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Proto:The Fancy Pants Adventures: World 1/FPMAlpha.swf

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This is a sub-page of Proto:The Fancy Pants Adventures: World 1.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
Notes: There might be more differences, Document them here if found.


Title Screen

Alpha .79 Final
FPA1 BetaScreen.png Fancy Pants Adventure-title.png
  • The text for World 1 is replaced with a green circle.
  • The tutorial and music crediting is absent here.
  • Doors are slightly different, Notably drawn less rough.
  • The text for the game's title, World 1 and copyright text is now white instead of blue normally.
  • The title screen's level layout is a lot more different.

Unused Graphics

Fancypants Man

FPA1 BetaPunchAnim.gif

Fancypants Man punching, probably meant for a scrapped combat system.


FPA KickAnim.gif

Fancypants Man kicking, probably meant for a scrapped combat system.

_parent.moveRL = 0;