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Proto:Team Fortress 2/June 25th, 2007/Asset Differences

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Team Fortress 2/June 25th, 2007.

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This page or section details content from the June 11th, 2020 Postal III Beta Leak.
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Proto images present on this article should not be uploaded to the Official Team Fortress 2 Wiki, as that wiki has a leaked content policy in place prohibiting the upload of these images.

Many assets in this early build were changed on release/in future post-release patches.

Early HUD Element Sprites


The crosshairs files in the proto had a more beige tone to them, while the final ended up being white.

(Backgrounds colored for visual clarity)

Prototype Final


The graphic files are the same size, but the final version touches the edges of the image and is also generally thicker.

Oddly, when viewing the final version in VTFEdit, the entire image looks like a square gradient, but the prototype image still looks like a plus sign. Also of note is the prototype version uses one-bit alpha, while the final version uses eight-bit alpha.

Prototype Final
materials/HUD/health_color.vtf materials/hud/health_color.vtf


The Attack icon is mostly identical to the final version, although the arm is slightly more detailed in the prototype. The prototype Defense icon has a completely different icon in the center depicting a rather medieval looking fortress with a flag in the middle building.

(Prototype backgrounds colored for visual clarity)

Prototype Final
materials/HUD/hud_icon_attack.vtf materials/HUD/hud_icon_defend.vtf
materials/hud/hud_icon_attack.vtf materials/hud/hud_icon_defend.vtf

Leaderboard "Dead" Icon

The icon for the leaderboard that indicates a dead player was quite plain in the proto and received a touchup in the final.

(Prototype background colored for visual clarity)

Prototype Final

Random Class Selection Icon

The early random class selection icon found in the final game files was once again found in this build. This build actually uses it though, and it comes with a matching "inactive" version.
materials/VGUI/class_sel_sm_random.vtf materials/VGUI/class_sel_sm_random_inactive.vtf


While it seems to use the final model, Scout's HUD/selection icons have him in an entirely different pose to the ones in the final game. It also seems that the HUD icons are simply the selection icons flipped horizontally, causing Scout's headset to be on the wrong way consequently. The outline on the RED cloaked sprite is also more orange in the prototype.

Prototype materials/HUD/class_scoutblue.vtf materials/HUD/class_scoutblue_cloak.vtf materials/HUD/class_scoutblue_tint.vtf materials/HUD/class_scoutred.vtf materials/HUD/class_scoutred_cloak.vtf materials/HUD/class_scoutred_tint.vtf materials/HUD/class_scout_normal.vtf
Final materials/hud/class_scoutblue.vtf materials/hud/class_scoutblue_cloak.vtf materials/hud/class_scoutblue_tint.vtf materials/hud/class_scoutred.vtf materials/hud/class_scoutred_cloak.vtf materials/hud/class_scoutred_tint.vtf materials/hud/class_scout_normal.vtf
Prototype Final
materials/VGUI/class_sel_sm_scout_blue.vtf materials/VGUI/class_sel_sm_scout_red.vtf materials/VGUI/class_sel_sm_scout_inactive.vtf materials/vgui/class_sel_sm_scout_blue.vtf materials/vgui/class_sel_sm_scout_red.vtf materials/vgui/class_sel_sm_scout_inactive.vtf


The Soldier's HUD icons use his 2006 teaser model, but the selection icons seem to be a mix of his final model and his old model with the five o' clock shadow. Both icons also feature the rocket launcher with a rocket poking out of it. The poses are mostly identical.

Prototype materials/HUD/class_soldierblue.vtf materials/HUD/class_soldierblue_cloaked.vtf materials/HUD/class_soldierblue_tint.vtf materials/HUD/class_soldierred.vtf materials/HUD/class_soldierred_cloaked.vtf materials/HUD/class_soldierred_tint.vtf materials/HUD/class_soldier_normal.vtf
Final materials/hud/class_soldierblue.vtf materials/hud/class_soldierblue_cloaked.vtf materials/hud/class_soldierblue_tint.vtf materials/hud/class_soldierred.vtf materials/hud/class_soldierred_cloaked.vtf materials/hud/class_soldierred_tint.vtf materials/hud/class_soldier_normal.vtf
Prototype Final
materials/VGUI/class_sel_sm_soldier_blue.vtf materials/VGUI/class_sel_sm_soldier_red.vtf materials/VGUI/class_sel_sm_soldier_inactive.vtf materials/vgui/class_sel_sm_soldier_blue.vtf materials/vgui/class_sel_sm_soldier_red.vtf materials/vgui/class_sel_sm_soldier_inactive.vtf


The Medic's HUD icons also use his teaser model, and are more or less his idle pose when wielding the needle gun. The RED cloak outline also has a more orange hue like Scout's.

Unlike the aforementioned Scout and Soldier class selection icon changes, the Medic's selection icons remain unchanged between this build and release.

