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Rescue: The Embassy Mission

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Title Screen

Rescue: The Embassy Mission

Also known as: Hostages: The Embassy Mission (JP)
Developer: Kemco
Publisher: Kemco
Platform: NES
Released in JP: 1989
Released in US: 1990

RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

Regional Differences

Title Screen

Japan US/Europe
Hostages The Embassy Mission nes title.png Rescue The Embassy Mission nes title.png

Main Menu

The difficulty levels were changed to military ranks.

Japan US/Europe
Hostages The Embassy Mission nes menu.png Rescue The Embassy Mission nes menu.png


You can trigger different endings depending on the results of the final mission.


All hostages and rescuers lived.

Japanese Translation English
オメテトウ! カンセンナ ショウリヲ オサメ、 
サクセンハ シュウリョウシタ。
ヒトシチヲ センイン キュウシュツシ、
タイインモ フシ セイカンシタ。 
コンコモ ケントウヲ イノル。
Congratulations!! The operation 
ended with a complete victory.
The team has freed the hostages, 
and team members survived safely.
I wish you good luck in the future.
Total victory!!
Mission accomplished!!
The team has freed
the hostages, and all of 
them are safe and sound.


Some hostages died, but all rescuers lived.

Japanese Translation English
コノ ニンムハ シッハイト イエヨウ!!
タイインカ ヒトシチヲ コロシテ シマッタ。
テロリストノ センメツモ タイインノ セイカンモ イミハ ナイ。
カンセンナ セイコウヲ メサセ!!
The mission was a failure!!
The team ended up killing the hostages.
There is no point in wiping out the 
terrorists or returning the team members alive.
Aim for complete success!!
One of the team freeing
the hostages has opened
fire, wounding one of them.


Some rescuers died, but all hostages lived.

Japanese Translation English
コンナンナ ニンムタッタ!!
ヒトシチヲ センイン フシ キュウシュツシタト 
イエトモ、 タイインノ ソンカイテ 100% 
セイコウシタトハ イエナイ。
カンセンナ セイコウヲ メサセ!!
It was a difficult mission!!
Team members were injured, 
so the intervention has not been 100% successful, 
even though all of the hostages have been freed.
Aim for complete success!!
Difficult mission!!
The intervention has not
been 100% successful, even
though all of the hostages
have been freed.


Some hostages and rescuers died. This ending lacks a unique message in the English versions, instead displaying the text for #2 above.

Japanese Translation English
コノ ニンムハ カンセンナ シッハイタ!!
テロリストハ センメツサセタカ、 ヒトシチト 
タイインニ ソンカイヲ ウケタ。
ヒナンハ マヌカレナイ! クンレンヲ ツンテ
ツキノ ニンムテノ カンセンナ セイコウヲ メサセ!!
The mission was a complete failure!!
You wiped out the terrorists, 
but the hostages and the team members were injured.
It will surely be condemned!! Train hard, and in 
the next mission aim for complete success!!
One of the team freeing
the hostages has opened
fire, wounding one of them.
(Japanese translation: Niz)