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Proto:S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky/Build 3436

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This is a sub-page of Proto:S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
  • Basically everything.

Script and Logic Differences

  • Location music does not get silenced on bases, making ambient and bar themes overlap with each other.
  • The non-purchasable non-quest stashes lack location filter, so you are able to get them on any location.


Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
  • What mar_csky_tactic_link.ltx is for and why is it missing in 3436?
  • What is the difference between the timers in mar_intro_lebedev_2.ltx?
  • Is it possible to make Lebedev's lines overlap? Perhaps in the original untranslated game?
  • Suslov does not use his unique trader animation after the speech with Lebedev, making him draw the best weapon in his inventory, which is a sawn-off shotgun.
  • The audio for artifact tutorial triggers as soon as you enter the trigger zone, skipping the check that any audio is playing already. This should result in them overlapping, but it's practically impossible to reach the second line trigger before the first one ends, so this change is irrelevant on practice.
  • A guide option to get to Escape does not trigger the fade out animation, nor does it disable the UI.
  • Cordon

    Elementary, my dear Cactus.
    This needs some investigation.
    Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
    • How changes in esc_mil_alarm.ltx, esc_mil_alarm_1.ltx, esc_mil_alarm_2.ltx affect the game?
    • How changes in esc_mil_minigun.ltx affect the game?
    • How changes in esc_military_base_logic.ltx affect the game?
    • How changes in esc_support_military_spawn.ltx affect the game?
    • How changes in esc_voditel.ltx affect the game?
    • How changes in esc_wolf.ltx affect the game?
  • The bribe sequence where you may buy yourself forgiveness at Sid if you accidentally attacked Stalker Base does not get disabled upon getting the case and may be used even after completing Cordon storyline.
  • Valerian has otherwise unused in final game greeting and farewell quotes, as well as logic making the dialogue impossible when he's speaking.
  • The distance to activate the Valerian's interrogation sequence is 2 instead of 3, making the player have to come a little bit closer in order to initiate it.
  • Valerian's monologue about Khaletskiy's friends being dead is mistakenly labeled as agr_stalker_base_leader_name instead of esc_leader_stalkerbase_name, making Orest's name appear in the subtitles.
  • Khaletskiy does not escape himself if you don't give him a gun, staying in his prison forever. In the final game, he disappears as soon as the player is at least 100m away from him once the case is delivered.
  • Khaletskiy is able to pick up items, making it possible for him to acquire a gun if you throw one nearby. However, he is neutral to everyone even in case they attack him, so he won't have use for it.
  • Garbage

    Elementary, my dear Cactus.
    This needs some investigation.
    Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
    • What's the difference between digger's stash behavior in 3436 and 3456? The first one is giving infoportion, and on receiving it, giving stash coordinates and a quest, and the second method is just doing all of them in the same logic piece.
  • The game does not check if the squad at the smart terrains near level changers belongs to Bandits faction, therefore making every squad stopping here rob the player.
  • No artifacts spawn in the secret box at bandits base, making it always empty. Its name, gar_treasure_quest_bandit_base, though, implies that there was some quest once related to it, but its original purpose remains a mystery.
  • Flayer's minigame offers you three times less money for every crow you kill in the 'playing for money' mode, with the stake (and reward) being 100 per crow instead of 300.
  • The bandits ambushing the player in Flea Market basement take no money, instead only taking what's in your inventory.
  • Dark Valley

    • It's impossible to start the dialogue with the Commandant while he's speaking.
    • In Lingov's second mission to send ammo to the camp, the player receives 540 5.56x45 ammo pieces instead of 240.
    • The tunnel blow-up sequence gets started only if the quest on attacking the Killer base is active, so the player sneaking here before the mission might encounter the behind-the-scenes barrels and tunnel being already blown up. In the final game, the sequence starts just as soon as you approach the tunnel, no matter what quests are active.
    • The player receives no reward for completing the Chekhov's quest, making flash drive with data on an electronic stabilizer for sniper rifles inaccessible.