Prototype materials/HUD/class_medicblue.vtf materials/HUD/class_medicblue_cloaked.vtf materials/HUD/class_medicblue_tint.vtf materials/HUD/class_medicred.vtf materials/HUD/class_medicred_cloaked.vtf materials/HUD/class_medicred_tint.vtf materials/HUD/class_medic_normal.vtf
Final materials/hud/class_medicblue.vtf materials/hud/class_medicblue_cloaked.vtf materials/hud/class_medicblue_tint.vtf materials/hud/class_medicred.vtf materials/hud/class_medicred_cloaked.vtf materials/hud/class_medicred_tint.vtf materials/hud/class_medic_normal.vtf


The building blueprints textures are mostly the same as the final's, albeit with the buildings being wireframes instead of flat drawings. There are some small differences with the Dispenser and Teleporter blueprints however.


Prototype Final
materials/HUD/eng_build_sentry_blueprint.vtf materials/hud/eng_build_sentry_blueprint.vtf


There is a small base at the bottom of the Dispenser.

Prototype Final
materials/HUD/eng_build_dispenser_blueprint.vtf materials/hud/eng_build_dispenser_blueprint.vtf


The Teleporter's design is quite a bit different in the prototype, having what seems to be joints in the center, more flat platforms, and a base structured more like the Sentry's legs.

Prototype Final
materials/HUD/eng_build_tele_entrance_blueprint.vtf materials/HUD/eng_build_tele_exit_blueprint.vtf materials/hud/eng_build_tele_entrance_blueprint.vtf materials/hud/eng_build_tele_exit_blueprint.vtf

Building Damaged

The damaged building icon is a different color in the prototype.

(Prototype background colored for visual clarity)

Prototype Final


Sniper's rifle power charge originally just said "FULL POWER" when it was fully charged instead of showing a lightning bolt and a percentage. The bar was also a solid gradient.

Prototype Final
materials/HUD/sniperscope_numbers2.vtf materials/hud/sniperscope_numbers2.vtf

Team Selection Screen

The TV static had darker shades of gray in the prototype.

Prototype Final
materials/models/vgui/tv_noise.vtf materials/models/vgui/tv_noise.vtf

The remaining team selection screen model textures have several small differences. The bigger changes include the random team door originally just having a simple question mark on it with no window, the "lighting" texture for when the doors are open only being one color, and it seems at one point there would have been a "TEAM FULL" sign when the teams were too full, something not present in the game at all. The floor also has a faint horizontal line going across it in the prototype.

Prototype Final
TF2Proto TeamSelScreen.png TF2Final TeamSelScreen.png
Prototype Final
TF2Proto TeamSelScreen3D.png TF2Final TeamSelScreen3D.png


The logo has been moved slightly.

Prototype materials/VGUI/menu_header.vtf
Final materials/vgui/menu_header.vtf

Kill Icons

To do:
This is one of those comparisons where I didn't take the "final" image from the very first release build of tf2, and instead used the current-day version, which can be a bit misleading if you wanted to see this builds compared to release. I'll re-do that Final image soon.

Within the first set of kill icons, the "negative" set, there are a number changes:

  • The bullets fired by the Pistol, Revolver, SMG and Scattergun in the proto kill icons were removed. The muzzleflashes of these kill icons were also changed to be slightly opaque like the other icons.
  • The Sapper icon's electricity bits are a darker shade of blue in the Proto. The darker color on the light killicon was likely done for better visibility, but it seems to have been changed to match the dark icon's lighter blue sparks later on.
  • Several icons had accentual bits modified to be slightly opaque in the final:
    • The stars on the original boxing glove icon for the Fists. The arm of the Fists icon was also changed to fade out instead of being entirely solid.
    • The muzzleflash on the Minigun and the Shotgun.
    • The backblast on the Rocket kill icon
  • The headshot kill icon's bullet is being fired from in front of the target in the proto. Was changed in the final to appear to have been fired from behind the target.
  • When overlaid on top of one another, the proto's Stickybomb Launcher kill icon's explosion accent can be seen to be slightly wider and bigger in some places compared to in the final.

(The final kill icons were taken from the latest build and modified to remove any kill icons that weren't present in the proto kill icons, for the sake of consistency and ease of comparison)

Prototype Final

All the same changes from above are present in the lighter kill icons. One noticeable change from the "negative" icons that wasn't carried over is that the electricity accents of the Sapper kill icon are not a darker shade of blue in the proto.

(Both backgrounds colored for visual clarity)

Prototype Final

Menu Map Photos

There are a few differences in menu map photos between the proto and final. Starting with ctf_2fort, the older menu photos are center-aligned while the final got left-aligned. The proto photos also show off the original layout of the central area as seen in early trailers and screenshots.

