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Super Magican

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Title Screen

Super Magican

Also known as: Ling Huan Daoshi (CN), Elf Wor (ROM Header)
Developer: Gamtec
Publisher: Ming Super Chip Electronic
Platform: Unlicensed Genesis
Released in TW: 1994

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.

An unlicensed Zombies Ate My Neighbors-type game where you go around using magic to save your friends. "Super Magican" (presumably a misspelling of "Super Magician") is the name used on the packaging and the title screen.

Unused Password

ElfWor UnusedPassword.png

The game has 17 levels, but only 16 passwords are checked. There is an explicit 17th password, pictured left. The game will refuse to check for it, but you can force the game to check for it with the patch code 58D6:720F in an emulator.

Unused Credits

When the game checks to see if you beat the last level, it jumps into a function that jumps back to the title screen. This jump jumps over a block of unused data which turns out to be code for an unused credits roll. To have the game show the credits roll, use the codes 40A2:4E71 and 40A4:4E71.

Original Chinese Translation
製作群 Production Team
導演: 楊忠溪 Director: Yang Zhongxi
企劃: 余淑娟 Planning: Yu Shujuan
程式: 楊景隆 Programming: Yang Jinglong
美工: 朱貞信 Artwork: Zhu Zhenxin
音樂: 許雅民 Music: Hsu Yamin