Rock Revolution (Nintendo DS)
Rock Revolution |
Developer: HB Studios This game has unused areas. |
Konami's take on Harmonix's Rock Band series, which was created after Neversoft took over developing duties for the Guitar Hero series, which, in turn, was based on Konami's own GuitarFreaks series.
The game ultimately ended up being a commercial and critical failure.
Unused Songs
Inside the original American release's file system, data for several unused songs can be found; most of them have at least some semblance of charts (albeit in a slightly different format compared to the used files), and some even have lyrics. No tempo or meter data is available.
Download Battleship (Charts)
File: (4,32 KB) (info)
- Chart data: battleship.dat
- Guitar Beginner: 156 notes
- Guitar Medium: 270 notes
- Bass Beginner: 117 notes
- Bass Medium: 133 notes
- Drums Beginner: 191 notes
- Drums Medium: 265 notes
- Vocals Beginner: 75 notes
- Vocals Medium: 2 notes
- Misc Data: Yes
- Lyrics: battleship.txt
Yeah! Al- right! Oh Yeah! Let's go! Yeah! Al- right! Oh Yeah! Let's Go! C 8 J 2 That's my first shot at you! A 7 F 5 I miss you're still a- li- -ive B 2 J 10 I hit your sub a- gain A 5 B 6 I sunk yo' bat- tle ship I sunk yo' bat- tle ship I sunk yo' bat- tle ship I sunk yo' bat- tle ship
Download Bst (Charts)
File: (10,2 KB) (info)
- Chart data: bst.dat
- Guitar Beginner: 555 notes
- Guitar Medium: 699 notes
- Bass Beginner: 351 notes
- Bass Medium: 639 notes
- Drums Beginner: 483 notes
- Drums Medium: 675 notes
- Vocals Beginner: 1 note
- Vocals Medium: 1 note
- Misc Data: No
- Lyrics: N/A
Though a chart package file exists (cult.dat), all chart data seems to have been erased.
Download Fugitive (Charts)
File: (7,67 KB) (info)
- Chart data: fugitive.dat
- Guitar Beginner: 344 notes
- Guitar Medium: 574 notes
- Bass Beginner: 249 notes
- Bass Medium: 348 notes
- Drums Beginner: 415 notes
- Drums Medium: 716 notes
- Vocals Beginner: 1 note
- Vocals Medium: 1 note
- Misc Data: No
- Lyrics: N/A
Goin' On
Download Goin' On (Charts)
File: (7,67 KB) (info)
- Chart data: goinon.dat
- Guitar Beginner: 231 notes
- Guitar Medium: 358 notes
- Bass Beginner: 205 notes
- Bass Medium: 301 notes
- Drums Beginner: 255 notes
- Drums Medium: 351 notes
- Vocals Beginner: 127 notes
- Vocals Medium: 3 notes
- Misc Data: No
- Lyrics: goinon.txt
man! you got a face that could stop a clock oh ma- -an! you sure know how to rock baby woo you got it go- in' o- -on yeah i said ba- -by woo you got it go- in' o- -on yeah wo- man you ain't had no lov- er ma- -an hon- ey you got the skills stick it to the ma- -an baby woo you got it go- in' o- -on yeah i said ba- -by woo you got it go- in' o- on yeah baby woo you got it go- in' o- -on yeah i said ba- -by woo you got it go- in' o- -on yeah
Highway to Hell
Interestingly, charts were made for the AC/DC classic, making this the only licensed song on this list. Given that Harmonix had managed to secure a licensing deal with the notoriously expensive band (including, but not limited to, having "Let There Be Rock" in Rock Band 2), this wound up getting scrapped.