Prototype Final
materials/VGUI/maps/menu_photos_ctf_2fort.vtf materials/vgui/maps/menu_photos_ctf_2fort.vtf

Next we have tc_hydro which again received an alignment change in the final. As well, the original design of the satellite area is shown off in the upper photo.

Prototype Final
materials/VGUI/maps/menu_photos_tc_hydro.vtf materials/vgui/maps/menu_photos_tc_hydro.vtf

Menu Map Screens

There are also a few differences in menu map screens between the proto and final.

Starting with ctf_2fort, the proto screens show off the original layout of the central area as seen in early trailers and screenshots.

Prototype Final
materials/VGUI/maps/menu_screen_ctf_2fort.vtf materials/vgui/maps/menu_screen_ctf_2fort.vtf

Next we have tc_hydro which shows off the original design of the satellite area.

Prototype Final
materials/VGUI/maps/menu_screen_tc_hydro.vtf materials/vgui/maps/menu_screen_tc_hydro.vtf

Early Player Model Textures

Most, if not all of the player models underwent some form of changes involving their textures between development and release.


Head Textures

Demoman's normal non-HWM head textures have a few differences between the proto and final. One noticeable difference between them is the beard. As well, the proto model's eyes are pointed slightly downward compared to the final.

Prototype Final
materials/models/player/demo/demoman_head.vtf materials/models/player/demo/demoman_head.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto DemomanHead3D.png TF2Final DemomanHead3D.png

The changing beard makes another appearance in Demoman's HWM head textures.

Prototype materials/models/player/demo/hwm/demoman_head.vtf materials/models/player/demo/hwm/demoman_head_stretch.vtf materials/models/player/demo/hwm/demoman_head_compress.vtf
Final materials/models/player/demo/hwm/demoman_head.vtf materials/models/player/demo/hwm/demoman_head_stretch.vtf materials/models/player/demo/hwm/demoman_head_compress.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto DemomanHWMHead3D.png TF2Final DemomanHWMHead3D.png

Body Textures

The only major difference in the player model texture is the class emblem on the shoulders. In the proto, it's the Demoman's Dynamite Stick emblem, whereas the final has the Sticky Bomb emblem. There are other minor differences, but they're all mostly adding extra texture around the outline of certain areas to fix black spots on the player model where the original texture sheet wasn't properly filled in, and some minor shading work.

Interestingly, the Dynamite Stick emblem made its way to the PlayStation 3 version of the game, which features it.

Prototype Final




Prototype Final
TF2Proto DemomanRed3D.png TF2Proto DemomanBlue3D.png TF2Final DemomanRed3D.png TF2Final DemomanBlue3D.png


Head Textures

Engineer's head textures have some slight differences in the opacity of the hairline portion of the texture and some minor differences in the chin stubble.

Prototype Final
materials/models/player/engineer/engineer_head.vtf materials/models/player/engineer/engineer_head.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto EngineerHead3D.png TF2Final EngineerHead3D.png

The proto HWM textures have a slightly different skin tone compared to the final. There are also many differences between them.

Prototype materials/models/player/engineer/hwm/engineer_head.vtf materials/models/player/engineer/hwm/engineer_head_stretch.vtf materials/models/player/engineer/hwm/engineer_head_compress.vtf
Final materials/models/player/engineer/hwm/engineer_head.vtf materials/models/player/engineer/hwm/engineer_head_stretch.vtf materials/models/player/engineer/hwm/engineer_head_compress.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto EngineerHWMHead3D.png TF2Final EngineerHWMHead3D.png


Head Textures

The Heavy's proto head has a slightly different skin tone compared to the final. As well, the Heavy's non-HWM head texture in the proto is identical to the HWM texture in the proto.

Prototype Final
materials/models/player/hvyweapon/heavy_head.vtf materials/models/player/hvyweapon/heavy_head.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto HeavyHead3D.png TF2Final HeavyHead3D.png

Many visible differences between the proto and final HWM head textures. Different facial wrinkles, aforementioned slightly different skin tone, mouth definition.

Prototype materials/models/player/hvyweapon/hwm/heavy_head.vtf materials/models/player/hvyweapon/hwm/heavy_head_stretch.vtf materials/models/player/hvyweapon/hwm/heavy_head_compress.vtf
Final materials/models/player/hvyweapon/hwm/heavy_head.vtf materials/models/player/hvyweapon/hwm/heavy_head_stretch.vtf materials/models/player/hvyweapon/hwm/heavy_head_compress.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto HeavyHWMHead3D.png TF2Final HeavyHWMHead3D.png

The Heavy's head phong exponent texture is different between the proto and final. As well, the exponent texture was moved from materials/models/player/hvyweapon to materials/models/player/hvyweapon/hwm.