    Elementary, my dear Cactus.
    This needs some investigation.
    Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
    • The difference between duty_commander.ltx logic.
    • What does quest_npc for Zvyagintsev logic mean? It surely does not affect the map mark.
    • Why do level_spot marks get deleted for the final game? Why is Inquisitor still considered an important char and Aydar is still a mechanic even though info for this is not present in their logic?
  • The lone pseudogiant on the hill between Garbage level changers seems to start terrorizing the Duty outposts once the player enters the Agroprom Underground by constantly respawning every thirty seconds after getting killed if the player is at least 50 meters away and his smart terrain is not occupied. His logic tells him to attack Road to the Garbage smart terrain with 60% chance, Makeshift Camp with 16% chance and stay where he is with 24% chance.
  • Thrush and Aydar both lack their hands-up animation on base being attacked and are both talkable to, and Kolobok has a test enemy behavior (not any different from default one) checking for his relationship with Scar instead of checking whether the base itself is under attack.
  • Thrush is instantly killable from any non-fatal hit, just like Kolobok in the final game.
  • Zvyagintsev plays his farewell phrase in his normal state instead of after-game one, resulting in him admiring your result before you even started.
  • The swamp smart terrain does not clear before spawning a loner squad, potentially leading to a crash if two factions are registered to the same smart terrain.
  • Agroprom Underground

    Elementary, my dear Cactus.
    This needs some investigation.
    Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
    • What's the out restrictors for tushkanos?
  • Three more snorks spawn in behind the corners that are empty in the final game, resulting in a total of 8 snorks in that area.
  • Apart from the controller that already is in the room in the final game, four more poltergeists also spawn in the area, but they do not attack the player and are not needed to be killed in order to open the door. These poltergeists are probably the reason the final game refers to this controller as 'mutants'.
  • The psy damage in the controller room is more than doubled, dealing 50% of base psy damage to the player instead of the final's 20%.
  • The door behind the player does not close itself once you turn on the faucet.
  • The player got ten seconds less to leave the flooded area, having just 40 instead of the final's 50.
  • If the player does not make it in time, he just straight up dies. Final game also has an fade in animation before death.
  • The siren and waterfall sounds stop only after you've already been teleported to the outer area instead of as soon as you climb the ladder.
  • The player lacks stand-up animation and associated sound after leaving the flooded area.
  • Tushkanos continue spawning after you left the flooded area even though you can't see this. Since they despawn offscreen, that can't lead to tushkano overpopulation though.
  • Red Forest

    • The reward from Leshiy consists of scientific medkits and money instead of artifacts:
    Amount of mercs survived Reward (Build 3436) Reward (Final)
    4 3 Scientific medkits, 5000RU Kolobok
    3 2 Scientific medkits, 3000RU Fire
    2 Scientific medkit, 2000RU Soul
    1 1000RU Eye
    0 (just Leshiy)

    Stash Differences

    • All of non-purchasable and non-quest stashes on every location but Great Swamps and Limansk contain just a medkit. Limansk normal stashes all contain AKM-74/2U and three packs of ammo. GS stashes are unique and have been just a little rebalanced for release.

    Music Differences

    The Cold's bar music present in Build 3436 seems to be a raw short version of the final theme.

    Build 3436 Final

    Gameplay Differences

    Difficulty level Hit probability (Build 3436) Hit probability (Final)
    Novice 30% 20%
    Stalker 40% 30%
    Veteran 50% 40%
    Master 100% 50%

    The hit probability in the build is much worse than final (especially on Master difficulty where enemies seem to hit you 100% of the time). However, these changes do not seem to actually affect anything because of the actual hit probability values lying in another file, defines.ltx.

    Text Differences

    To do:
    Check st_dialog_manager.xml. I can't open it with Excel due to some sort of error in formatting, so I can't sort it, so I can't list the differences.