Download Highway to Hell (Charts)
File: (7,89 KB) (info)
- Chart data: highway.dat
- Guitar Beginner: 314 notes
- Guitar Medium: 371 notes
- Bass Beginner: 182 notes
- Bass Medium: 308 notes
- Drums Beginner: 309 notes
- Drums Medium: 414 notes
- Vocals Beginner: 253 notes
- Vocals Medium: 193 notes
- Misc Data: No
- Lyrics: highway.txt
Li- vin' Ea- sy Li- vin' Free Sea- son Tic- ket on a one way ride ask- in' noth- in' leave me be tak- in' ev- ery thi- ng in my stride don't need rea- son don't need rhyme ain't noth- in' that i'd rath- er do- oo go- in' down par- ty time my friends are gon- na be there too- oo i'm on the high- way to hell on the high- way to hell high- way to hell i'm on the high- way to hell no- o stop sign speed lim- it no- bo- dy gon- na slow me down like a whee- el gon- na spin it no- bo- dy gon- na mess me a- round hey sa- tan payin' my dues play- in' in a rock- in' band hey mom- ma look at me i'm on my way to the prom- ised la- nd i'm on the high- way to hell on the high- way to hell high- way to hell i'm on the high- way to hell i'm on the high- way to hell on the high- way to hell high- way to hell i'm on the high- way to hell i'm on the high- way to hell on the high- way to hell high- way to hell i'm on the high- way to hell
Download Mothra (Charts)
File: (9,35 KB) (info)
- Chart data: mothra.dat
- Guitar Beginner: 423 notes
- Guitar Medium: 786 notes
- Bass Beginner: 438 notes
- Bass Medium: 697 notes
- Drums Beginner: 490 notes
- Drums Medium: 692 notes
- Vocals Beginner: N/A
- Vocals Medium: N/A
- Misc Data: No
- Lyrics: N/A
Download Ninja (Charts)
File: (4,47 KB) (info)
- Chart data: ninja.dat
- Guitar Beginner: 191 notes
- Guitar Medium: 382 notes
- Bass Beginner: 169 notes
- Bass Medium: 257 notes
- Drums Beginner: 247 notes
- Drums Medium: 380 notes
- Vocals Beginner: N/A
- Vocals Medium: N/A
- Misc Data: No
- Lyrics: N/A
Download Queen (Charts)
File: (5,52 KB) (info)
- Chart data: queen.dat
- Guitar Beginner: 226 notes
- Guitar Medium: 394 notes
- Bass Beginner: 201 notes
- Bass Medium: 432 notes
- Drums Beginner: 286 notes
- Drums Medium: 494 notes
- Vocals Beginner: N/A
- Vocals Medium: N/A
- Misc Data: No
- Lyrics: N/A
Download Suvrip (Charts)
File: (6,77 KB) (info)
- Chart data: suvrip.dat
- Guitar Beginner: 251 notes
- Guitar Medium: 462 notes
- Bass Beginner: 232 notes
- Bass Medium: 464 notes
- Drums Beginner: 320 notes
- Drums Medium: 510 notes
- Vocals Beginner: 1 note
- Vocals Medium: 1 note
- Misc Data: No
- Lyrics: N/A
Download Thistown (Charts)
File: (7,41 KB) (info)
- Chart data: thistown.dat
- Guitar Beginner: 260 notes
- Guitar Medium: 410 notes
- Bass Beginner: 304 notes
- Bass Medium: 464 notes
- Drums Beginner: 446 notes
- Drums Medium: 600 notes
- Vocals Beginner: 1 note
- Vocals Medium: 1 note
- Misc Data: No
- Lyrics: N/A
Download Utopia (Charts)
File: (7,21 KB) (info)
- Chart data: utopia.dat
- Guitar Beginner: 314 notes
- Guitar Medium: 419 notes
- Bass Beginner: 246 notes
- Bass Medium: 435 notes
- Drums Beginner: 349 notes
- Drums Medium: 448 notes
- Vocals Beginner: 128 notes
- Vocals Medium: 1 note
- Misc Data: No
- Lyrics: utopia.txt
i de clare a new re pub lic an in de pen dent state of rawk we aren't bound by rules or law just rawk just rawk no crime no strife noth- in' but the good life in u- to- pi- a in u- to- pi- a we're shee- ple free that's my gua- ran- tee we aren't bound by rules or law just rawk just rawk no crime no strife noth- in' but the good life in u- to- pi- a in u- to- pi- a in u- to- pi- a in u- to- pi- a in u- to- pi- a in u- to- pi- a in u- to- pi- a in u- to- pi- a in u- to- pi- a in u- to- pi- a
Unused Graphics
song_select_songs.NCGR contains songlist graphics for two of the game's unused songs, Goin' On and Battleship. Note that the final game uses text data to display titles in the song wheel.
Unused Text
strings.dat contains a very early version of the game's staff roll.
CREDITS --Programmers-- Colin Kris Joe --Design-- Peter Patrick --Art-- Mark Julie --Lasers-- Colin
Uncompiled Source Code?
SongInfo.xml is a song manager file which doesn't seem to be parsed by the game, instead opting for separate .dat files that have more or less the same function. It contains several off-code comments, as well as a creation date (January 24, 2008) and a credit (MitchellW (Mitchell Wells, credited under "Programming" in the staff roll)). This file, much like the unused songs, is also only present in the original American release of the game.
Download SongInfo.xml
File: (5,59 KB) (info)
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by HB Studios
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Konami
- Nintendo DS games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2008
- Games released in October
- Games released on October 15
- Games with unused areas
- Games with uncompiled source code
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused text
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Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Games > Games by content > Games with uncompiled source code
Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by HB Studios
Games > Games by platform > Nintendo DS games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Konami
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2008
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October > Games released on October 15