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Proto:Super Pinball

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Super Pinball.

To do:
Document the Super Sushi Pinball prototype.

May 15, 1988 Build

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

To do:
Any further differences?

A seemingly-late build of the Japanese version, released by Skrybe on February 1, 2009.

Proto Final
SuperPinballProtoTitle.png Superpinball-title.png

The title screen is missing the animated ball character and the High Score display.

Proto Final
SuperPinballProtoMenu.png SuperPinballMenu.png

The borders were made to include all of the text.

Proto Final
SuperPinball2ndScreenProto.png SuperPinball2ndScreen.png

The checkered flag was changed from red to white, the sidebars were changed from purple to pink, and the "HI-WAY" text was made readable. Additionally, the three blue lanes on the top of the screen and the lanes on either side near the gutters were rounder in the prototype.

Proto Final
SuperPinballGameOverProto.png SuperPinballGameOver.png

The girl on the game over screen got a haircut. If you squint, you can see the few recolored pixels in the glares in the window next to her.


Additionally, the prototype skips this screen, which is shown right before the game over screen.