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Rio (Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3)

From The Cutting Room Floor
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Title Screen


Also known as: Rio: The Video Game
Developer: Eurocom
Publisher: THQ
Platforms: Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
Released in US: April 12, 2011
Released in EU: April 8, 2011
Released in AU: April 7, 2011

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?

Rio is a licensed party game based on the animated movie of the same name.

Out of Bounds Text

To do:
See if this text appears in the Xbox 360 & PS3 versions.

Rio Wii TextItem.png

The title screen and menu UI elements exist in 3D space. Behind the title screen on the Z axis, the text "Text item not found!" can be seen.