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Revenge of the Bunnies

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Title Screen

Revenge of the Bunnies

Developers: Alex Li, Julie Tung, Julie Zhuo
Publisher: Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: December 2, 2004

ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.

Inspired by the fable "The Tortoise and the Hare", this game sees the bunnies taking revenge on the tortoise for winning the race. They kidnap the turtle family and scatter eight trinkets around the place.

This game was a project for the Stanford University CS 248 Video Game Competition of 2004, winning the "Wackiest Game" award.[1]

Unused Models

Revenge of the Bunnies early turtle statue.png

An early design for the turtle statue, which lacks the moustache.


  1. CS 248 2004 Video Game Competition - Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory, 2004