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Red Dead Redemption 2/Miscellaneous

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This is a sub-page of Red Dead Redemption 2.

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  • Some props never show up in the final game, either due to performance issues or design decisions. Sometimes these cut props will show up under the map, like the flagpoles and other props underneath Fort Riggs.
  • Arthur and numerous other characters (most of which are gang members), have lots of cut dialogue. Some of this cut dialogue came from missions or from cut features, such as Arthur originally being able to ride with gang members outside of missions.
    • Arthur has dialogue implying he was going to be able to witness the final encounter with the Chelonians.
    • There exists a bunch of dialogue relating to Arthur in New Austin as well as portions of West Elizabeth, including lines from Sheriff Freeman referring to Arthur by name and lines for Arthur ordering food that is only available in the Blackwater Saloon.
    • Dialogue can be triggered via accessing Pronghorn Ranch's cut interior wherein Mrs. Geddes will ask Duncan where David Geddes has gone off to, only for him to state that he has gone into town. She then begins to bemoan and emotionally play the piano, crying out about how David is always going into town.[1] Another event can occur in the house after this in which she will continue to play the piano.
    • John O'Creagh was originally intended to voice Uncle before his passing, some lines belonging to him remain in the game.
    • Abigail's original voice actor from the first game was intended to make a reprisal, some lines by her are still in the files.
    • Jack Marston's 1899 voice was originally going to be voiced by a male, some remnants of his early voice still remain in the files.
    • Most of the cut cutscenes have dialogue that goes unused in the final game.
    • Dutch has a cut line in which he tries to seduce a female.
    • John has cut dialogue pertaining to him visiting Arthur's grave.
    • Coach drivers have lines relating to gossiping while driving the player to their destination.
    • Silas Crawford has cut lines mentioning Princess Isabeau.
    • Arthur has a bunch of cut ambient combat lines and different lines intended for cracking the reins on a wagon.
    • Some characters have generic lines that could potentially be triggered in the game, but are not for one reason or another. Just a few examples of this include things such as Molly's generic lines for riding a horse despite her never doing so (it is worth noting that text in the game suggests characters like Molly and Pearson would be able to drive vehicles, and ride horses), gang member's lines for being hogtied, sheriffs (including those in Blackwater and New Austin) referring to Arthur by name or to the Van der Linde gang, ambient lines for characters that only appear in "The Gilded Cage", and Joe Butler's lines for storming off or engaging in a fight.
    • Sheriffs have lines for bringing out dogs to track down the player.
    • Despite only a few select characters actually playing blackjack and poker, many NPCs including generic women, men, lawmen, shopkeepers, etc. have lines for playing it as well as the cut minigame liar's dice.
  • Text that was cut from the game suggests that you could originally visit someone at Lagras, Manzanita Post, Benedict Point, Butcher Creek, Valentine, Strawberry, and Blackwater who would buy stolen horses from you or forge papers so that your horse wouldn't be considered stolen and you could sell them to the stable. There is also text suggesting you could solicit the services of a horse trainer.
  • Many cut models exist within the game files. Most notably, cut models exist for a caboose door (intended to be used in the cut "tre2" mission), a crashed train, and a train stopper (intended for the "ind2" mission).
  • John was supposed to be able to shave in the bedroom of Beecher's Hope before the house had reached its full completion.
  • The bathing ladies were originally supposed to be prostitutes, the prostitutes even spawn outside of the player's view in some scenarios when the bathing lady appears.
  • In some trailers and pictures for the game, Charles is seen riding Falmouth prior to the epilogue.
  • Molly O'Shea originally was going to be buried in a unmarked grave in relative close proximity to Beaver Hollow instead of her body being burned. The texture of grave, location coordinates and model exist in the game files. It can be spawned with mods.[2]
  • The player was intended to be able to borrow horses from gang members.
  • Wapiti Warriors were intended to act as lawmen in the Ambarino region, but this functionality was completely cut prior to release.
  • Cut saloon dishes including Turtle Soup, Consomme, Cornbread, Corned Beef Hash, Crab Cakes, a Ham Sandwich, a Liver Sandwich, Oyster Stew, a Pork Biscuit Sandwich, and Potatoes and Peas were scrapped from the game at some point in development. It is possible (though unconfirmed) that they were intended for Armadillo, Mexico, Emerald Ranch, and Guarma as those locations either don't serve food or were originally intended to have a functioning saloon.