    A lot of text has been changed between this proto and release version of the game.


    Character names.

    Build 3436 Final
    Novikov Gray

    mar_csky_tech_name, text string containing the name for Clear Sky tech, got changed before the game got released due to Cold's voice line where he is called Gray — his prototype nickname. While in Russian the line got revoiced-over, his name got changed in the English localization instead, which later resulted in inconsistency between Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat.

    agr_weaponmaster_name is missing in B3436, while only agr_weaponmaster string exists (in release they both are in the files). This results in his technical name being displayed.


    Some generic dialogues and text strings usually not belonging to any specific location.

    crowkiller_game_crows_killed was called crowkiller_game_сrows_killed instead (with cyrillic С in 'crows') which results in string name being displayed.

    Build 3436 Final
    I have something: I need something:

    tm_random_task_1, a phrase used when squad commanders talk about the jobs they need to get done, used to have a slightly different verb.

    Build 3436 Final
    ok OK.

    tm_random_task_21, tm_random_task_22, tm_random_task_24, tm_random_task_43, tm_weapon_up_task_111, tm_weapon_up_task_121, tm_weapon_up_task_131 and tm_weapon_up_task_141, which all seem to share the same text, got capitalized. They are used in various places where the player agrees to take a generic task.


    Build 3436 Final
    Do trespass Access Allowed

    st_esc_q6_n, the name for Sid's stash has been changed. The original one in Russian version could be translated as "Do go in — it will not kill you" which mocks a pretty famous phrase "Do not go in — it will kill you" usually written on electrical shields all around CIS countries. The pre-release name had tried to localize the joke by mocking "Do not trespass" sign, while the final version tried to stick to the original meaning.


    Build 3436 Final
    Frankly, I couldn't give a shit about what's going on. So long as there's enough work (and drink!) to go around - it's all good. My life might be crap, but it's too late to change it now. So why should I cram my head full of useless gossip? I mean, all sorts of shit happens around here. You met Kirill yet? He's the lad with the spotty face - we even call him Spotty. Well, if you ain't seen him he's probably at the bottom of a bottle somewhere. Anyway, I spotted Spotty (ha-ha!) going outside the base a few times. I figured the boy's got himself a stash where he hides the loot he don't feel like sharing after raids. Others noticed it too, and it got to Yoga one way or another. He summoned Spotty and ordered him to give up the stash. Spotty was like: "Boss, I ain't no rat, I swear..." so he went and showed him. Turns out the lad picked up a wounded Chernobyl puppy and was feeding him scraps, 'cause he had no one else to talk to - the boys didn't think too much of him. Anyways, Yoga got real pissed about the whole thing - shot the puppy, Spotty got a bad beating and lost his cut. Man, that's life... Frankly, I couldn't give a shit about what's going on. So long as there's enough work (and drink!) to go around - it's all good. My life might be crap, but it's too late to change it now. So why should I cram my head full of useless gossip? I mean, all sorts of shit happens around here. You met Kirill yet? He's the lad with the spotty face - we even call him Spotty. Well, if you ain't seen him he's probably at the bottom of a bottle somewhere. Anyway, I spotted Spotty going outside the base a few times. I figured the boy's got himself a stash where he hides the loot he don't feel like sharing after raids. Others noticed it too, and it got to Yoga one way or another. He summoned Spotty and ordered him to give up the stash. Spotty was like: "Boss, I ain't no rat, I swear..." so he went and showed him. Turns out the lad picked up a wounded Chernobyl puppy and was feeding him scraps, 'cause he had no one else to talk to - the boys didn't think too much of him. Anyways, Yoga got real pissed about the whole thing - shot the puppy, Spotty got a bad beating and lost his cut. Man, that's life...

    gar_bandit_fixer_questions_131 and gar_bandit_tech_questions_131 that seem to share the same message both got changed slightly. Someone originally took a liberty here with a 'pun unintended' message. Got changed probably due to the original text not having this wordplay. A shame.