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Seinarukana: Orichalcum no Na no Motoni (PlayStation Portable)

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Title Screen

Seinarukana: Orichalcum no Na no Motoni

Developers: Xuse, KID
Publisher: CyberFront
Platform: PlayStation Portable
Released in JP: April 19, 2012

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Debug Mode

Seinarukana - Debugmode.png

Apply the below code to enable a debug menu when starting a new game.

_S ULJM06035

_C1 Enable Debug Mode
_L 0x20148560 0A2C59E9
_L 0x20148564 00042080
_L 0x203167A4 00A42021
_L 0x203167A8 34020001
_L 0x203167AC 3C0608BE
_L 0x203167B0 0A25215A
_L 0x203167B4 ACC2B458
(Source: Original TCRF research)
Text Translation Notes
デバッグエントリー Debug Entry Allows selection of chapter scenes, battles and enabling system flags.
ADV各章から開始 Start from an ADV chapter Allows starting from a specific chapter.
スキル確認用バトル Check battle skills Allows viewing of tutorial skills. Can also set enemies.
ユーフォリアEXミッション Euphoria EX mission Starts at a specific scene.
CERO撮影用シナリオ CERO shooting scenario Contains a selection of scenes.