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Proto:The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall/"Betony" Demo

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This is a sub-page of Proto:The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.

To do:
Include the remainder of differences from the demo from here.

The third and final Daggerfall demo, released on November 9th, 1995. It contains a tutorial and questline, along with the character creation menu in its entirety along with most gameplay mechanics. Your save automatically ends after 50-100 days, although you can infinitely create new save files.

Differences from the final game

The Betony demo features several changes from the final game.


  • All of the locations featured in the Betony demo, including the titular Betony are not included in the final game.
  • While the whole map is able to be seen in the demo, only the Betony region can be accessed.


  • Perks that are normally gained from being high ranking in a guild are available once you join the guild, so demo players wouldn't have to advance to gain perks.
  • Daedra summoning is unavailable


  • Skills cannot go above 40%


  • There are three spells that don't appear in the final game, although they have no visual effect when cast.
    • A polymorph spell which would've been able to turn you into a bat, raven, fish or wolf.
    • A diminuation spell which would shrink you to half your original height.
    • A detect spell which would work like detect life in later games except it could also detect magic and treasure.


  • There is a 50-100 day time limit for each save but an infinite number of saves can be created.
  • No ships are available for purchase and player ship locations are missing from the MAPS.BSA file, likely because you cannot leave the island of Betony.
  • There is no death animation if the player dies.