SAS: Zombie Assault 4 (Android, Windows)/Debug Menu
This is a sub-page of SAS: Zombie Assault 4 (Android, Windows).
Please elaborate. Having more detail is always a good thing. Specifically: How do you access this? |
The debug menu in SAS 4 is pretty functional, since you can do almost anything with it, but it still lacks things that Flash debug menu have. However, there are some things that is not functional, sadly.
In the update 1.10.1, Debug menu got entirely removed from the game.
List of Buttons
Main buttons
Home screen - Instantly moves you to main menu. Also, mission will count as Failed.
Max Zomb +5 - Increases maximum amount of zombies by 5.
Max Zomb -5 - Decreases maximum amount of zombies by 5.
Debug Draw - Does nothing.
Player Death - Makes the player invincible. Even if health drops to 0, player will not die.
Kill Zombies!!! - Kills every zombie on-screen. Sometimes doesn't work or kills only half of zombies.
Add Lvl - Levels up a character. Cannot level up beyond level 100.
Print textures - Does nothing.
Optimize Raycast - Does nothing.
Draw Raycasts - Draws lines, which represent zombies which target player.
Use Basic Raycasts - Does nothing.
Always Drop Loot - Every zombie will carry a random loot.
Close - Closes Debug menu.
Zombie Setup - Opens another Debug menu.
Disconnect - Crashes game.
Loot Chances - Crashes game.
Toggle buttons
Toggle Player Targetable - Enables/Disables player targetting. Zombies will ignore/attack player.
Toggle Effective Raycasting - Does nothing.
Toggle Zombies Stuck - Enables/Disables zombie movement.
Toggle Cull - Enables/Disables cull.
Toggle Gore - Enables/Disables gore.
Toggle Shadow - Enables/Disables shadows.
Toggle Anim - Enables/Disables animations.
Give Buttons
Add Lvl - Levels up a character. Cannot level up beyond level 100.
Give Equip - Gives every single piece of weapon and armor, and unlocks every collection reward. It cannot give [PREM] and unobtainable guns, however.
Give Ammo - Gives 100 ammo to every weapon type.
Give Turrets - Gives 10 of every single type of turret.
Give Grenades - Gives 1 grenade of each type.
Give Money - Gives 100000 money. Hold the button to get the money rapidly.
Give Skills - Gives 100 skills. Using them might cause instant ban.
3 Revive tokens - Gives 3 Revive Tokens.
+1 Augment Core - Gives 1 Augment Core.
+1 Black Strongbox - Gives 1 Black Strongbox.
+1 Black Key - Gives 1 Black Key.
Give X - Gives every single weapon of X type. X can be from Pistol up to Laser.
Mastery X - Increases mastery level of X.
Spawn Buttons
Zombie Spawning - Enables/Disables zombie spawning.
Spawn Assault Team - Spawns 1 Assault Team NPC with a random weapon. Disappears shortly after.
Spawn Turret - Does nothing.
Spawn Zombie X - Spawns X.
X can be:
- Slow - Shambler;
- Faster - Stalker;
- Spitter;
- Runner;
- Fat - Bloater;
- Shield - Shielder;
- Droid Servant;
- Droid Soldier;
- Worm'*';
- Spew Worm'*' - Puke Worm;
- Regurgiator;
- Repatitis - Necrosis;
- ZombieMech;
- Wicker;
- Devastator;
- RepatitisJnr - Necrosis Spawn;
- Loaderbot (Stays at inactive state);
- Zombie (Unused, crashes game)
Add Punching Bag - Spawns Punching Bag (Unused zombie).
Mass spawn - Spawns a bunch of random non-boss zombies.
Zombie settings Buttons
Grade 1/2/3/4 - Sets zombie type (Normal/Fetid/Evolved/Apex or Normal/Savage/???'**'/???'**')
"Modifier" - Spawned zombie will spawn with X modifier. X can be from Fiery Skin to Nightmarish.
'*' - They are not affected by "Zombie settings Buttons".
'**' - Mini-bosses/Bosses spawned with Grade 3 or 4 will have corrupted graphics, but they will behave like Savage ones. Exception is Necrosis Spawns, Grade 3 and 4 will just change their type.