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Proto:Wolfenstein 3D (DOS)/Map Differences

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Wolfenstein 3D (DOS).

Note: When viewed in ChaosEdit's 3D editor, all the sprites (enemies, objects, etc.) are scrambled and in odd places. This is not the case with the wall textures.

Proto E1L1 Final E1L1
Needs a little something... There, now it looks good

Mostly the same. Aside from some addition and changes in enemy positions (which occur in just about every level) and some objects, the two major differences include a column of wooden blocks removed from the upper center area and a re-arrangement of the pushwalls to get to the secret elevator to go to the secret level.

One of the tables is blocking one of the secret pushwalls in the Proto, rending that secret inaccessible. This is thankfully fixed in the final by moving the chair south two spaces.

Proto E1L2 Final E1L2
Sure is HARD Now it's sof- erm eazy

Some interesting changes here. Most notably, a big chunk of the upper-left portion of the map is removed and the hallway is scrunched down. The cells around the bottom center of the map get scrunched a little bit. The secret pushwalls in the sole blue area roughly in the center of the map are completely rearranged in the final, as well as the rooms. The left room with the chaingun gets a blue wall makeover in the final instead of going into the grey brick area. The pushwall to the right of the Chaingun room in the Proto is moved into the next room to the north and the walls are re-arranged a little bit so the wall types don't clash. Finally, the cell area directly right of the start get some more detail added to them.

Proto E1L3 Final E1L3
Wait, I'm lost! Thanks, now everything is simpler

The most notable change in the level structure is the removal of five rooms in the grid of 20 rooms in the lower-left area of the map. One of these deleted rooms in the Proto is supposed to house a second gold key, is removed in the final. The chaingun hidden in the secret area within a secret area behind the wall to the left of the starting point (relative to the map position) is not there in the Proto version.

Proto E1L4 Final E1L4
Complex really... Now it's like Call of Duty

Here is yet another case of map pieces being removed instead of added in the final. A large treasure room in the lower-left portion of the map, which can be entered through the swastika room, is completely removed in the final. In the center of the map, part of the double-hallway is blocked off in the final, and the double hallway is made into one large hall to boot. Finally, the very large blue hallway that takes up most of the right side in the Proto gets its ends trimmed in the final, nixing two secret areas. The final attempts to make up for this by tossing in a sole chaingun in one of the secret areas in the upper-left portion of the map, though.

Proto E1L5 Final E1L5
Pretty nice place they got here Now it's not so pretty...

Most of the lower-left of the map has been completely redone. A wooden area was added and about a good half of the lower left was removed entirely and filled in. The rooms that survived the cut in the final are roughly the same, however. The diamond-shaped wooden panel area was re-shaped in the final with a couple of green barrels removed. Two blue rooms in a row of three in the lower-right corner were tampered with. The one on the right was removed entirely, the one on the left was made into a secret room, and the one in the middle structurally stays the same, but some food power-ups were added in the final in the lower corners. Another chaingun was added in the room above the aforementioned unchanged room in the final, as well as having a small portion of the room tweaked slightly. Another secret area a bit to the north containing an ammo cache is made a bit larger in the final and has the ammo laid out differently. Finally, at the right-most part of the long hallway in the upper portion of the map, a new room is made out of a funny-looking alcove using a few bits of wall and another door, presumably to make the secret pushwall area less obvious.

Proto E1L6 Final E1L6
Ooh! Challenging! Heaven forbid that we give people a challenge

Roughly one-third of this level got completely axed in the final, most notably the entire lower-right portion of the map. Wooden walls get added to much of the remaining lower-left corner of the map in the final. The Proto contains a large, winding hall in the upper-left portion of the map, much of which is completely filled in and replaced instead with a small room with some health items in it. Finally, two small room-like areas just slightly north of the center of the map are removed, making it a simple hallway instead. Much of the cuts were probably to make the level less confusing, but with the levels using roughly the full map in the previous four levels, one has to wonder why they didn't just re-do the existing areas to make them less maze-like instead of deleting them altogether.

Strangely enough, what's left of the sprite placement in the final is the same as the Proto. It seems much of this level was finished early on.

Proto E1L7 Final E1L7
Sigh, this won't end well will it Yep...

A few more cuts occur in this level, but this time for the better. Two long rooms and part of a hallway are filled in with grey walls in the upper-left portion of the map in the final. The long hallway at the bottom-most part of the map is almost entirely removed and is replaced with a tiny room housing some health restoring food. Finally, a large chunk at the upper-right section of the map is filled in mostly, and replaced with a secret area hiding a helpful trove of ammo and health for what remains of it. Finally, the gold key room in the lower-left corner of the map, the entire left-most wall, the upper-left corner of the level (including two rooms to the right), and two of the rooms near the elevator are made into gray walls.

Proto E1L8 Final E1L8
... Honey I shrunk the map

More rabid Jason-like chopping to simplify the map. Much of the right-most side of the map has been cut out, with much of the lower-right section of the map being filled in entirely. Much of the upper-right section of the map has been filled in with wooden walls and made into secret areas in the final. In the Proto, right in the upper-middle portion of the map, there are three brick rooms; the upper-most one is filled in in the final. Many of the smaller rooms in the lower-left section of the map are filled in, but one in the middle of the left section is replaced with a goofy series of pushwalls to get to a trove of crowns and a 1-Up in the final.

Proto E1L9 Final E1L9
I guess this will be scaled down Oh wait...

Here's a change, this level looks like it's just getting started. It keeps the whole gun shape motif going, however, there are many differences. The gray columns in the center of the room have been extended a bit in the final. The Proto has Hans Grosse right at the other end of the room instead of behind the door at the other end of the room. The secret area on the left side of the arena is made much larger in the final, with many more power-ups included. The door that would normally open to reveal Hans Grosse in the final is actually a locked door. An extra room was added in the final, making the escape way shorter. This was done mostly for housing Hans Grosse, but it also contains a second secret area that isn't in the Proto.

The end-level triggers are not in place in the Proto, so either Hans Grosse's defeat is supposed to end the level, or there is no way to end the level.

Proto E1 Secret Level Final E1 Secret Level
Under Construction! Welcome to the newly built level!

This level looks like it's just starting out. Most of the level in the Proto is one giant hallway, which means if the floor codes are correct, then almost every enemy in the level will come after you as soon as you fire your gun. The purple walls are red brick here because the purple texture hasn't been implemented yet (however, there is room set aside for it in the game's data). Funny enough, the secret areas and the location of the key in the Proto stay roughly in place in the final, with the most drastic change being the secret room in the center being rearranged in the final. More rooms and wall textures are added in the final to make the level far more manageable. Near the exit, the one large room is made into two rooms in the final, housing nothing more than SS guards!