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Revenge of the Chicken: First Wave

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Title Screen

Revenge of the Chicken: First Wave

Also known as: Chicken's Revenge: First Wave, Kurinaya Mest': Pervaya Razborka (RU), Hühner-Rache: Das Huhn räumt auf! (DE)
Developer: Intenium
Publishers: Alawar Entertainment (RU), Viva Media, GameHouse, etc. (US/DE)
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: 2004
Released in US: 2004
Released in DE: November 18, 2004
Released in RU: 2004

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Revenge of the Chicken: First Wave is a simple shooter.

Development Text

InstBad InstHen RemText RemTime CfgTitle EncTitSh EncTxtSh InstCoin RemTitle AppWndTit BtnOptAdv BtnOptTut EncTitAim EncTxtAim BtnEncBack BtnEncNext BtnEncPrev BtnOptBack CfgCfxMode EncTitCoin EncTitDiam EncTitLock EncTitMult EncTitRock EncTxtCoin EncTxtDiam EncTxtLock EncTxtMult EncTxtRock GameCompl1 GameCompl2 GameCompl3 GameCompl4 GameLvlTxt EncTitCWalk EncTitFFire EncTitSTime EncTxtCWalk EncTxtFFire EncTxtSTime GameLvlTime InstBonuses BtnOptMusVol BtnOptSndVol EncTitCactus EncTitPlayer EncTxtCactus EncTxtPlayer MenuTitleEnc MenuTitleOpt PanelBonLock PanelBonTime RegScrTxtReg StrHScoreDef BtnInGameBack BtnOptAdvTTip BtnOptFullScr BtnOptTutTTip GameComplBack MenuTitleMain PanelBonLevel BtnEncBackTTip BtnEncNextTTip BtnEncPrevTTip BtnMainMenuEnc BtnOptBackTTip EncTitEnemyFly EncTxtEnemyFly GameCompl1TTip GameCompl2TTip GameCompl3TTip GameCompl4TTip PanelBonShield RegScrTxtUnReg BtnRemindGetNow CfgCfxTestTitle EncTitEnemyMine EncTxtEnemyMine MenuTitleInGame PanelBonCacWalk PanelBonKillCac PanelBonRockets BtnHScoreShowTop BtnInGameOptions BtnInGameReStart BtnOptClearScore BtnOptMusVolTTip BtnOptSndVolTTip CfgCfxTestPrompt CfgGfxTestFailed EncTitEnemyMiner EncTitEnemyMouse EncTitEnemyStone EncTitEnemyWoman EncTitFinalEnemy EncTxtEnemyMiner EncTxtEnemyMouse EncTxtEnemyStone EncTxtEnemyWoman EncTxtFinalEnemy GameCompl1HScore GameCompl2HScore GameCompl3HScore GameCompl4HScore PanelBonFastFire PanelBonRailFire PanelBonStopTime BtnHScoreEditSave BtnHScoreShowBack BtnHScoreShowSend BtnInGameBackTTip BtnInGameExitGame BtnOptFullScrTTip BtnRemindGetLater EncTitEnemyBadGuy EncTitEnemyJumper EncTitEnemyRoller EncTxtEnemyBadGuy EncTxtEnemyJumper EncTxtEnemyRoller GameComplBackTTip MenuTitleReminder PanelBonScoreMult BtnHScoreShowClear BtnMainMenuEncTTip MenuTitleGameCompl RegScrTxtUnRegLeft BtnOptMusVolDecTTip BtnOptMusVolIncTTip BtnOptSndVolDecTTip BtnOptSndVolIncTTip BtnRemindGetNowTTip GameUseMouseControl MenuTitleHScoreEdit MenuTitleHScoreShow BtnHScoreShowTopTTip BtnInGameOptionsTTip BtnInGameReStartTTip BtnMainMenuStartExit BtnMainMenuStartGame BtnOptClearScoreTTip GameCompl1HScoreTTip GameCompl2HScoreTTip GameCompl3HScoreTTip GameCompl4HScoreTTip BtnHScoreEditSaveTTip BtnHScoreShowBackTTip BtnHScoreShowSendTTip BtnInGameExitGameTTip BtnRemindGetLaterTTip EncTitEnemyMouseMiner EncTitEnemyStoneMaker EncTxtEnemyMouseMiner EncTxtEnemyStoneMaker RegScrTxtUnRegExpired BtnHScoreShowClearTTip BtnMainMenuStartHScore BtnMainMenuStartOptions BtnMainMenuStartExitTTip BtnMainMenuStartGameTTip BtnHScoreShowLastScoreTxt BtnMainMenuStartHScoreTTip BtnMainMenuStartOptionsTTip

This can be found at the end of strings.bin.


