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Title Screen


Developer: TOSE
Publisher: Tonkin House
Platform: Game Boy
Released in JP: October 19, 1990

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Watch out for whiplash.

Unused Copyright

Roadster J GB Unused Copyright.png

An unused copyright screen should present itself after the ending, but it never shows. Game Genie code 021-9EF-E6E will enable the screen.

(Source: nensondubois)


To activate the below previously undocumented (save for the course select) cheats, select a driver, then choose yes when asked if you'd like to change the driver's name. Change the driver's name to one of the names in the Name column below, then highlight the corresponding letter in the Letter column and press Start+Select. A sound will confirm correct entry.

Cheat Name Letter
Course Select (press A/B at the race number screen to cycle through the courses) TAROU Y
255 Continues HANAKO J
Max Speed YUUTA T
Opens hidden screen where the body and tire stats of your car can be modified RYUITI O
Harder Difficulty TAKOSU T
Removes all arrows from the track MIYUKI M

(Source: cah4e3)