png PMDTimeDarkness-LeakScriptDebugDojo2.png

Japanese Translation
デバッグ:どうする? Debug: What would you like to do?
Japanese Translation Function
ながれにみをまかす Trust your own luck. This effectively does nothing, and continues the game normally.
イカサマはつどう Cheat. opens another menu that says this message, and has the following options. Note that both messages are actually identical in the Japanese version, but are separate strings in the official translation.
Japanese Translation
デバッグ:どうする? Debug: What's your choice?
Japanese Translation Function
せいこう Success. The game places you into the cutscene that plays when you've beaten a training maze.
ぜんぶせいこう All success. This one places you in the cutscene that plays when you've cleared all the standard training mazes. It even properly gives you the Joy Seed, as the normal cutscene does.
しっぱい Failure. The cutscene that plays when you fail a maze appears.
でんせつせいこう Success on legend. This is the cutscene that plays whenever you successfully clear the Final Maze after you've already cleared it.
でんせつぜんぶせいこう Success on all legends. This is the cutscene that plays when you first clear the Final Maze. This also properly gives you the Brown Bow reward.
でんせつしっぱい Failure on legend. This is the cutscene that plays if you fail the Final Maze.

Aegis Cave


If you're at any of the stones present in Aegis Cave, and you interact with it and choose the option to close your eyes, the following debug message will appear along with the following options.

Japanese Translation
デバッグ:アンノーンのいしを Debug: The needed Unown Stones are...
Japanese Translation Function
もっていることにする In possession. The game will proceed as if you've collected all the necessary Unown Stones for the section of the dungeon.
もっていないことにする Not in possession. The game will proceed as if you don't have all the necessary stones collected.
チェックする Check. The game will proceed as normal, properly checking if you've actually obtained the stones yet.



When a dungeon is exited, either by completion or failure, a debug message will appear that says the following:

Japanese Translation
ポケモンそうこに もどした
Returned the In-Dungeon Team Info 
to PKMN Storage

This message indicates that the info for your in-dungeon team has been synced with the info in your Assembly, since the two are stored separately.