  • It was apparently originally possible to cheat in certain games, as text classifying the player as a cheater is leftover in the files.
  • When Arthur was originally supposed to visit New Austin in 1899, the Cholera outbreak would've been replaced with the Scarlet Fever outbreak (which is still mentioned in-game) to keep it historically accurate to the time period.
  • Arthur has cut journal entries and drawings for animals, plants, and points of interest that are exclusive to New Austin as well as the Great Plains and Tall Trees areas of West Elizabeth, which he cannot access through normal means. This includes entries for Red Sage, Wild Feverfew, a Gila Monster, a Labrador Retriever, a Peccary, an Armadillo, a Californian Condor, a Sonoran Pronghorn, the Legendary Cougar, the Legendary Pronghorn, the Legendary Tatanka Bison, and points of interest including the Jesuit Missionary, Donkey Lady, Sperm Whale Bones, Circus Wagons, Wickiup, and the Crashed Airship. He also has a cut journal entry for finishing "A Test of Faith" and for seeing the later phases of the Strange Man's shack. John has cut journal entries for the Green Sea Turtle (Arthur's entry isn't technically cut as the player can still study them), other Guarma exclusive animals including the Scarlet Macaw, Great Green Macaw, Parrot, and the Red-Footed Booby, as well as certain animals from missions such as a Shire, American Standardbred, and a Tennessee Walker (Arthur is required to mount at least one Shire, American Standardbred, and one Tennessee Walker, skipping these parts of the missions will still fill out the journal entry). In order to get some journal entries for John such as the deer, yarrow, and rabbit entry the player must skip certain parts of missions.
  • A pirate skeleton was cut from the game in which it seems Arthur could've obtained the jacket and hat from on Guarma. There also exists a cut pirate skeleton key which may have been related to this.
  • Evidence within the game suggests that shopkeepers and lawmen were supposed to be able to change into more casual outfits and were able to leave their posts and play a game or get a drink at the saloon. It's also possible they would've loitered at other locations around town, but this functionality was scrapped at an indeterminant time prior to the game's release.
  • There are many cut cutscenes that are not tied to a specific mission leftover in the game.
    • If Arthur were to have been arrested in Annesburg, a cutscene involving Charles bringing in a hostage and demanding for him to be released would have played. Charles rides away on a Standard Horse at the end.[3]
    • A cutscene exists of John giving Jack a new book before walking out of his room.[4]
    • A cutscene in the end credits was supposed to feature Edgar Ross and Fordham interrogating citizens and Sheriff Hanley in Strawberry.[5]
  • Sometimes, after the player dies in a mission there are extended animations and dialogue tied to their death that cannot be seen or heard due to it being abruptly cut off.
  • Despite there being no horses on Guarma, there is mission fail text for attacking some of the characters exclusive to there such as Baptiste's and Hercule's horses.
  • Some animations are marked as being intended for a trailer, though not all of them were used.
  • It seems at one point the player could've saved the starving kids at Clawson's Rest, cut text shows they would've been taken to the sheriff in Valentine.
  • The Chelonians were originally known as "Kelonians".
  • Internally, The Grand Korrigan is referred to as the Serendipity, implying it was originally intended to be that ship.
  • Arthur's police uniform disguise is much darker in the mission prior to and after him wearing it, implying the Saint Denis Police uniforms were originally meant to be darker in color.
  • There is an unused file mentioning quicksand.
  • In the files, there is an unused cheat code: "IS IT STRENGTH OR TRUE WEAKNESS?".
  • Thomas Downes' grave is in a different location during a trailer for the game, the grave Edith Downes mourns at is not present in that location in the final game.
  • At some point in development, the player could set up camp on Guarma.
  • The picture at the Aberdeen Pig Farm's textures have it listed as a picture of a grandmother, possibly implying it was originally meant to be the Aberdeen couple's grandmother.
  • A few blips were cut from the game including a blacksmith, riverboat, plant, fence building, locked house, rustling, round up, market stall, epilogue feeding, epilogue guard, and bank blip. The epilogue guard and epilogue feed blip appear to have been intended to be used at Pronghorn Ranch and would've likely had corresponding actions/minigames attached to them.
  • The actor for Sadie recounts a take of a scene cut from the epilogue which caused some of the actors present to feel uncomfortable regarding their manhood.
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U38E1Iaa3Bc
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVYnTUogY8o
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVynPadbc3A
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWJx8WCmedM
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz5Q3ZK-VKc