Prototype Final
materials/models/player/hvyweapon/heavy_head_exponent.vtf materials/models/player/hvyweapon/hwm/heavy_head_exponent.vtf


Head Textures

The Medic's normal head texture in the proto and final are identical. However, the eyes on the proto model appear to be slightly misaligned.

Prototype Final
materials/models/player/medic/medic_head.vtf materials/models/player/medic/medic_head.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto MedicHead3D.png TF2Final MedicHead3D.png

The Medic's HWM head in the proto has a skin tone that matches the non-HWM head. Interestingly in the final release, the HWM head has a slightly different skin tone from even the final's non-HWM head.

Prototype materials/models/player/medic/hwm/medic_head.vtf materials/models/player/medic/hwm/medic_head_stretch.vtf materials/models/player/medic/hwm/medic_head_compress.vtf
Final materials/models/player/medic/hwm/medic_head.vtf materials/models/player/medic/hwm/medic_head_stretch.vtf materials/models/player/medic/hwm/medic_head_compress.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto MedicHWMHead3D.png TF2Final MedicHWMHead3D.png

Unused Content

Three unused textures are present in materials/models/player/medic in the proto:

  • medic_head_lightwarp.vtf, a lightwarp for the Medic's head that is not called by any VMT file.
  • medic_exponent.vtf, a phong exponent texture for the Medic's body that is only called by medic_red_invun.vmt, but the $phongexponenttexture line that calls it is commented out, so it doesn't get used;
//"$phongexponenttexture" "models\player\medic\medic_exponent"
  • medic_head_normal.vtf, an unused normal map for the Medic's head that is not called by any VMT.
(Background of this image has been colored for visual clarity. Click to view the proper version without the background color.)


Head Textures

The proto and final Scout head textures are identical, however there are some differences in them. When viewing the Info tab in VTFEdit, the Reflectivity values for the proto texture are listed as "0.310, 0.169, 0.128". Reflectivity values for the final texture are "0.306, 0.167, 0.126". The proto texture's VTF version is 7.3, while the release is 7.4. As well, on the Resources tab of VTFEdit, the Clamp U and Clamp V values for the LOD Settings are both 8 for the proto, and 9 for the release. Aside from those technical differences, the textures themselves are virtually identical. The eyes on the proto model are also slightly misaligned.

Prototype Final
materials/models/player/scout/scout_head.vtf materials/models/player/scout/scout_head.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto ScoutHead3D.png TF2Final ScoutHead3D.png

There are numerous differences in the HWM head textures.

Prototype materials/models/player/scout/hwm/scout_head.vtf materials/models/player/scout/hwm/scout_head_stretch.vtf materials/models/player/scout/hwm/scout_head_compress.vtf
Final materials/models/player/scout/hwm/scout_head.vtf materials/models/player/scout/hwm/scout_head_stretch.vtf materials/models/player/scout/hwm/scout_head_compress.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto ScoutHWMHead3D.png TF2Final ScoutHWMHead3D.png

The ubercharged head textures for the Scout are not unique to this specific prototype as they appear in the later "PatchVersion" Closed Beta build dated September 17th, 2007. They were changed by release though. The proto head textures appear to be created from a very early Scout head texture.

Prototype materials/models/player/scout/scout_head_red_invun.vtf materials/models/player/scout/scout_head_blue_invun.vtf
Final materials/models/player/scout/scout_head_red_invun.vtf materials/models/player/scout/scout_head_blue_invun.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto ScoutHeadRedInvun3D.png TF2Proto ScoutHeadBlueInvun3D.png TF2Final ScoutHeadRedInvun3D.png TF2Final ScoutHeadBlueInvun3D.png

Body Textures

In the proto, both the Scout team textures used the BLU team's pants color. In the release, they both used the RED team's pants color. This mixup took 17 years to be fixed and was immediately reverted when Valve remembered that leg cosmetics exist. There are also other minor differences in some spots on the texture.

Prototype Final




Prototype Final
TF2Proto ScoutRed3D.png TF2Proto ScoutBlue3D.png TF2Final ScoutRed3D.png TF2Final ScoutBlue3D.png

Hand Textures

The proto Scout hand texture for viewmodels used a brighter white for the hand wrap. This is observable both in any of the original Scout weapon v_models, as well as the models/weapons/c_models/c_scout_arms.mdl model in current-day builds of TF2, as the class c_ arm models use the same textures as the original v_ models for that classes weapons.

Prototype Final
materials/models/player/scout/scout_hands.vtf materials/models/player/scout/scout_hands.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto ScoutHands3D.png TF2Final ScoutHands3D.png

Unused Content

There are a few unused files in the Scout's texture folder.