Located in HuhnerRache.stg is config.inf, which seemingly has options for debugging. Both of the options can be edited, though they don't work as changing the variables from "0" to "1" doesn't affect anything in the game. This is most likely a development leftover.

Version Differences

Kids Mode

To do:
Explain how this mode differs from the others.

In some versions, a "Kids Mode" appears alongside the usual Normal, HardCore, and Timed modes.


RevengeOfTheChicken Boss.png

Some (not all) versions have this image which appears to be a leftover from a trial version of some sorts (it may appear due to a bug even in the full versions, though). It's a screenshot of WordPad (the window of which contains German text that prompts you to "activate the game" because of "its trial period running out") running on Windows XP.

The image can be triggered by pressing B. When this image appears (in some versions), it appears in fullscreen, and there's no way of exiting the game during this image's appearance other than ending the process.

Alle Spiele auf dieser Website kannst du kostenlos herunterladen und ausprobieren. Jedes Spiel is auf eine Laufzeit von 60 Minuten beschränkt. Diese Laufzeit
gestatten wir dir unentgeltlich, damit du jedes Spiel ansehen und dich dann erst entscheiden kannst, ob du es in der Vollversion haben möchtest.

Dieser Prozess, das heißt der Umwandlungsprozess von einer Demo- in die Vollversion des jeweiligen Spieles, heißt Registerung. Bei der Registerung musst du eine
Lizenzgebühr (also den Preis für das Spiel) bezahlen. Gleich danach bekommst du eine Freischaltnummer, mit der du das entsprechende Spiel dann frei schalten kannst.

Diese Freischaltnummer ist eine 10-stellige Zahl, die du in das entsprechende Spiel eingeben musst. Dadurch werden alle Einschränkungen im Spiel aufgehoben - somit
verfügst du über die Vollversion des Spiels. Ein neuer Download ist dafür nicht notwendig - du hast also keine zusätzliche Verbindungs- bzw. Downloadkosten!

Um den Registierungsvorgang zu starten, musst du auf den Knopf „Registrieren“ drücken. Diesen Knopf findest du sowohl auf dieser Webseite im
Beschreibungsbereich des jeweiligen Spieles, als auch direkt im GAME CENTER. Danach musst du auswählen, nach welchem Verfahren du zahlen möchtest.

Bei allen Zahlungsvarianten kostet die Registrierung des gewünschten Spieles das Gleiche — es werden dir keine zusätzlichen Gebühren berechnet. Sobald du die
Freischaltnummer erhalten hast, gibst du sie in das Spiel ein. Das ist alles. Die Vollversion gehört dann dir!

All games on this website are free to download and try. Each game is limited to a trial running time of 60 minutes. We allow you this runtime free of charge so that you can watch each game and only then decide whether you want to have it in the full version.

This process, i.e. the conversion process from a demo to the full version of the respective game, is called registration. When you register it, you have to pay a license fee (i.e. the price of the game). Immediately afterwards you will receive an activation number with which you can activate the corresponding game.

This activation number is a 10-digit number that you must enter in the appropriate game. This will remove all the in-game restrictions, giving you the full version of the game. A new download is not necessary for this, so you have no additional connection or download costs!

To start the registration process, you have to press the "Register" button. You can find this button both on this website in the description area of ​​the respective game and directly in the GAME CENTER. You then have to choose which method you want to use to pay.

With all the payment options, registering the desired game costs the same — you will not be charged any additional fees. Once you have received the registration number, enter it into the game. That's all. The full version is yours!