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Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad

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Title Screen

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad

Developer: Tripwire Interactive
Publisher: Tripwire Interactive
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: September 13, 2011

MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.

Unused Cutscenes

Soviet Defeat

A cutscene that was to play after the Soviet team got their asses kicked in Multiplayer, which comes complete with an awesome theme. The file's name is CampaignMPDefeatSoviet.bik.

German Victory

A cutscene that was to play after the German team won in Multiplayer. The file's name is CampaignMPVictoryGerman.bik.

The headline on the newspaper translates to "Journal of Greater Germany's National Socialist movement" (Kampfblatt der nationalsozialistischen Bewegung Großdeutschlands).