  • A normal map for the HWM head's compress texture. It is called by materials/models/player/scout/hwm/scout_head_red.vmtin the proto, but the lines that call it are commented out, thus making it unused;
    • Another unused file is called by the $bumpstretch variable; models/player/medic/medic_head_stretch_normal. This file has not been found in any builds.
//"$bumpmap" "models/player/scout/hwm/scout_head_compress_normal"
//"$bumpcompress" "models/player/scout/hwm/scout_head_compress_normal"
//"$bumpstretch"  "models/player/medic/medic_head_stretch_normal"


Head Textures

The Sniper's normal head texture in the proto and final are identical, texture-wise. The proto model features a very slight eye misalignment compared to the final.

The final Sniper head textures used here are from a build prior to May 21, 2009's Sniper vs Spy update. As of the Sniper vs Spy update, the head texture was changed again to add a scar to the Sniper's face, a reference to the Meet the Spy video where the Spy leaves a scar on the Sniper's face.

Prototype Final
materials/models/player/sniper/sniper_head.vtf materials/models/player/sniper/sniper_head.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto SniperHead3D.png TF2Final SniperHead3D.png

The HWM Sniper head textures also feature some minor changes between versions, but said changes are mostly to shading and such. The most major difference is that the final HWM head's beard stubble is shaped differently. The proto HWM head compress and stretch textures feature this same different stubble, but don't actually use it as the main proto HWM head texture still features the full beard stubble.

Prototype materials/models/player/sniper/hwm/sniper_head.vtf materials/models/player/sniper/hwm/sniper_head_stretch.vtf materials/models/player/sniper/hwm/sniper_head_compress.vtf
Final materials/models/player/sniper/hwm/sniper_head.vtf materials/models/player/sniper/hwm/sniper_head_stretch.vtf materials/models/player/sniper/hwm/sniper_head_compress.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto SniperHWMHead3D.png TF2Final SniperHWMHead3D.png


Head Textures

For some strange reason, the proto Soldier model's eyes are always looking up, and are duller looking. This was fixed in the release. There are also shading variances between the proto and final.

Prototype Final
materials/models/player/soldier/soldier_head.vtf materials/models/player/soldier/soldier_head.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto SoldierHead3D.png TF2Final SoldierHead3D.png

The proto HWM compress texture is identical to the proto HWM head.

Prototype materials/models/player/soldier/hwm/soldier_head.vtf materials/models/player/soldier/hwm/soldier_head_stretch.vtf materials/models/player/soldier/hwm/soldier_head_compress.vtf
Final materials/models/player/soldier/hwm/soldier_head.vtf materials/models/player/soldier/hwm/soldier_head_stretch.vtf materials/models/player/soldier/hwm/soldier_head_compress.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto SoldierHWMHead3D.png TF2Final SoldierHWMHead3D.png


Head Textures

The Spy's head in the proto was far less detailed compared to the final. The proto model's head is also shaped slightly differently. The proto model's eyes are also slightly misaligned. As well, while there is an HWM Spy model, there is no materials/models/player/spy/hwm directory in the proto, nor any HWM Spy facial textures. This seemingly indicates that the HWM model in the proto uses the non-HWM textures.

Prototype materials/models/player/spy/spy_head_red.vtf materials/models/player/spy/spy_head_blue.vtf
Final materials/models/player/spy/spy_head_red.vtf materials/models/player/spy/spy_head_blue.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto SpyHeadRed3D.png TF2Proto SpyHeadBlue3D.png TF2Final SpyHeadRed3D.png TF2Final SpyHeadBlue3D.png

Disguise Masks

Spy also had some different looking disguise masks in the proto.

Prototype materials/models/player/spy/mask_demo.vtf materials/models/player/spy/mask_heavy.vtf materials/models/player/spy/mask_scout.vtf materials/models/player/spy/mask_soldier.vtf materials/models/player/spy/mask_sniper.vtf materials/models/player/spy/mask_spy.vtf
Final materials/models/player/spy/mask_demo.vtf materials/models/player/spy/mask_heavy.vtf materials/models/player/spy/mask_scout.vtf materials/models/player/spy/mask_soldier.vtf materials/models/player/spy/mask_sniper.vtf materials/models/player/spy/mask_spy.vtf

Early Building Model Textures

Sentry Gun (Level 1)

The Level 1 Sentry Gun in the proto had some color differences in certain bits of the texture. The front faceplate surrounding the gun barrel was lacking color and a small light in the proto, and what looks to be another light in the top-left corner of the texture was orange in the proto, but was changed to be blue in the final.

Prototype materials/models/buildables/sentry1/Sentry1.vtf materials/models/buildables/sentry1/Sentry1_blue.vtf
Final materials/models/buildables/sentry1/sentry1.vtf materials/models/buildables/sentry1/sentry1_blue.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto Sentry1Red3D.png TF2Proto Sentry1Blue3D.png TF2Final Sentry1Red3D.png TF2Final Sentry1Blue3D.png

Sentry Gun (Level 2)

The Level 2 Sentry Gun, between the proto and release, only had one minor change. A front face plate has been changed to be teamcolored instead of black. The proto model itself is higher poly than the final model, but the proto model also lacks the round button and light on the front panel that the final model has. When applying the proto textures to the final model, the light on the face plate changes to a more Cream Spirit-type of team-coloring because the Level 2 Sentry Gun model also utilizes bits from the Level 1 Sentry Gun texture, specifically the light on the face plate.

