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Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends.

Story-related Images






These pictures appear to be early variant of beginning of starting campaign cutscene. Two horsemen vaguely can be identified as Carlini (C letter, beard) and Petruzzo (P letter and crown, though he wears a standard helmet in the final version). Two pictures of unknown sniper present, it seems Petruzzo would be killed by him instead of avalanche created by Doge.

UI remnants

RoLMain ui 01.png

As filename suggests, it is the first or at least the earliest variant of UI. It appears to be from really early development stage when BHG developers were planned to do a kind of direct sequel to Rise of Nation. Note there are three resource types: gems (early version of Timonium), gold and the third resource with Metal icon from Rise of Nation, and by combining it with the fact that there are strings in the code about mountains mining (Metal has been mined from mountains in Rise of Nation), one can confidently said Metal was planned to be one of resource type at some stage of development.

RoLBase skin.png

Another early variant of UI. According the fact that it doesn't appear even on the earliest available screenshots (from 2005 E3, 18-20 May 2005), it was scrapped before this period, or never used at all.

Along with different appearance and buttons location, a couple of interesting specifics can be found. First, there's Wood\Timber icon located near Timonium and Wealth icons, which might be a clue to the fact Timber was a collectable resource, just like in predecessor game - Rise of Nations. Second is the fourth district icon, along with already distinct Military, Merchant and Palace district. Given the fact it's only one district (while retail version has unique districts for every nation), it's most probably Guild district icon.

RoLMain ui 02.png

A variation of previous UI.

RoLBase skin market.png

Judging by the filename, it was supposed to be UI for scrapped Market building of feature, though it's unclear why camera icons are here.


RoLHelp icons large.png

A spreadsheet for icons that appears to be from the early developing stage. Note II, III and IV Roman numbers that are most probably represent ages (Rise of Nation used Roman numbers to represent Ages) and were intended for Age Advance tech, since there's no I number.

RoLPlaceholder mp portraits.png

As filename points, this is placeholder for some icons.

RoLIcons kahan large.png

Unfinished icon spreadsheet for scrapped Kahan nation. These ones are for selection icons. (prob I need to download all these icons separately and with unit indication, mb from this post

RoLIcons kahan small.png

A BIG HUGE spreadsheet full of Kahan-related icons. These ones are for abilities and building options. (I need to do the same thing with this)

RoLIcons techs(Kahan).png

An unknown Kahan technology branch.

RoLOld vinci tank.png

A selection icon for old version of Vinci steam tank.


Judging by the name, these icons were intended for Upgrade to City ability, back in early development stages when player has to manually upgrade Small Cities into full-fledged Cities.



A winking yellow smile. No idea what it intended for, probably just another placeholder icon.