Proto:Unreal II: The Awakening/Version 411
This is a sub-page of Proto:Unreal II: The Awakening.
Version 411 from 21st August 2000 is a prototype version of Unreal II: The Awakening, originating from two years and six months before the game was released. Nearly everything in v411 is different in one form or another. It is the most complete Unreal II alpha when it comes to maps and effects. Contains most maps made up to that point but several of the draft maps can only function in earlier protos and thus running a fixed version/frankenbuild by LeoTCK is recommended. Contains also two heavily WIP Shian levels, unfortunately U2 skaarj models are missing and it also contains part 1 skin of U2 Skaarj not seen anywhere else.
Version 411 (both original archive and Leo's frankenbuild) can be downloaded here alongside the other three Unreal II alpha versions.