Prototype materials/models/buildables/sentry2/Sentry2.vtf materials/models/buildables/sentry2/Sentry2_blue.vtf
Final materials/models/buildables/sentry2/sentry2.vtf materials/models/buildables/sentry2/sentry2_blue.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto Sentry2Red3D.png TF2Proto Sentry2Blue3D.png TF2Final Sentry2Red3D.png TF2Final Sentry2Blue3D.png

Sentry Gun (Level 3)

The Level 3 Sentry Gun, between the proto and release, only had one minor change. The texture of a light was added in the release. The model in the proto is also higher poly than the release model.

Prototype materials/models/buildables/sentry3/Sentry3.vtf materials/models/buildables/sentry3/Sentry3_blue.vtf
Final materials/models/buildables/sentry3/sentry3.vtf materials/models/buildables/sentry3/Sentry3_blue.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto Sentry3Red3D.png TF2Proto Sentry3Blue3D.png TF2Final Sentry3Red3D.png TF2Final Sentry3Blue3D.png

The Level 3 Sentry Gun's normal map also underwent some minor changes between proto and release.

Backgrounds of both images have been colored for visual clarity. Click to view the proper versions without the background color.

Prototype Final


There are no texture differences for the Teleporter, although the model is higher poly compared to the release model.

Prototype Final
TF2Proto Teleporter3D.png TF2Final Teleporter3D.png

Early Weapon Textures

Grenade Launcher Viewmodel

The texture for models/weapons/v_models/v_grenadelauncher_demo.mdl in the proto was much darker compared to the final.

Prototype Final
materials/models/weapons/v_grenadelauncher/v_grenadelauncher.vtf materials/models/weapons/v_grenadelauncher/v_grenadelauncher.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto GrenadeLauncher3D.png TF2Final GrenadeLauncher3D.png

Early RED Bottle

Seen in the bucket icons, this texture was not in any public release builds. As for the matching BLU team texture, it has always been in the game files.

Prototype Final
materials/models/weapons/v_bottle/v_bottle.vtf TF2Proto BottleRed3D.png materials/models/weapons/v_bottle/v_bottle.vtf TF2Final BottleRed3D.png

Early Prop Textures

Train Textures

Several alternate train textures were found in materials/models/props_skybox in the proto. These textures were meant for the skybox train models located in models/props_skybox in both the proto and final. They ended up being removed in the final as the skybox models were most likely made to utilize the textures from props_vehicles instead (need to verify this). Some are almost identical to textures from props_vehicles so for the purposes of the comparison below, the proto textures are from props_skybox, and the final textures are from props_vehicles. What is strange is that these props_skybox textures have several differences to their props_vehicles counterparts.

  • Proto train_tankcar.vtf is darker in shade than the final.
Prototype Final
materials/models/props_skybox/train_tankcar.vtf materials/models/props_vehicles/train_tankcar.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto TrainTankCar3D.png TF2Final TrainTankCar3D.png
  • Proto train_flatcar_leveltop.vtf is considerably darker than the final and also has some variances in details.
Prototype Final
materials/models/props_skybox/train_flatcar_leveltop.vtf materials/models/props_vehicle/train_flatcar_leveltop.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto TrainFlatCarLevelTop3D.png TF2Final TrainFlatCarLevelTop3D.png
  • Proto train_boxcar_noladder.vtf is darker compared to the final, and the stenciled words "KEEP OFF" got lowered a bit on the final texture.
  • Proto train_boxcar_blue_noladder.vtf is missing the BLU team logo, the vertical "BLU" text, and all stenciled lettering/numbering seen on the final texture.
Prototype Final
materials/models/props_skybox/train_boxcar_noladder.vtf materials/models/props_skybox/train_boxcar_blue_noladder.vtf materials/models/props_vehicles/train_boxcar_noladder.vtf materials/models/props_vehicles/train_boxcar_blue_noladder.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto TrainBoxcarNoLadder3D.png TF2Proto TrainBoxcarBlueNoLadder3D.png TF2Final TrainBoxcarNoLadder3D.png TF2Final TrainBoxcarBlueNoLadder3D.png
  • The only difference between the proto and final train_enginecar.vtf and train_orecar.vtf are that the proto textures are 2048x2048, whereas the final textures are 512x512, resulting in the final looking blurrier.
Prototype Final
materials/models/props_skybox/train_enginecar.vtf materials/models/props_skybox/train_orecar.vtf materials/models/props_vehicles/train_enginecar.vtf materials/models/props_vehicles/train_orecar.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto TrainEngineCar3D.png TF2Proto TrainOreCar3D.png TF2Final TrainEngineCar3D.png TF2Final TrainOreCar3D.png

Hydro Construction Light

A construction light prop for the Hydro map had a much different, simpler texture in the proto. The proto texture's size is only 512x512 while the final texture is 1024x1024.

