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Snow Bros. 2 With New Elves

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Title Screen

Snow Bros. 2 With New Elves

Also known as: Otenki Paradise: Snow Bros. 2 (JP)
Developer: Toaplan
Publisher: Hanafram
Platform: Arcade (Toaplan Version 2 hardware)
Released internationally: April 1994

RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

The sequel to Snow Bros.... with new elves! You know, in case you were concerned the sequel would have old elves.

Regional Differences

Title Screen

Each version of the game uses a different title screen, though the Asian releases all have the same basic layout.

Japan US/Europe
Snowbros2 title J.png Snowbros2 title.png
Korea Hong Kong/Taiwan
Snowbros2 title ko.png Snowbros2 title ta.png

Character Select

To do:
Sprite rips.

The Asian versions use simple line drawings for the portraits on the character select screen. The international versions replaced them with grotesque photorealistic ones... which clearly wasn't for the best.

Asia US/Europe
Cute cartoons! Night terrors!

At least the international versions also replaced the psychedelic portrait backgrounds with solid-color ones...?