Super Mario Galaxy 2/Leftover Source Files
This is a sub-page of Super Mario Galaxy 2.
To do: More formats mentioned here (but without file paths). One filepath here. |
Presumably by accident, the developers left in some uncompiled source data files during the conversion progress. These reveal interesting information such as source file structure, actual file format, date of creation and author.
InitFunction:String:0,Data:String:0,Param00Int:Int:0,Param00F32:Float:0.0,Param01F32:Float:0.0,Param00Str:String:0,Param00VecX:Float:0,Param00VecY:Float:0,Param00VecZ:Float:0 DefaultPos,o,,,,,,, Executor,Enemy,,,,,,, Model,BigBirikyu,,,,,,, Light,,,,,,,, Rail,Use,,,,,,, Effect,BigBirikyu,0,,,,,, Binder,x,,,,,,, StarPointer,o,,100.0,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 Sound,Birikyu,4,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 Clipping,,,954.9,,,,, GroupClipping,o,64,,,,,, DebugNode,敵,,,,,,, UseScaleForParam,o,,,,,,, DemoSimpleCastAll,x,,,,,,,
The source file of Big Amp's (BigBirikyu) initialization function table. Its actual contents are the same.
name:String:"",interpole:Int:-1,play_frame:Int:-1,start_frame:Int:-1,end_frame:Int:-1,attribute:Int:-1 dash,10,30,-1,-1,-1 dashsign,10,50,-1,-1,-1 Find,10,-1,-1,-1,-1 recover,20,-1,-1,-1,-1 turn,10,45,-1,-1,-1 walk,15,45,-1,-1,-1
A very early version of Glamdozer's (BossBussun) animation table file. It lacks information about the majority of its animations.
<TEX_PAT_INFO> { version 3.150 filename W:/wii-mottomario/murata_sho/data/BinaryData/BossJugem/DemoEndingBossJugem toolname Maya source 'Maya 2008 Service Pack 1 - (DemoEndingBossJugem.mb)' date 2010/3/17 time 0:56:47 host EADMURATAS suitable_joint cull_more 47 numjoints 30 numframes 370 playmode onetime numtexpats 1 compress_mat on } ...
This file was exported from the Maya modelling software. It specifies texture pattern information for Giga Lakitu's (BossJugem) DemoBossJugemDown animation.
InitFunction:String:0,Data:String:0,Param00Int:Int:0,Param00F32:Float:0.0,Param01F32:Float:0.0,Param00Str:String:0,Param00VecX:Float:0,Param00VecY:Float:0,Param00VecZ:Float:0 DefaultPos,o,,,,,,, Executor,MapObj,,,,,,, Model,NeedleTrapSide,,,,,,, Light,,,,,,,, Rail,,,,,,,, Effect,NeedleTrapSide,0,,,,,, Binder,x,,,,,,, StarPointer,x,,0.0,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 Sound,o,4,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 Clipping,,,300.0,,,,, GroupClipping,o,16,,,,,, DebugNode,地形オブジェ,,,,,,, UseScaleForParam,x,,,,,,, DemoSimpleCastAll,x,,,,,,,
An early version of Wall Spike Trap's (NeedleTrapSide) initialization function table. It's mostly identical to the final file, however, the early file does not enable Star Pointer support.
<TEX_PAT_INFO> { version 3.150 filename D:/iharaWork/binary/Reaction toolname Maya source 'Maya 7.0P10 - (Reaction.mb)' date 2007/7/27 time 14:17:29 host T7F-GRP12 suitable_joint cull_more 22 numjoints 19 numframes 29 playmode onetime numtexpats 1 compress_mat off } <TEX_PAT> { index 0 mat_name Penguin_EyeM_Mat_v tex_index 0 numtextures 5 tex_name penguin_eye.0 tex_name penguin_eye.1 tex_name penguin_eye.2 tex_name penguin_eye.3 tex_name penguin_eye.4 size 30 pattern 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 4 4 pattern 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 pattern 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 0 } ...
This file was exported from the Maya modelling software. It specifies texture pattern information for the penguin's Reaction animation.
<VISIBILITY_INFO> { version 3.150 filename W:/wii-MottoMario/motokurk/data/BinaryData/Sandy/CloseWait toolname Maya source 'Maya 2008 Service Pack 1 - (CloseWait.mb)' date 2009/11/5 time 18:6:15 host EADMOTOKURK suitable_joint cull_more 34 numjoints 22 numframes 121 playmode loop compress_mat off } <VISIBILITY> { size 2 byte 1 0 } <VIS_POLY> { npolygons 14 vp_param 1 0 vp_param 1 0 vp_param 1 0 vp_param 1 0 vp_param 1 0 vp_param 1 0 vp_param 1 0 vp_param 1 1 vp_param 1 1 vp_param 1 1 vp_param 1 1 vp_param 1 1 vp_param 1 1 vp_param 1 1 }
Another animation source file that was exported from the Maya modelling software. It contains polygon visibility information for Squizzard's (Sandy) CloseWait animation.
StepStorm:Int:0,StepChance:Int:0,StepEndPrepare:Int:0,StepEnd:Int:0,StepSpin:Int:0,SensorMin:Float:0.0,SensorHeight:Float:0.0,SizeUpRate:Float:0.0,BindHeight:Float:0.0,BindFlip:Float:0.0,BindVacuum:Float:0.0,BindRise:Float:0.0,BindUpRate:Float:0.0,BindDownRate:Float:0.0,BindMissV:Float:0.0,BindMissH:Float:0.0 55,60,30,100,30,50,850,0.2,650,25,1.4,10,10,-1,10,0.1
A CSV file that specifies individual sandstorm parameters for Slim Galactic Tornadoes (TwisterSanSlim). Most notably, it consists of fields that have been removed from the final file: StepChance, StepEndPrepare, StepSpin, BindVacuum, BindRise, BindUpRate, BindDownRate, BindMissV and BindMissH. On the other hand, it lacks some fields: StepAdjust, StepFix, SpiralRot and SpiralRadius.