Prototype Final
materials/models/props_hydro/construction_light.vtf materials/models/props_hydro/construction_light.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto HydroConstructionLight3DFront.png TF2Proto HydroConstructionLight3DBack.png TF2Final HydroConstructionLight3DFront.png TF2Final HydroConstructionLight3DBack.png

Hydro Power Substation

A power substation prop for the Hydro map. There's a slight difference in brightness between the proto and final.

Prototype Final
materials/models/props_hydro/small_substation1.vtf materials/models/props_hydro/small_substation1.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto HydroSubstation3D.png TF2Final HydroSubstation3D.png

2Fort Silo Cluster

The proto texture for the models models/props_2fort/silo_cluster01a.mdl and silo_cluster01b.mdl features the Happy Farmers Cooperative logo as seen in early trailers and screenshots, which was removed from the texture in the final for unknown reasons.

Prototype Final
materials/models/props_2fort/silo_cluster01a.vtf materials/models/props_2fort/silo_cluster01a.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto 2FortSiloCluster3D.png TF2Final 2FortSiloCluster3D.png

2Fort Blast Door

The proto texture for the model models/props_2fort/blast_door.mdl features a safety sticker as was seen in early trailers and screenshots, which was removed from the texture in the final for unknown reasons. The sticker, while blurry and hard to read, says "NOTICE" "KEEP DOOR CLOSED".

Prototype Final
materials/models/props_2fort/blast_door.vtf materials/models/props_2fort/blast_door.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto 2FortBlastDoor3D.png TF2Final 2FortBlastDoor3D.png

The VMT for the model, materials/models/props_2fort/blast_door.vmt also uses a custom normal map that was removed in the final.

Background of this image has been colored for visual clarity. Click to view the proper version without the background color.

2Fort Windows

The textures for four of the window models in models/props_2fort underwent changes between the proto and final. The four models are window001.mdl, window002.mdl, window003.mdl and window009.mdl. All four models only had one "lit up" skin in the proto. A second "lit up" skin of a slightly orangier tone was added in release. The final textures appear to have been switched to use grayscale for the "lit up" aspect as they instead utilize $selfillum and $selfillumtint to change the coloring of the windows whereas the proto relied simply on normal $selfillum without tinting and a pre-colored texture.

Prototype materials/models/props_2fort/window001b.vtf materials/models/props_2fort/window002b.vtf materials/models/props_2fort/window003b.vtf materials/models/props_2fort/window009c.vtf
Final materials/models/props_2fort/window001b.vtf materials/models/props_2fort/window002b.vtf materials/models/props_2fort/window003b.vtf materials/models/props_2fort/window009c.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto 2FortWindow0011.png TF2Proto 2FortWindow0021.png TF2Proto 2FortWindow0031.png TF2Proto 2FortWindow0091.png TF2Final 2FortWindow0011.png TF2Final 2FortWindow0021.png TF2Final 2FortWindow0031.png TF2Final 2FortWindow0091.png

Spytech Satellite Dish

The texture for models/props_spytech/satellite_dish001.mdl in the proto appears to be a basic AO bake, while the final was obviously finalized.

Prototype Final
materials/models/props_spytech/satellite_dish001.vtf materials/models/props_spytech/satellite_dish001.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto SpytechSatelliteDish3D.png TF2Final SpytechSatelliteDish3D.png

Spytech Rocket Bottom

The textures for models/props_2fort/rocket002_bottom.mdl in the proto have a few minor differences compared to the final but the major difference is the lack of texturing on the inside of the bottom bits on the proto textures.

Prototype Final
materials/models/props_spytech/rocket002_bottom.vtf materials/models/props_spytech/rocket002b_bottom.vtf materials/models/props_spytech/rocket002_bottom.vtf materials/models/props_spytech/rocket002b_bottom.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto SpytechRocketBottomRed3D.png TF2Proto SpytechRocketBottomBlue3D.png TF2Final SpytechRocketBottomRed3D.png TF2Final SpytechRocketBottomBlue3D.png

Spytech Computer Wall

The texture for models/props_spytech/computer_wall03.mdl got a slight update in the release to color some lights in.

Prototype Final
materials/models/props_spytech/computer_wall03b.vtf materials/models/props_spytech/computer_wall03b.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto ComputerWall03b3D.png TF2Final ComputerWall03b3D.png

As well, a minor change to the materials/models/props_spytech/computer_radar.vtf texture was found between this build and release. The proto texture was more grainier looking compared to the final. This texture would be visible on other computer_wall models in the props_spytech folder.

Prototype Final
materials/models/props_spytech/computer_radar.vtf materials/models/props_spytech/computer_radar.vtf

Spytech Roof Beam

The texture for models/props_2fort/spytech_roofbeam01.mdl in the proto has a few differences compared to the final. The proto texture cannot be swapped onto the final model either due to different UV mapping; you have to use the proto model with the proto texture for it to display correctly.

Prototype Final
materials/models/props_2fort/spytech_roofbeam001.vtf materials/models/props_2fort/spytech_roofbeam001.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto 2FortRoofBeam3D.png TF2Final 2FortRoofBeam3D.png

Trainyard Skylight

The texture for models/props_trainyard/window_skylight001.mdl in the proto appears to be a basic AO bake, while the final was obviously finalized.

Prototype Final
materials/models/props_trainyard/window_skylight001.vtf materials/models/props_trainyard/window_skylight001.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto TrainyardSkylight3D.png TF2Final TrainyardSkylight3D.png

Trainyard Roof Truss

The texture for models/props_trainyard/window_skylight001.mdl in the proto appears to be a basic AO bake, while the final was obviously finalized as well as re-laid out to not have so much empty unused space.

Prototype Final
materials/models/props_trainyard/roof_truss001.vtf materials/models/props_trainyard/roof_truss001.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto TrainyardRoofTruss3D.png TF2Final TrainyardRoofTruss3D.png

Mining Trusses

Several models/props_mining truss models underwent some changes between the proto and final, ranging from new textures to having the model modified to add more bolts.

First we have models/props_mining/truss004.mdl. There's a change in UV layout and general texturing, but the model appears identical between builds.

Prototype Final
materials/models/props_mining/truss004.vtf materials/models/props_mining/truss004.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto MiningTruss0043D.png TF2Final MiningTruss0043D.png

Next up, models/props_mining/truss001_256.mdl. The final texture was heavily modified and resized to 1024x1024, where the proto is 512x512. Also of note is the update to the model to add bolts where there were none before.

Prototype Final
materials/models/props_mining/truss001_256.vtf materials/models/props_mining/truss001_256.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto MiningTruss0012563D.png TF2Final MiningTruss0012563D.png

And finally, models/props_mining/truss001b_256.mdl. The texture between the proto and final is identical, but the final's model instead uses materials/models/props_mining/truss001_256.vtf. Also of note is the update to the model to add bolts where there were none before.

Prototype Final
materials/models/props_mining/truss001b_256.vtf materials/models/props_mining/truss001b_256.vtf
Prototype Final
TF2Proto MiningTruss001b2563D.png TF2Final MiningTruss001b2563D.png

Uniform Locker

The textures for models/props_gameplay/uniform_locker.mdl in the proto are quite different. The proto blue texture is significantly darker compared to the red texture, and the Spy's suits in the proto textures are based on very old textures of the Spy. There are also several other subtle differences between the proto and final.

Prototype materials/models/props_gameplay/unform_locker01.vtf materials/models/props_gameplay/unform_locker01_skin2.vtf
Final materials/models/props_gameplay/unform_locker01.vtf materials/models/props_gameplay/unform_locker01_skin2.vtf
Prototype TF2Proto UniformLockerRed3D.png TF2Proto UniformLockerBlue3D.png
Final TF2Final UniformLockerRed3D.png TF2Final UniformLockerBlue3D.png

Early Textures

Some texture differences for other various textures are present in this build.

Debris Chunk Sprites

A very minor change, three of the debris chunks in the final that are a darker shade of grey actually matched the other chunk colors in the proto.

(Backgrounds colored for visual clarity)


Early Glass Window Textures

The textures for materials/glass/glasswindow001a.vtf and glasswindow001b.vtf are different in the proto, but appear to have been simplified for the release. The proto textures clock in at 512x512, while the final's are 128x128.

Prototype materials/glass/glasswindow001a.vtf materials/glass/glasswindow001b.vtf
Final materials/glass/glasswindow001a.vtf materials/glass/glasswindow001b.vtf

Factory Label Sign Decal

A minor change to materials/signs/factory_label02.vtf was made in the final release to add what was potentially some text that was forgotten in the early version of the texture, on the bottom left hand side of the sign. The text reads "INSPECTED BY J & ASSOCIATES". The identity of "J" is a mystery.

Prototype Final
materials/signs/factory_label02.vtf materials/signs/factory_label02.vtf

Electric Effect Sprite

An electrical effect sprite received a change in the final build, possibly to allow for it to be colored through other means. The proto version was pre-colored blue. The final version was also increased in size from 128x128 to 256x256.

Prototype Final
materials/Effects/electric1.vtf materials/effects/electric1.vtf